Upgrade *nix agents

To help simplify the upgrade, use the puppetlabs/puppet_agent module when upgrading between major versions of Puppet agent. To upgrade *nix without the module, you can use the system's package manager.

Before upgrading to another major version, ensure that you have installed the appropriate release package for your platform.
Important: Puppet Core software packages are available only if you purchased Puppet Core as described in Purchasing Puppet Core or accessed the free version as described in Accessing Puppet Core for limited use. After you purchase the product or sign up for the free version, you will have the credentials that are required to access the packages.
On the agent node, run the command appropriate to your system's package installer:
Yum (EL/Fedora):
yum update puppet-agentCopied!

Zypper (SLES)

zypper up puppet-agentCopied!
Apt (Debian/Ubuntu):
apt-get update
apt-get install --only-upgrade puppet-agentCopied!