CollapseStrings are unstructured text fragments of any length. They’re a common and useful data type.
Strings can interpolate other values, and can use escape sequences to represent characters that are inconvenient or impossible to write literally. You can access substrings of a string by numerical index.
Bare words
Single-quoted strings
Double-quoted strings
Each of these have slightly different behavior around syntax, interpolation features, and escape sequences.
Bare words
Puppet treats certain bare words — that is, runs of alphanumeric characters without surrounding quotation marks — as single-word strings. Bare word strings are most commonly used with resource attributes that accept a limited number of one-word values.
Begin with a lower case letter;
Contain only letters, digits, hyphens (
), and underscores (_
); andNot be a reserved word.
is a bare word
string: service { "ntp":
ensure => running, # bare word string
words that begin with upper case letters are interpreted as data types or resource
references, not strings.Bare word strings can’t interpolate values and can’t use escape sequences.
Single-quoted strings
Multi-word strings can be surrounded by single quotation
marks, 'like this'
if $autoupdate {
notice('autoupdate parameter has been deprecated and replaced with package_ensure. Set this to latest for the same behavior as autoupdate => true.')
Line breaks within the string are interpreted as literal line breaks.
Single-quoted strings can’t interpolate values.
Escape sequences
Sequence | Result |
\\ |
Single backslash |
\' |
Literal single quotation mark |
To include a literal double backslash use a quadruple backslash.
To include a backslash at the very end of a single-quoted string, use a double backslash
instead of a single backslash. For example: path =>
'C:\Program Files(x86)\\'
path => 'C:\\Program
Double-quoted strings
Strings can be surrounded by double quotation
marks, "like
Line breaks within the string are
interpreted as literal line breaks. You can also insert line breaks
with \n
(Unix-style) or \r\n
Double-quoted strings can interpolate values. See Interpolation information below.
Escape sequences
Sequence | Result |
\\ |
Single backslash |
\n |
New line |
\r |
Carriage return |
\t |
Tab |
\s |
Space |
\$ |
Literal dollar sign (to prevent interpolation) |
\uXXXX |
Unicode character number XXXX (a four-digit hexadecimal number) |
\u{XXXXXX} |
Unicode character XXXXXX (a hexadecimal number between two and six digits) |
\" |
Literal double quotation mark |
\' |
Literal single quotation mark |
Within double quotation marks, if a backslash is followed by any character other than
those listed above (that is, a character that is not a recognized escape
sequence), Puppet logs a warning: Warning: Unrecognized escape sequence
, and treats it as
a literal backslash.
Heredocs let you quote strings with more control over escaping, interpolation, and formatting. They’re especially good for long strings with complicated content.
$gitconfig = @("GITCONFIG"/L)
name = ${displayname}
email = ${email}
ui = true
lg = "log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s \
%C(cyan)%cr%C(reset) %C(blue)%an%C(reset) %C(green)%d%C(reset)' --graph"
wdiff = diff --word-diff=color --ignore-space-at-eol \
defaultToUpstream = true
default = upstream
file { "${homedir}/.gitconfig":
ensure => file,
content => $gitconfig,
To write a heredoc, you place a heredoc tag in a line of code. This tag acts as a literal string value, but the content of that string is read from the lines that follow it. The string ends when an end marker is reached.
You can use a heredoc tag in Puppet code, anywhere a
string value is accepted. In the above example, the heredoc
tag A heredoc tag starts with Between those characters, the heredoc tag contains end text
(see below) — text that is used to mark the end of the
string. You can optionally surround this end text with
double quotation marks to enable interpolation (see below).
In the above example, the end text is It also optionally contains escape switches (see below),
which start with a slash |
The content of the string starts on the next line, and can run over multiple lines. If you specified escape switches in the heredoc tag, the string can contain the enabled escape sequences. In the above example, the string starts with |
On a line of its own, the end marker consists of:
In the above example, the end marker is |
End text
The heredoc tag contains piece of text called the end text. When Puppet reaches a line that contains only that end text (plus optional formatting control), the string ends.
Both occurrences of the end text must match exactly, with the same capitalization and internal spacing.
Verse 8 of The Raven
Enabling interpolation
An opening tag like
won’t allow interpolation.An opening tag like
allows interpolation.
) that you want to be literal, not interpolated, you must enable
the literal dollar sign escape switch (/$
) in the heredoc tag: @("EOT"/$)
. Then use the escape
sequence \$
specify the literal dollar sign in the string. See the information on enabling
escape sequences, below, for more details.Enabling escape sequences
By default, heredocs have no escape sequences and every character is literal (except interpolated expressions, if enabled). To enable escape sequences, add switches to the heredoc tag.
) and one or more
switches. For example, to enable an escape sequence for dollar signs (\$
) and new lines
), add
to the
heredoc tag
Switch to put in the heredoc tag | Escape sequence to use in the heredoc string | Result in the string value |
(automatic) |
Single backslash. This switch is enabled when any other escape sequence is enabled. |
New line |
Carriage return |
Tab |
Space |
Literal dollar sign (to prevent interpolation) |
\uXXXX or \u{XXXXXX}
Unicode character number XXXX
(a four-digit hexadecimal number) or XXXXXX (a two- to six-digit hexadecimal number)
\<New line or carriage
Nothing. This lets you put line breaks in the heredoc source code that does not appear in the string value. |
escape sequence. So, for example, If you
want the result to include a double backslash, use four backslashes.Enabling syntax checking
If Puppet has a syntax checker for the given syntax, it validates the heredoc text, but only if the heredoc is static text and does not contain any interpolations. If Puppet has no checker available for the given syntax, it silently ignores the syntax tag.
Syntax checking in heredocs is useful for validating syntax earlier, avoiding later failure.
By default, heredocs are treated as text unless otherwise specified in the heredoc tag.
Stripping indentation
) to indicate the position of the first
“real” character on each
line.$mytext = @(EOT)
This block of text is
visibly separated from
everything around it.
a line has less indentation than you’ve indicated with the pipe, Puppet strips any spaces it can without deleting
non-space characters.If a line has more indentation than you’ve indicated with the pipe, the excess spaces are included in the final string value.
Suppressing literal line breaks
If you enable
the L
escape switch, you can end a line with a backslash (\
) to exclude the
following line break from the string value. This lets you break up long lines in
your source code without adding unwanted literal line breaks to the resulting string
lg = "log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s \
%C(cyan)%cr%C(reset) %C(blue)%an%C(reset) %C(green)%d%C(reset)' --graph"
Suppressing the final line break
By default, heredocs end with a
trailing line break, but you can exclude this line break from the final string. To
suppress it, add a hyphen (-
) to the end marker, before the end text, but after the indentation
pipe if you used one. This works even if you don’t have the L
escape switch
$mytext = @("EOT")
This is too inconvenient for ${double} or ${single} quotes, but must be one line.
Interpolation allows strings to contain expressions, which can be replaced with their values. You can interpolate any expression that resolves to a value, except for statement-style function calls. You can interpolate expressions in double-quoted strings, and in heredocs with interpolation enabled.
To interpolate an expression, start with a dollar sign and wrap the
expression in curly braces, as in: "String content ${<EXPRESSION>} more
The dollar sign doesn’t have to have a space in front of it. It can be placed directly after any other character, or at the beginning of the string.
An interpolated expression can
include quote marks that would end the string if they occurred outside the
interpolation token. For example: "<VirtualHost
Preventing interpolation
If you want a string to include a literal sequence that looks like an interpolation
token, but you don't want Puppet to try to evaluate
it, use a quoting syntax that disables interpolation (single quotes or a
non-interpolating heredoc), or escape the dollar sign with \$
Short forms for variable interpolation
- A variable reference (without curly braces) can be replaced with that
variable’s value. This also works with qualified variable names like
. ${myvariable}
- A dollar sign followed by a variable name in curly braces can be
replaced with that variable’s value. This also works with qualified
variable names like
Conversion of interpolated values
Data type | Conversion |
String | The contents of the string, with any quoting syntax removed. |
Undef | An empty string. |
Boolean | The string 'true' or 'false' . |
Number | The number in decimal notation (base 10). For floats, the
value can vary on different platforms. Use the sprintf function for more
precise formatting. |
Array | A pair of square brackets ([ and ] )
containing the array’s elements, separated by a comma and a
space (, ), with no trailing
comma. Each element is converted to a string using these
rules. |
Hash | A pair of curly braces ({ and } )
containing a <KEY> =>
<VALUE> string for each key-value pair,
separated by a comma and a space (,
), with no trailing comma. Each key and value is
converted to a string using these rules. |
Regular expression | A stringified regular expression. |
Resource reference or data type | The value as a string. |
Line breaks
Quoted strings can continue over multiple lines, and line
breaks are preserved as a literal part of the string. Heredocs let you suppress these line
breaks if you use the L
escape switch.
To insert a CRLF in a manifest file that uses *nix line endings, use the
escape sequences in a double-quoted string, or a heredoc with those escapes enabled.To insert an LF in a manifest that uses Windows line endings, use the
escape sequence in a double-quoted string, or a heredoc with that escapeenabled.
Puppet treats strings as sequences of bytes. It does not recognize encodings or translate between them, and non-printing characters are preserved.
However, all strings must be valid UTF-8. Future versions of Puppet might impose restrictions on string encoding, and using only UTF-8 protects you in this event. Also, PuppetDB removes invalid UTF-8 characters when storing catalogs.
Accessing substrings
Access substrings of a string by specifying a numerical
index inside square brackets. The index consists of one integer, optionally followed by a
comma and a second integer, for example $string[3]
or $string[3,10]
The first number of the index is the
start position. Positive numbers count from the start of the string, starting at
. Negative
numbers count back from the end of the string, starting at -1
second number of the index is the stop position. Positive numbers are lengths,
counting forward from the start position. Negative numbers are absolute positions,
counting back from the end of the string (starting at -1
). If the second number is omitted, it
defaults to 1
(resolving to a single character).
$mystring = 'abcdef'
notice( $mystring[0] ) # resolves to 'a'
notice( $mystring[0,2] ) # resolves to 'ab'
notice( $mystring[1,2] ) # resolves to 'bc'
notice( $mystring[1,-2] ) # resolves to 'bcde'
notice( $mystring[-3,2] ) # resolves to 'de'
outside the actual range of the string is treated as an infinite amount of empty
string:$mystring = 'abcdef'
notice( $mystring[10] ) # resolves to ''
notice( $mystring[3,10] ) # resolves to 'def'
notice( $mystring[-10,2] ) # resolves to ''
notice( $mystring[-10,6] ) # resolves to 'ab'
The String
data type
The data type of strings is String
. By default, String
matches strings of
any length. You can use parameters to restrict which values String
parameters are optional. They must be listed in order; if you need to specify a
later parameter, you must also specify values for any prior ones.Position | Parameter | Data type | Default value | Description |
1 | Minimum length | Integer | 0 | The minimum number of (Unicode) characters in the string.
This parameter accepts the special value default , which uses its default
value. |
2 | Maximum length | Integer | infinite | The maximum number of (Unicode) characters in the string.
This parameter accepts the special value default , which uses its default
value. |
- Matches a string of any length.
- Matches a string with at least six characters.
- Matches a string with at least six and at most eight characters.