Static file content


The static_file_content endpoint returns the standard output of a code-content-command script, which should output the contents of a specific version of a file resource that has a source attribute with a puppet:/// URI value. That source must be a file from the files or tasks directory of a module in a specific environment.

Puppet Agent uses this endpoint only when applying a static catalog.

GET /puppet/v3/static_file_content/<FILE-PATH>

(Introduced in Puppet Server 2.3.0)

To retrieve a specific version of a file at a given environment and path, make an HTTP request to this endpoint with the required parameters.

The <FILE-PATH> segment of the endpoint is required. The path corresponds to the requested file's path on the Server relative to the given environment's root directory, and must point to a file in the */*/files/**, */*/lib/**, */*/scripts/**, or */*/tasks/** glob. For example, Puppet Server sources module files located by default in /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/<ENVIRONMENT>/modules/<MODULENAME>/files/**, and interpolates the metadata from these files into static catalogs for file resources.

Query parameters

You must also pass two parameters in the GET request:

  • code_id: a unique string provided by the catalog that identifies which version of the file to return.

  • environment: the environment that contains the desired file.


A successful request to this endpoint returns an HTTP 200 response code and application/octet-stream Content-Type header, and the contents of the specified file's requested version in the response body. An unsuccessful request returns an error response code with a text/plain Content-Type header:

  • 400: returned when any of the parameters are not provided.

  • 403: returned when requesting a file that is not within a module's files or tasks directory.

  • 500: returned when code-content-command is not configured on the server, or when a requested file or version is not present in a repository.

Example response

Consider a server localhost, with a versioned file located at /modules/example/files/data.txt in the production environment. The version is identified by a code_id of urn:puppet:code-id:1:67eb71417fbd736a619c8b5f9bfc0056ea8c53ca;production, and that version of the file contains Puppet test.

If you run this command:

curl -i -k 'https://localhost:8140/puppet/v3/static_file_content/modules/example/files/data.txt?code_id=urn:puppet:code-id:1:67eb71417fbd736a619c8b5f9bfc0056ea8c53ca;production&environment=production'Copied!

Puppet Server returns:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2016 23:44:08 GMT
X-Puppet-Version: 4.4.0
Content-Length: 4
Server: Jetty(9.2.10.v20150310)

Puppet testCopied!


When requesting a file from this endpoint, Puppet Server passes the values of the file-path, code_id, and environment parameters as arguments to the code-content-command script. If the script returns an exit code of 0, Puppet Server returns the script's standard output, which should be the contents of the requested version of the file.

This endpoint returns an error (status 500) if the code-content-command setting is not configured on Puppet Server.

Note: The code-content-command and code-id-command scripts are not provided in a default installation or upgrade. For more information about these scripts, see the static catalog documentation.


All requests made to the static file content API are authorized using the Trapperkeeper-based auth.conf.

For more information about the Puppet Server authorization process and configuration settings, see the auth.conf documentation.