Code and data directory (codedir)


The codedir is the main directory for Puppet code and data. It is used by the primary Puppet server and Puppet apply, but not by Puppet agent. It contains environments (which contain your manifests and modules) and a global modules directory for all environments.


The codedir is located in one of the following locations:
  • *nix: /etc/puppetlabs/code

  • *nix non-root users: ~/.puppetlabs/etc/code

  • Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\PuppetLabs\code (usually C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\code)

When Puppet is running as root, as a Windows user with administrator privileges, or as the puppet user, it uses a system-wide codedir. When running as a non-root user, it uses a codedir in that user's home directory.

When running Puppet commands and services as root or puppet, use the system codedir. To use the same codedir as the Puppet agent, or the primary server, run admin commands such as puppet module with sudo.

To configure the location of the codedir, set the codedir setting in your puppet.conf file, such as:
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/codeCopied!
Important: Puppet Server doesn't use the codedir setting in puppet.conf, and instead uses the jruby-puppet.master-code-dir setting in puppetserver.conf . When using a non-default codedir, you must change both settings.

Interpolation of $codedir

The value of the codedir is discovered before other settings, so you can refer to it in other puppet.conf settings by using the $codedir variable in the value. For example, the $codedir variable is used as part of the value for the environmentpath setting:
   environmentpath = $codedir/override_environments:$codedir/environmentsCopied!

This allows you to avoid absolute paths in your settings and keep your Puppet-related files together.


The codedir contains environments, including manifests and modules, and a global modules directory for all environments.

The code and data directories are:
  • environments : Contains alternate versions of the modules and manifests directories, to enable code changes to be tested on smaller sets of nodes before entering production.
  • modules : The main directory for modules.