mod 'dsc-xdefender', '0.2.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xdhcpserver', '2.0.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xdisk', '1.0.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xdismfeature', '1.3.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xdnsserver', '1.11.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xexchange', '1.27.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xfailovercluster', '1.12.0-0-0'
mod 'ddsc-xhyper_v', '3.16.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xinternetexplorerhomepage', '1.0.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xjea', '0.2.16-6-0'
mod 'dsc-xmysql', '2.1.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xpendingreboot', '0.4.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xphp', '1.2.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xpowershellexecutionpolicy', '3.1.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xpsdesiredstateconfiguration', '8.5.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xremotedesktopadmin', '1.1.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xremotedesktopsessionhost', '1.8.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xrobocopy', '2.0.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xscdpm', '1.2.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xscom', '1.3.3-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xscsma', '2.0.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xscspf', '1.3.1-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xscsr', '1.3.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xscvmm', '1.2.4-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xsmbshare', '2.1.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xsqlps', '1.4.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xtimezone', '1.8.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xwebadministration', '2.5.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xwebdeploy', '1.2.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xwindowseventforwarding', '1.0.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xwindowsrestore', '1.0.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xwindowsupdate', '2.7.0-0`0'
mod 'dsc-xwineventlog', '1.2.0-0-0'
mod 'dsc-xwordpress', '1.1.0-0-0'
Note: The underlying DSC versions are likely to have changed — you can update
the modules to the latest versions one at a time, while testing each change.
No code changes are required, except for DSC updates.