

The node endpoint is used by the puppet agent to get basic information about a node. The returned information includes the node name and environment, and optionally any classes set by an External Node Classifier and a hash of parameters which may include the node's facts. The returned node may have a different environment from the one given in the request if Puppet is configured with an ENC.


Retrieve data for a node

GET /puppet/v3/node/:certname?environment=:environment&transaction_uuid=:transaction_uuid&configured_environment=:environmentCopied!

Supported HTTP Methods


Supported Response Formats

application/json, text/pson


One parameter should be provided to the GET:

  • transaction_uuid: a transaction uuid identifying the entire transaction (shows up in the report as well)

An optional parameter can be provided to the GET to notify a node classifier that the client requested a specific environment, which might differ from what the client believes is its current environment:

  • configured_environment: the environment configured on the client


> GET /puppet/v3/node/mycertname?environment=production&transaction_uuid=aff261a2-1a34-4647-8c20-ff662ec11c4c&configured_environment=production HTTP/1.1
> Accept: application/json, text/pson

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 4630
