Using special features in implementation methods


For the most part, implementation methods are normal Ruby. However, there are some special features available for accessing Puppet variables, working with provided blocks of Puppet code, and calling other functions.

Accessing Puppet variables

We recommend that most functions only use the arguments they are passed. However, you also have the option of accessing globally-reachable Puppet variables. The main use case for this is accessing facts, trusted data, or server data.

Remember: Functions cannot access local variables in the scope from which they were called. They can only access global variables or fully-qualified class variables.
To access variables, use the special closure_scope method, which takes no arguments and returns a Puppet::Parser::Scope object.

Use #[](varname) to call on a scope object, which returns the value of the specified variable. Make sure to exclude the $ from the variable name. For example:

Puppet::Functions.create_function(:'mymodule::fqdn_rand') do
  dispatch :fqdn do
    # no arguments

  def fqdn()
    scope = closure_scope
    fqdn = scope['facts']['networking']['fqdn']
    # ...

Working with lambdas (code blocks)

If their signatures allow it, functions can accept lambdas (blocks of Puppet code). If a function has a lambda, it generally needs to execute it. To do this, use Ruby’s normal block calling conventions.
Convention Description

If your signature specified an optional code block, your implementation method can check for its presence with the block_given? method. This is true if a block was provided, false if not.


When you know a block was provided, you can execute it any number of times with the yield() method.

The arguments to yield are passed as arguments to the lambda. If your signature specified the number and type of arguments the lambda expects, you can call it with confidence. The return value of the yield call is the return value of the provided lambda.

If you need to introspect a provided lambda, or pass it on to some other method, an implementation method can capture it as a Proc by specifying an extra argument with an ampersand (&) flag. This works the same way as capturing a Ruby block as a Proc. After you capture the block, you can execute it with #call instead of yield. You can also use any other Proc instance methods to examine it.
def implementation(arg1, arg2, *splat_arg, &block)
  # Now the `block` variable has the provided lambda, as a Proc., arg2, splat_arg)

Calling other functions

If you want to call another Puppet function (like include) from inside a function, use the special call_function(name, *args, &block) method.

# Flatten an array of arrays of strings, then pass it to include:
def include_nested(array_of_arrays)
  call_function('include', *array_of_arrays.flatten)
  • The first argument must be the name of the function to call, as a string.

  • The next arguments can be any data type that the called function accepts. They are passed as arguments to the called function.

  • The last argument can be a Ruby Proc, or a Puppet lambda previously captured as a Proc. You can also provide a block of Ruby code using the normal block syntax.
    def my_function1(a, b, &block)
      # passing given Proc
      call_function('my_other_function', a, b, &block)
    def my_function2(a, b)
      # using a Ruby block
      call_function('my_other_function', a, b) { |x| ... }

Related topics: Proc , yield , block_given? , Puppet variables, Lambdas, Facts and built-in variables.