Installing and managing modules from the command line
CollapseInstall, upgrade, and uninstall Forge modules from the command line with the puppet module
The puppet
command provides an interface for managing modules from the Forge. Its interface is similar to other common package
managers, such as gem
, or yum
. You can install, upgrade,
uninstall, list, and search for modules with this command.
puppet module
command. With code management, you must install
modules with a Puppetfile. Code management purges modules
that were installed with the puppet module
command. See the Puppetfile documentation for
instructions.Setting up puppet module
behind a proxy
To use the puppet module
command behind a proxy, set the proxy's IP address and port
by running the following two commands:
export http_proxy=http://<PROXY IP>:<PROXY PORT>
export https_proxy=http://<PROXY IP>:<PROXY PORT>
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
Alternatively, you can set these
two proxy settings in the puppet.conf
file, by setting
and http_proxy_port
in the user
section of
. For more information, see the Puppet
configuration reference.[user
] section of
the puppet.conf
Setting them in other sections can cause problems.Finding Forge modules
Visit the Forge website to search for and browse modules. Each module on the Forge has its own page with the module's quality score, community rating, and documentation.
Some modules are Puppet supported or Puppet approved. Approved modules are often developed by Puppet community members and pass our specific quality and usability requirements. We recommend these modules, but they are not supported as part of a Puppet Enterprise license agreement. Puppet supported modules have been tested with PE and are fully supported. To learn more, see the Puppet Approved Modules and Puppet Supported Modules pages.
If there are no supported or approved modules that meet your needs, you can evaluate available modules by compatibility, documentation, last release date, number of downloads, and the module's Forge quality score.
puppet module search
command was deprecated in Puppet 6.16.0.Finding and downloading deleted modules
You can still search for and download a specific release of a module on the Forge, even if the release has been deleted.
Normally, deleted modules do not appear in Forge search results. To include deleted modules in your search on the Forge website, check Show deprecated modules in the search filter panel.
To download a deleted release of a specific module, select the
release from the Select another
release drop-down list on the module's page. The release is marked in
this menu as deleted. If you select the deleted release, a warning banner appears on the
page with the reason for deletion. To download the deleted release anyway, click
Download or install it
with the puppet module
Installing modules from the command line
The puppet module install
command installs a
module and all of its dependencies. You can install modules from the Forge, a module repository, or a release
. For example, to
install the puppetlabs-apache
run:puppet module install puppetlabs-apache
You can customize the module version, installation directory,
or environment, get debugging information, or ignore dependencies by passing
options with the puppet module install
Warning: module (/Users/youtheuser/.puppet/modules/module) has an invalid
version number (0.1). The version has been set to 0.0.0. If you are the maintainer for this module, please update the
metadata.json with a valid Semantic Version (
the warning, Puppet still downloads
your module and does not permanently change the module's metadata.
The version is changed only in memory during the run of the program,
so that Puppet can calculate
dependencies.Installing modules from the Forge by using an internet connection
puppet module
command with the long name of the module.
The long name of a module is formatted as <username>-<modulename>
. For example,
to install puppetlabs-apache
, run:
puppet module install puppetlabs-apache
Installing modules from the Forge in an air-gapped environment
- If the module is a Premium Content offering (like the SCE modules), log in to Puppet Forge to gain access to the module.
- In Puppet Forge, locate the module and download the release tarball. In the Installation Method list, click Direct download and Download.
- Copy the downloaded tarball to the appropriate location. The location will be either the primary Puppet server and each compiler, or the source repository that hosts your control repository.
- Install the Puppet module
by using one of the following methods:
- Direct installation using the
puppet module install
command. You can install the module either into your Puppet environment or your control repository. Run a command that is similar to the following example, but specify the file, directory, and module that you require:puppet module install ./puppetlabs-cem_linux-1.6.1.tar.gz --ignore-dependencies --modulepath </path/to/your/modules>
Copied! - Manual installation using a
command. Run a command that is similar to the following example, but specify the file, directory, and module that you require:tar zxvf puppetlabs-cem_linux-1.6.1.tar.gz && mv puppetlabs-cem_linux </path/to/your/modules>/cem_linux
- Direct installation using the
- For any module dependencies, repeat steps through 1-4.
- If you installed the module to your control repository, commit and push the changes.
Installing from another module repository
You can install modules from other repositories that mimic the Forge interface. You can change the module repository for one installation, or you can change your default repository.
option. For example:
puppet module install --module_repository puppetlabs-apache
change the default module repository, edit the module_repository
setting in the
to the base URL
of the repository you want to use. The default value for the module_repository
is the Forge URL,
. See the module_repository
setting in the
configuration documentation.Installing from a release tarball
To install a module from a release tarball, specify the path to the tarball instead of the module name.
option and
manually install any dependencies. For
example:puppet module install ~/puppetlabs-apache-0.10.0.tar.gz --ignore-dependencies
Installing and upgrading Puppet Enterprise-only modules
Some Puppet modules are available only to PE users. Generally, you manage these modules in the same way you would manage other modules. You can use these modules with licensed PE nodes, a PE 10-node trial license, or with Bolt for a limited evaluation period. See your module's license for complete details.
Install modules on nodes without internet
To manually install a module on a node with no internet, download the module on a connected machine, and then move a module package to the unconnected node. If the module is a PE-only module, the download machine must have a valid PE license.
Make sure you have PDK installed. You'll use PDK to build a module package that you can move to your unconnected node. For installation instructions, see the PDK install docs.
Upgrading modules
To upgrade a module to a newer version, use the puppet module upgrade
This command upgrades modules to the most recent released version of the module. This includes upgrading the module to the most recent major version.
puppet module upgrade puppetlabs-apache
For example, to upgrade puppetlabs-apache
version 2.2.0 without any breaking changes, specify the
2.x release to upgrade
to:puppet module upgrade puppetlabs-apache --version 2.3.1
You can also ignore changes or dependencies when upgrading with
command line options. See the puppet module
command reference for a complete list of options.
Uninstalling modules
Completely remove installed modules with the puppet module uninstall
file. To
remove a module, run the uninstall command with the full name of the module. For
puppet module uninstall puppetlabs-apache
By default, the command exits and returns an error if you try to uninstall a module that other modules depend on or if the module's files have been modified after it was installed. You can forcibly uninstall dependencies or changed modules with command line options.
puppet module uninstall --force
the puppet module
command reference for a complete list of options.
puppet module
The puppet module command manages modules with several actions and options.
puppet module
Action | Description | Arguments | Example |
Deprecated. Prepares a local module for release on the Forge by building a ready-to-upload archive file. Will be removed in a future release; use Puppet Development Kit instead. | A valid directory path to a module. |
puppet module build
Compares the files on disk to the md5 checksums and returns an array of paths of modified files. | A valid directory path to a module. |
puppet module changes
Installs a module. | The full name <username-module_name > of the module to
uninstall. |
Lists the modules installed in the modulepath
specified in the [main] block in the puppet.conf file. |
None. |
puppet module list
Deprecated. Visit the Forge to search for modules. This command searched the Forge for modules matching search values. | Deprecated. | Deprecated |
Uninstalls a module. | The full name <username-module_name > of the module to
uninstall. |
puppet module uninstall
Upgrades a module to the most recent release or to the specified version. Does not upgrade dependencies. | The full name <username-module_name > of the module to
upgrade. |
puppet module upgrade
puppetlabs-apache --version 0.0.3
puppet module install
Installs a module from the Forge or another specified release archive.
puppet module install [--debug] [--environment] [--force | -f] [--ignore-dependencies]
[--module_repository <REPOSITORY_URL>] [--strict-semver]
[--target-dir <DIRECTORY/PATH> | -i <DIRECTORY/PATH>] [--version <x.x.x> | -v <x.x.x>]
For example:puppet module install --environment testing --ignore-dependencies
--version 1.0.0-pre1 --strict-semver false puppetlabs-apache
Option | Description | Value | Default |
--debug , -d
Displays additional information about what the puppet module command is
doing. |
None. | If not specified, additional information is not displayed. |
Installs the module into the specified environment. | An environment name. | By default, installs the module into the default
environment specified in the puppet.conf file. |
--force , -f
Installs the module regardless of dependency tree, checksum changes, or whether the module is already installed. By default, installs the module in the default modulepath, even if the module is already installed in another directory. Does not install dependencies. | None. | If not specified, puppet module install exits and returns
information if it encounters installation errors or conflicts. |
Does not install any modules required by this module. | None. | If not specified, the puppet module install action installs the
module and its dependencies. |
Specifies a module repository. | A valid URL for a module repository. | If not specified, installs modules from the module
repository specified in from the puppet.conf file. By default, this is the URL for the
Forge. |
Whether to exclude pre-release versions. A value of false allows installation of pre-release versions. |
true , false
Defaults to true , excluding pre-release versions. |
--target-dir ,
Specifies a directory to install modules. | A valid directory path. | By default, installs modules into $codedir/environments/production/modules
--version , -v
Specifies the module version to install. | A semantic version number, such as 1.2.1 or a string specifying a requirement, such as ">=1.0.3". | If not specified, installs the most recent version available on the Forge. |
puppet module list
Lists the Puppet modules
installed in the modulepath specified in the puppet.conf
file's [main]
block. Use the --modulepath
option to change which directories are scanned.
puppet module list [--tree] [--strict-semver]
For example:puppet module list --tree --modulepath etc/testing/modules
Option | Description | Value | Default |
Specifies another modulepath to scan for modules. | A valid directory path. | By default, scans the default modulepath from the
[main] block in
the puppet.conf
file. |
Whether to exclude pre-release versions. A value of false allows uninstallation of pre-release versions. |
true , false
Defaults to true , excluding pre-release versions. |
Displays the module list as a tree showing dependencies. | None. | By default, puppet module list lists installed modules but does not
show dependency relationships. |
puppet module uninstall
Uninstalls a module from the default modulepath.
puppet module uninstall [--force | -f] [--ignore-changes | -c] [--strict-semver] [--version=] <full_module_name>
For example:puppet module uninstall --ignore-changes --version 0.0.2 puppetlabs-apache
Option | Description | Value | Default |
--force , -f
Uninstalls the module regardless of dependency tree or checksum changes. | None. | By default, puppet module uninstall exits and returns an error if it
encounters changes, namespace errors, or dependencies. |
Does not use the checksum and uninstalls regardless of modified files. | None. | By default, if the puppet module uninstall action finds
modified files in the module, it exits and returns an error. |
Whether to exclude pre-release versions. A value of false allows uninstallation of pre-release versions. |
true , false
Defaults to true , excluding pre-release versions. |
--version , -v
Specifies the module version to uninstall. | A semantic version number, such as 1.2.1 or a string specifying a requirement, such as ">=1.0.3".. | By default, puppet module uninstall uninstalls the version installed
in the modulepath. |
puppet module upgrade
This command upgrades modules to the most recent released version of the module. This includes upgrades to the most recent major version.
puppet module upgrade [--force | -f] [--ignore-changes | -c] [--ignore-dependencies]
[--strict-semver] [--version=] <full_module_name>
example:puppet module upgrade --force --version 2.1.2 puppetlabs-apache
Option | Description | Value | Default |
--force , -f
Upgrades the module regardless of dependency tree or checksum changes. | None. | By default, puppet module upgrade exits and returns an error if it
encounters changes, namespace errors, or dependencies. |
Does not use the checksum and upgrades regardless of modified files. | None. | By default, if the puppet module upgrade action finds
modified files in the module, it exits and returns an error. |
Does not attempt to install any missing modules required by this module. | None. | If not specified, the puppet module upgrade action installs
missing module dependencies. |
Whether version ranges must exclude pre-release versions. |
true , false
Defaults to true , excluding pre-release versions. |
--version , -v
Specifies the module version to uninstall. | A semantic version number, such as 1.2.1 or a string specifying a requirement, such as ">=1.0.3". | By default, puppet module uninstall uninstalls the version installed
in the modulepath. |
PE-only module troubleshooting
If you get an error when installing a PE-only module, check for common issues.
Error: Request to Puppet Forge failed.
The server being queried was
The HTTP response we received was '403 Forbidden'
The message we received said 'You must have a valid Puppet Enterprise license on this
node in order to download puppetlabs-f5. If you have a Puppet Enterprise license,
please see
for more information.'
If you aren't a PE user, you won't be able to use this module unless you purchase a PE license. If you are a PE user, check the following:
Are you logged in as the root user? If not, log in as root and try again.
Does the node you're on have a valid PE license? If not, switch to a node that has a valid license on it.
Are you running a version of PE that supports this module? If not, you might need to upgrade.
Does the node you are installing on have access to the internet? If not, switch to a node that has access to the internet.