Resource Type: resources


NOTE: This page was generated from the Puppet source code on 2022-02-07 10:05:45 -0800



This is a metatype that can manage other resource types. Any metaparams specified here will be passed on to any generated resources, so you can purge unmanaged resources but set noop to true so the purging is only logged and does not actually happen.


resources { 'resource title':
  name               => # (namevar) The name of the type to be...
  purge              => # Whether to purge unmanaged resources.  When set...
  unless_system_user => # This keeps system users from being purged.  By...
  unless_uid         => # This keeps specific uids or ranges of uids from...
  # any applicable metaparameters.


Whether to purge unmanaged resources. When set to true, this will delete any resource that is not specified in your configuration and is not autorequired by any managed resources. Note: The ssh_authorized_key resource type can't be purged this way; instead, see the purge_ssh_keys attribute of the user type.

Default: false

Allowed values:

  • true

  • false

  • yes

  • no

(↑ Back to resources attributes)


This keeps system users from being purged. By default, it does not purge users whose UIDs are less than the minimum UID for the system (typically 500 or 1000), but you can specify a different UID as the inclusive limit.

Allowed values:

  • true

  • false

  • /^\d+$/

(↑ Back to resources attributes)


This keeps specific uids or ranges of uids from being purged when purge is true. Accepts integers, integer strings, and arrays of integers or integer strings. To specify a range of uids, consider using the range() function from stdlib.

(↑ Back to resources attributes)