Services endpoint


The services endpoint of Puppet Server's Status API provides information about services running on Puppet Server. As of Puppet Server 2.6.0, the endpoint provides information about memory usage similar to the data produced by the Java MemoryMXBean, as well as basic data on the pupppetserver process's state and uptime. See the Java MemoryMXBean documentation for help interpreting the memory information.

Note: This is an experimental feature provided for troubleshooting purposes. In future releases, the services endpoint's response payload might change without warning.

For information about HTTP client metrics, which are served from the status endpoint, see their documentation.

GET /status/v1/services

(Introduced in Puppet Server 2.6.0)

Supported HTTP methods


Supported formats


Query parameters

  • level (optional): The response includes status information for all registered services at the requested level of detail. Default: info. Valid values:

    • critical: Returns the minimum amount of status information for each service. This level returns data quickly and is suitable for frequently updating uses, such as health checks for a load balancer.

    • info: Returns more info than the critical level for each service. The specific data depends on the implementation details of the services loaded in the application, but generally includes enough human-readable data to provide a quick impression of each service's health and status.

    • debug: This level returns status information about a service in enough detail to be suitable for debugging issues with the puppetserver process. Depending on the service, this level can be significantly more expensive than lower levels, reduce the process's performance, and generate large amounts of data. This level is suitable for producing aggregate metrics about the performance or resource usage of Puppet Server's subsystems.

    The information returned for any service at each increasing level of detail includes the data from lower levels. In other words, the info level returns the same data structure as the critical level, and might provide additional data in the status field depending on the service. Likewise, the debug level returns the same data structure as info, and might also add additional information in the status field.


The services endpoint's response includes information for each service about which the Status service is aware. Each service's state value is one of the following:

  • running, if and only if all services are running

  • error if any service reports an error

  • starting if any service reports that it is starting, and no service reports an error or that it is stopping

  • stopping if any service reports that it is stopping and no service reports an error

  • unknown if any service reports an unknown state and no services report an error

Requests to this endpoint return one of the following status codes:

  • 200 when all services are in running state.

  • 404 when a requested service is not found.

  • 503 when the service state is unknown, error, starting, or stopping

Example request and response for a debug-level GET request

GET /status/v1/services?level=debug

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status-service": {
    "detail_level": "debug",
      "service_status_version": 1,
      "service_version": "0.3.5",
      "state": "running",
      "status": {
        "experimental": {
          "jvm-metrics": {
            "heap-memory": {
              "committed": 1049100288,
              "init": 268435456,
              "max": 1908932608,
              "used": 216512656
            "non-heap-memory": {
              "committed": 256466944,
              "init": 2555904,
              "max": -1,
              "used": 173201432
            "start-time-ms": 1472496731281,
            "up-time-ms": 538974