Puppet Server HTTP API overview


Puppet Server provides several services via HTTP API, and the Puppet agent application uses those services to resolve a node's credentials, retrieve a configuration catalog, retrieve file data, and submit reports.

Puppet and Puppet CA APIs

Puppet Server's HTTP API is split into two separately versioned APIs:

  • An API for configuration-related services

  • An API for the certificate authority (CA).

All configuration endpoints are prefixed with /puppet, while all CA endpoints are prefixed with /puppet-ca. All endpoints are explicitly versioned: the prefix is always immediately followed by a string like /v3 (a directory separator, the letter v, and the version number of the API).

Puppet V3 HTTP API

The Puppet agent application uses several network services to manage systems. These services are all grouped under the /puppet API. Other tools can access these services and use the Puppet primary server's data for other purposes.

The V3 API contains endpoints of two types: those that are based on dispatching to Puppet's internal "indirector" framework, and those that are not (namely the environments endpoint).

Every HTTP endpoint that dispatches to the indirector follows the form /puppet/v3/:indirection/:key?environment=:environment, where:

  • :environment is the name of the environment that should be in effect for the request. Not all endpoints need an environment, but the query parameter must always be specified.

  • :indirection is the indirection to which the request is dispatched.

  • :key is the "key" portion of the indirection call.

Using this API requires significant understanding of how Puppet's internal services are structured, but the following documents specify what is available and how to interact with it.

Configuration management services

The Puppet agent application directly uses these servcies to manage the configuration of a node.

These endpoints accept payload formats formatted as JSON by default (MIME type of application/json), except for File Content and File Bucket File, which always use application/octet-stream.

Note: Legacy PSON (MIME type of text/pson) was used as a fallback for binary content, but it does not support Puppet data types and is not recommended. If you need to serialize binary content, use the Binary data type or binary_file function built into puppet. For an example of how to do this, https://www.puppet.com/docs/puppet/7/lang_data_binary.html#reference_template-creating-binary-typed-content

Environments endpoint

The /puppet/v3/environments endpoint uses a different format than the configuration management and informational services endpoints.

The endpoint accepts only payloads formatted as JSON, and responds with JSON (MIME type of application/json).

Puppet Server-specific endpoints

Puppet Server adds several unique endpoints of its own. They include these additional /puppet/v3/ endpoints:

It also includes these unique APIs, with endpoints containing other URL prefixes:

Error responses

The environments endpoint responds to error conditions in a uniform manner and uses standard HTTP response codes to signify those errors.

Request problem HTTP API error response code
Client submits malformed request 400 Bad Request
Unauthorized client 403 Not Authorized
Client uses an HTTP method not permitted for the endpoint 405 Method Not Allowed
Client requests a response in a format other than JSON 406 Unacceptable
Server encounters an unexpected error while handling a request 500 Server Error
Server can't find an endpoint handler for an HTTP request 404 Not Found

Except for HEAD requests, error responses contain a body of a uniform JSON object with the following properties:

  • message: (String) A human-readable message explaining the error.

  • issue_kind: (String) A unique label to identify the error class.

Puppet provides a JSON schema for error objects. Endpoints implemented by Puppet Server have a different error schema:

  "msg": "",
  "kind": ""


The certificate authority (CA) API contains all of the endpoints supporting Puppet's public key infrastructure (PKI) system.

The CA V1 endpoints share the same basic format as the Puppet V3 API, because they are based on the interface of Puppet's indirector-based CA. However, Puppet Server's CA is implemented in Clojure. Both have a different prefix and version than the V3 API.

These endpoints follow the form /puppet-ca/v1/:indirection/:key, where:

  • :indirection is the indirection to which the request is dispatched.

  • :key is the "key" portion of the indirection call.

As with the Puppet V3 API, using this API requires a significant amount of understanding of how Puppet's internal services are structured. The following documents specify what is available and how to interact with it.

Serialization formats

Puppet sends messages using several serialization formats. Not all REST services support all of the formats.

Note: PSON has been deprecated in Puppet 7 and removed in Puppet 8. You can use the allow_pson_serialization=false setting to prevent Puppet from downgrading from JSON to PSON.