Report reference


Puppet has a set of built-in report processors, which you can configure.

By default, after applying a catalog, Puppet generates a report that includes information about the run: events, log messages, resource statuses, metrics, and metadata. Each host sends its report as a YAML dump.

The agent sends its report to the primary server for processing, whereas agents running puppet apply process their own reports. Either way, Puppet handles every report with a set of report processors, which are specified in the reports setting in the agent's puppet.conf file.

By default, Puppet uses the store report processor. You can enable other report processors or disable reporting in the reports setting.


Sends reports via HTTP or HTTPS. This report processor submits reports as POST requests to the address in the reporturl setting. When you specify an HTTPS URL, the remote server must present a certificate issued by the Puppet CA or the connection fails validation. The body of each POST request is the YAML dump of a Puppet::Transaction::Report object, and the content type is set as application/x-yaml.


Sends all received logs to the local log destinations. The usual log destination is syslog.


Stores the yaml report in the configured reportdir. By default, this is the report processor Puppet uses. These files collect quickly — one every half hour — so be sure to perform maintenance on them if you use this report.