Conditional statements and expressions


Conditional statements let your Puppet code behave differently in different situations. They are most helpful when combined with facts or with data retrieved from an external source. Puppet supports if and unless statements, case statements, and selectors.


An if statement evaluates the given condition and, if the condition resolves to true, executes the given code. This example includes an elsif condition, and gives a warning if you try to include the ntp class on a virtual machine or on machine running macOS:
if $facts['is_virtual'] {
  warning('Tried to include class ntp on virtual machine; this node might be misclassified.')
} elsif $facts['os']['family'] == 'Darwin' {
  warning('This NTP module does not yet work on our Mac laptops.')
} else {
  include ntp
An unless statement takes a Boolean condition and an arbitrary block of Puppet code, evaluates the condition, and if the condition is false, execute the code block. This statement sets $maxclient to 500 unless the system memory is above the specified parameter.
unless $facts['memory']['system']['totalbytes'] > 1073741824 {
  $maxclient = 500
A case statement evaluates a list of cases against a control expression, and executes the first code block where the case value matches the control expression. This example declares a role class on a node, but which role class it declares depends on what operating system the node runs:
case $facts['os']['name'] {
    'RedHat', 'CentOS':  {
         include role::redhat
    /^(Debian|Ubuntu)$/:  {
         include role::debian  
    default:  {
         include role::generic 
A selector statement is similar to a case statement, but instead of executing code, it returns a value. This example returns the value 'wheel' for the specified operating systems, but the value 'root' for all other operating systems:
$rootgroup = $facts['os']['family'] ? {
  'RedHat'                     => 'wheel',
  /(Debian|Ubuntu)/  => 'wheel',
  default                      => 'root',

file { '/etc/passwd':
  ensure => file,
  owner  => 'root',
  group  => $rootgroup,

if statements

An "if" statement takes a Boolean condition and an arbitrary block of Puppet code, and executes the code block only if the condition is true. Optionally, an if statement can include elsif and else clauses.


Puppet's if statements behave much like those in any other language. The if condition is evaluated first and, if it is true, the if code block is executed. If it is false, each elsif condition (if present) is tested in order, and if all conditions fail, the else code block (if present) is executed. If none of the conditions in the statement match and there is no else block, Puppet does nothing and moves on. If statements executes a maximum of one code block.

In addition to executing the code in a block, an if statement also produces a value, so the if statement can be used wherever a value is allowed.The value of an if expression is the value of the last expression in the executed block, or undef if no block was executed.


An if statement consists of:
  • The if keyword.

  • A condition (any expression resolving to a Boolean value).

  • A pair of curly braces containing any Puppet code.

  • Optionally: any number of elsif clauses, which are processed in order.

  • Optionally: the else keyword and a pair of curly braces containing Puppet code.

An elsif clause consists of:
  • The elsif keyword.

  • A condition.

  • A pair of curly braces containing any Puppet code.

if $facts['is_virtual'] {
  # Our NTP module is not supported on virtual machines:
  warning('Tried to include class ntp on virtual machine; this node might be misclassified.')
} elsif $facts['os']['name'] == 'Darwin' {
  warning('This NTP module does not yet work on our Mac laptops.')
} else {
  # Normal node, include the class.
  include ntp


The condition of an if statement can be any expression that resolves to a Boolean value. This includes:

Expressions that resolve to non-Boolean values are automatically converted to Booleans. For more information, see the Booleans documentation.

Regex capture variables

If you use the regular expression match operator in a condition, any captures from parentheses in the pattern are available inside the associated code block as numbered variables (for example, $1, $2), and the entire match is available as $0. This example captures any digits from a hostname such as www01 and www02, and stores them in the $1 variable:
if $trusted['certname'] =~ /^www(\d+)\./ {
  notice("Welcome to web server number $1.")

Regex capture variables are different from other variables in a couple of ways:

  • The values of the numbered variables do not persist outside the code block associated with the pattern that set them.

  • In nested conditionals, each conditional has its own set of values for the set of numbered variables. At the end of an interior statement, the numbered variables are reset to their previous values for the remainder of the outside statement. This causes conditional statements to act like local scopes, but only with regard to the numbered variables.

unless statements

"Unless" statements work like reversed if statements. They take a Boolean condition and an arbitrary block of Puppet code, evaluate the condition, and if it is false, execute the code block. They cannot include elsif clauses.


The condition is evaluated first and, if it is false, the code block is executed. If the condition is true, Puppet does nothing and moves on.

In addition to executing the code in a block, an unless statement is also an expression that produces a value, and it can be used wherever a value is allowed. The value of an unless expression is the value of the last expression in the executed block. If no block was executed, the value is undef.


The general form of an unless statement is:
  • The unless keyword.

  • A condition (any expression resolving to a Boolean value).

  • A pair of curly braces containing any Puppet code.

  • Optionally: the else keyword and a pair of curly braces containing Puppet code.

You cannot include an elsif clause in an unless statement. If you do, compilation fails with a syntax error.
unless $facts['memory']['system']['totalbytes'] > 1073741824 {
  $maxclient = 500

The condition of an unless statement can be any expression that resolves to a Boolean value. This includes:

Expressions that resolve to non-Boolean values are automatically converted to Booleans. For more information, see the Booleans documentation.

Regex capture variables

Although unless statements receive regex capture variables like if statements, you wouldn't usually use one, because the code in the statement is executed only if the condition doesn't match anything. It generally makes more sense to use an if statement.

case statements

Like if statements, case statements choose one of several blocks of arbitrary Puppet code to execute. They take a control expression and a list of cases and code blocks, and execute the first block whose case value matches the control expression.


Puppet compares the control expression to each of the cases, in the order they are listed (except for the top-most level default case, which always goes last). It executes the block of code associated with the first matching case, and ignores the remainder of the statement.Case statements execute a maximum of one code block. If none of the cases match, Puppet does nothing and moves on.

In addition to executing the code in a block, a case statement is also an expression that produces a value, and can be used wherever a value is allowed. The value of a case expression is the value of the last expression in the executed block. If no block was executed, the value is undef.

The control expression of a case statement can be any expression that resolves to a value. This includes:


The general form of a case statement is:

  • The case keyword.

  • A control expression, which is any expression resolving to a value.

  • An opening curly brace.

  • Any number of possible matches, which consist of:

    • A case or comma-separated list of cases.

    • A colon.

    • A pair of curly braces containing any arbitrary Puppet code.

    • A closing curly brace case.

case $facts['os']['name'] {
  'RedHat', 'CentOS':  { include role::redhat  } # Apply the redhat class
  /^(Debian|Ubuntu)$/: { include role::debian  } # Apply the debian class
  default:             { include role::generic } # Apply the generic class

Case matching

A case can be any expression that resolves to a value, for example, literal values, variables and function calls. You can use a comma-separated list of cases to associate multiple cases with the same block of code. To use values from a variable as cases, use the * splat operator to convert an array of values into a comma-separated list of values.

Depending on the data type of a case's value, Puppet uses one of following behaviors to test whether the case matches:

  • Most data types, for example, strings and Booleans, are compared to the control value with the == equality operator, which is case-insensitive when comparing strings.

  • Regular expressions are compared to the control value with the =~ matching operator, which is case-sensitive. Regex cases only match strings.

  • Data types, such as Integer, are compared to the control value with the =~ matching operator. This tests whether the control value is an instance of that data type.

  • Arrays are recursively compared to the control value. First, Puppet checks whether the control and array are the same length, then each corresponding element is compared using these same case matching rules.

  • Hashes compare each key-value pair. To match, the control value and the case must have the same keys, and each corresponding value is compared using these same case matching rules.

  • The special value default matches anything, and unless nested inside an array or hash, is always tested last regardless of its position in the list.

Regex capture variables

If you use regular expression cases, any captures from parentheses in the pattern are available inside the associated code block as numbered variables (for example, $1, $2), and the entire match is available as $0:
case $trusted['hostname'] {
  /www(\d+)/: { notice("Welcome to web server number ${1}"); include role::web }
  default:   { include role::generic }

This example captures any digits from a hostname such as www01 and www02 and store them in the $1 variable.

Regex capture variables are different from other variables in a couple of ways:

  • The values of the numbered variables do not persist outside the code block associated with the pattern that set them.

  • In nested conditionals, each conditional has its own set of values for the set of numbered variables. At the end of an interior statement, the numbered variables are reset to their previous values for the remainder of the outside statement. This causes conditional statements to act like local scopes, but only with regard to the numbered variables.

Best practices

Case statements must have a default case:

  • If the rest of your cases are meant to be comprehensive, putting a fail('message') call in the default case makes your code more robust by protecting against mysterious failures due to behavior changes elsewhere in your manifests.

  • If your cases aren't comprehensive and you want nodes that match none to do nothing, write a default case with an empty code block (default: {}). This makes your intention obvious to the next person who maintains your code.

Selector expressions

Selector expressions are similar to case statements, but instead of executing code, they return a value.


The entire selector expression is treated as a single value.Puppet compares the control expression to each of the cases, in the order they are listed (except for the default case, which always goes last). When it finds a matching case, it treats that value as the value of the expression and ignore the remainder of the expression. If none of the cases match, Puppet fails compilation with an error, unless a default case is also provided.

The control expression of a selector can be any expression that resolves to a value. This includes:
Selectors can be used wherever a value is expected. This includes:
  • Variable assignments

  • Resource attributes

  • Function arguments

  • Resource titles

  • A value in another selector

  • Expressions

Tip: For readability sake, use selectors only in variable assignments.


Selectors resemble a cross between a case statement and the ternary operator found in other languages. The general form of a selector is:

  • A control expression, which is any expression resolving to a value.

  • The ? (question mark) keyword.

  • An opening curly brace.

  • Any number of possible matches, each of which consists of:

    • A case.

    • The => (hash rocket) keyword.

    • A value, which can be any expression resolving to a value.

    • A trailing comma.

  • A closing curly brace.
In this example, the value of $rootgroup is determined using the value of $facts['os']['family']:
$rootgroup = $facts['os']['family'] ? {
  'Redhat'                    => 'wheel',
  /(Debian|Ubuntu)/           => 'wheel',
  default                     => 'root',

file { '/etc/passwd':
  ensure => file,
  owner  => 'root',
  group  => $rootgroup,

Case matching

In selector statements, you cannot use lists of cases. If the control expression is a string and you need more than one case associated with a single value, use a regular expression. Otherwise, use a case statement instead of a selector, because case statements do allow lists of cases. For more information, see Case statements.

Regex capture variables

If you use regular expression cases, any captures from parentheses in the pattern are available inside the associated value as numbered variables ($1, $2), and the entire match is available as $0:

$system = $facts['os']['name'] ? {
  /(RedHat|Debian)/ => "our system is ${1}",
  default           => "our system is unknown",

Regex capture variables are different from other variables in a couple of ways:

  • The values of the numbered variables do not persist outside the value associated with the pattern that set them.

  • In nested conditionals, each conditional has its own set of values for the set of numbered variables. At the end of an interior statement, the numbered variables are reset to their previous values for the remainder of the outside statement. This causes conditional statements to act like local scopes, but only with regard to the numbered variables.