Lambdas are blocks of Puppet code passed to functions. When a function receives a lambda, it provides values for the lambda’s parameters and evaluates its code. If you use other programming languages, think of lambdas as anonymous functions that are passed to other functions.
Lambdas are used only in function calls. They cannot be assigned to variables, and are not valid anywhere else in the Puppet language. While any function accepts a lambda, only some functions do anything with them. For information on useful lambda-accepting functions, see Iteration and loops.
) characters, followed by a block of arbitrary Puppet code in curly braces.
They must be used as part of a function call.
$binaries = ['facter', 'hiera', 'mco', 'puppet', 'puppetserver']
# function call with lambda:
$binaries.each |String $binary| {
file {"/usr/bin/${binary}":
ensure => link,
target => "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/${binary}",
The general form of a lambda is: -
A mandatory parameter list, which can be empty. This consists of:
An opening pipe character (
). -
A comma-separated list of zero or more parameters (for example,
String $myparam = "default value"
). Each parameter consists of: -
Optionally, another comma and an extra arguments parameter (for example,
String *$others = ["default one", "default two"]
), which consists of:-
An optional data type, which restricts the values allowed for extra arguments (defaults to
). -
An asterisk character (
). -
A variable name to represent the parameter, including the
prefix. -
An optional equals (
) sign and default value, which can be one value that matches the specified data type, or an array of values that all match the data type.
An optional trailing comma after the last parameter.
A closing pipe character (
An opening curly brace.
A block of arbitrary Puppet code.
A closing curly brace.
Parameters and variables
When functions call the lambda it sets values for the list of parameters that a lambda contains. and each parameter can be used as a variable.
Functions pass lambda parameters by position, similar to passing arguments in a function call. Each function decides how many parameters, and in what order, it passes to a lambda. See the function’s documentation for details.
Within the parameter list, the data type preceding a parameter is optional. To ensure the correct data is included, Puppet checks the parameter value at runtime, and raises an error when the value is illegal. When no data type is provided, values of any data type are accepted by the parameter.
When a parameter contains a default value, it’s optional — the lambda uses the default value when the caller doesn’t provide a value for that parameter.
The final parameter of a lambda can be a special extra arguments parameter, which collects an unlimited number of extra arguments into an array. This is useful when you don’t know in advance how many arguments the caller provides.
To specify that the last parameter collects extra arguments, write an asterisk (*
) in front of its name in the parameter list (like *$others
). An extra arguments parameter is always optional. You
can’t put an asterisk (*
) in front of any parameter except
the last one. The value of an extra arguments parameter is always an array, containing every
argument in excess of the earlier parameters. If there are no extra arguments and no default
value, it will be an empty array.
When the provided default is a non-array value, the real default is a single-element array containing that value.
When the provided default is an array, the real default is that array.
An extra arguments parameter can also contain a data type. Puppet uses this data type to
validate the elements of the array. When you specify a data type of String
, the final data type of the extra arguments parameter will
be Array[String]
Whether (and when) to call/evaluate the lambda.
How many times to call it.
What values its parameters must have.
What to do with any values it produces.
Some functions call a single lambda multiple times and provide different parameter values each time. For information on how a particular function uses its lambda, see its documentation. In this version of the Puppet language, calling a lambda is to pass it to a function that calls it.
You must use unique resource declarations in the body of a lambda, duplicate resources cause compilation failures. This means that when a function calls its lambda multiple times, any resource titles in the lambda must include a parameter value that changes with every call.
parameter in
the title of the lambda’s file
resource:file {"/usr/bin/$binary":
ensure => link,
target => "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/$binary",
When the each
function is called, the
array we pass has no repeated values to ensure unique file
resources. However, if we are working with an array that came from
less reliable external data, we could use the unique
function from stdlib
to protect against duplicates. This uniqueness requirement is similar to defined
types, which are also blocks of Puppet code that are
evaluated multiple times.Each time a lambda is called it produces the value of the last expression in the code block. The function that calls the lambda has access to this value, but not every function does anything with it. Some functions return it, some transform it, some ignore it, and some use it to do something else entirely.
function calls its lambda one time and returns the resulting value. -
function calls its lambda multiple times and returns an array of every resulting value. -
function throws away its lambda's values and returns a copy of its main argument.
Every lambda creates its own local scope which is anonymous, and contains variables which can not be accessed by qualified names from any other scope. The parent scope of a lambda is the local scope in which that lambda is written. When a lambda is written inside a class definition, its code block accesses local variables from that class, as well as variables from that class’s ancestor scopes, and from the top scope. Lambdas can contain other lambdas, which makes the outer lambda the parent scope of the inner one.
A lambda is a value with the Callable data type, and functions using the modern function
API (Puppet::Functions
) use that data type to validate any
lambda values it receives. However, the Puppet language
doesn’t provide any way to store or interact with Callable values except as lambdas provided
to a function.