

This document describes the Puppet master's report endpoint and the schema for Report Format 6 in technical term. Also see the documentation.

The report endpoint allows clients to send reports to the master via http or https. Once received by the master they are processed by the report processors configured to be triggered when a report is received. As an example, storing reports in PuppetDB is handled by one such report processor.


The http(s) endpoint for sending reports to the master is:

PUT /puppet/v3/report/:nodename?environment=:environmentCopied!

Supported HTTP Methods


Supported Format(s)

application/json, text/pson




The content of a report is typically generated by the Puppet Runtime and consists of a JSON serialization of Puppet::Transaction::Report object which in turn contains a structure of objects with of the following runtime types:

  • Puppet::Util::Log

  • Puppet::Util::Metric

  • Puppet::Resource::Status

  • Puppet::Transaction::Event

This JSON serialization is compliant with the endpoint's report JSON schema.


Here is an example of a PUT request. (Note that the content-length is not correct as the example is formatted for readability)

PUT /puppet/v3/report/ HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1428

    "message"=>"log message",
      [["total", "Total", 1],
       ["skipped", "Skipped", 0],
       ["failed", "Failed", 0],
       ["failed_to_restart", "Failed to restart", 0],
       ["restarted", "Restarted", 0],
       ["changed", "Changed", 1],
       ["out_of_sync", "Out of sync", 0],
       ["scheduled", "Scheduled", 0]]},
     "values"=>[["timing", "Timing", 4], ["total", "Total", 4]]},
    {"name"=>"changes", "label"=>"Changes", "values"=>[["total", "Total", 0]]},
      [["total", "Total", 0],
       ["failure", "Failure", 0],
       ["success", "Success", 0]]}},
  {"Notify[a resource]"=>
    {"title"=>"a resource",
     "resource"=>"Notify[a resource]",
     "containment_path"=>["Notify[a resource]"],
  "cached_catalog_status"=> "not_used"}Copied!