File Content


The file_content endpoint returns the contents of the specified file.


Get a file.

GET /puppet/v3/file_content/:mount_point/:nameCopied!

The endpoint path includes a :mount_point which can be one of the following types:

  • Custom file serving mounts as specified in fileserver.conf --- see the docs on configuring mount points.

  • modules/<MODULE> --- a semi-magical mount point which allows access to the files subdirectory of <MODULE> --- see the docs on file serving.

  • plugins --- a highly magical mount point which merges the lib directory of every module together. Used for syncing plugins; not intended for general consumption. Per-module sub-paths can not be specified.

  • pluginfacts --- a highly magical mount point which merges the facts.d directory of every module together. Used for syncing external facts; not intended for general consumption. Per-module sub-paths can not be specified.

  • tasks/<MODULE> --- a semi-magical mount point which allows access to files in the tasks subdirectory of <MODULE> --- see the docs on file serving.

:name is the path to the file within the :mount_point that is requested.

Supported HTTP Methods


Supported Response Formats






File found

GET /puppet/v3/file_content/modules/example/my_file?environment=env
Accept: application/octet-stream

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: 16

this is my fileCopied!

File not found

GET /puppet/v3/file_content/modules/example/not_found?environment=env
Accept: application/octet-stream

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/plain

Not Found: Could not find file_content modules/example/not_foundCopied!

No file name given

GET /puppet/v3/file_content?environment=env

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

No request key specified in /puppet/v3/file_content/Copied!


A file_content response body is not structured data according to any standard scheme such as json/pson/yaml, so no schema is applicable.