Running plans from the command line


Run a plan using the puppet plan run command.

On the command line, run the command puppet plan run with the following information included:
  • The full name of the plan, formatted as <MODULE>::<PLAN>.
  • Any plan parameters.
    Note: To find out what parameters can be included in a plan, view the plan metadata by running the command puppet plan show <PLAN NAME> on the command line. For more information, see Inspecting plans
  • Credentials, if required, formatted with the --user and --password flags.

For example, if a plan defined in mymodule/plans/myplan.pp accepts a load_balancer parameter, run:

puppet plan run mymodule::myplan

You can pass a comma-separated list of node names, wildcard patterns, or group names to a plan parameter that is passed to a run function or that the plan resolves using get_targets.

Plan command options

The following are common options you can use with the plan action. For a complete list of global options run puppet plan --help.

Option Definition
--params A string value used to specify either a JSON object that includes the parameters or the path to a JSON file containing the parameters, prefaced with @. For example, @/path/to/file.json. Do not use this flag if specifying inline parameter-value pairs.
--environment or -e The name of the environment where the plan is installed.
--description A flag used to provide a description for the job to be shown on the job list and job details pages and returned with the puppet job show command. It defaults to empty.
You can pass parameters into the plan one of two ways:
  • Inline, using the <PARAMETER>=<VALUE> syntax.

  • With the --params option, as a JSON object or reference to a JSON file.

For example, review this plan:
plan example::test_params(Targetspec $nodes, String $command){
  run_command($command, $nodes)
You can pass parameters using either option below:
  • puppet plan run example::test_params command=whoamiCopied!
  • puppet plan run example::test_params --params ‘{“nodes”:””, “command”:”whoami”}’Copied!

You can't combine these two ways of passing in parameters. Choose either inline or --params.

If you use the inline way, parameter types other than string, integer, double, and Boolean will be interpreted as strings. Use the --params method if you want them read as their original type.