Node inventory API



These are the endpoints for the node inventory v1 API.

Node inventory API: forming requests

Make well-formed HTTP(S) requests to the Puppet inventory service API.

By default, the node inventory service listens on port 8143, and all endpoints are relative to the /inventory/v1 path. For example, the full URL for the /command/create-connection endpoint on localhost is https://localhost:8143/inventory/v1/command/create-connection.

Token authentication

All requests made to the inventory service API require authentication. You do this for each endpoint in the service using user authentication tokens contained within the X-Authentication request header.

Example token usage: create a connection entry

To post a new connection entry to the inventory service when running on localhost, first generate a token with the puppet-access tool.

type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8143/inventory/v1/command/create-connection"
data='{ "certnames": ["new.node"],
        "type": "ssh",
        "parameters": {
            "tmpdir": "/tmp",
            "port": 1234
        "sensitive_parameters": {
            "username": "root",
            "password": "password"
        "duplicates": "replace"

curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"Copied!

See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.

Example token usage: query connections for a certname

To query the /query/connections endpoint, use the same token and header pattern.

type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8143/inventory/v1/query/connections?certname='new.node'"

curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --request POST "$uri"Copied!

POST /command/create-connection

Create a new connection entry in the inventory service database.

Connection entries contain connection options, such as credentials, which are used to connect to the certnames provided in the payload via the provided connection type.

This endpoint also inserts each of the provided certnames into PuppetDB with an empty fact set, if they are not already present. After certnames have been added to PuppetDB, you can view them from the Nodes page in the Puppet Enterprise console. You can also add them to an inventory node list when you set up a job to run tasks.

Important: When the Puppet orchestrator targets a certname to run a task, it first considers the value of the hostname key present in the parameters, if available. Otherwise, it uses the value of the certnames key as the hostname. A good practice is to include a hostname key only when the hostname differs from the certname. Do not include a hostname key for multiple certname connection entries.

Request format

The request body must be a JSON object.

required Array containing the list of certnames to associate with connection information.
required String containing either ssh or winrm. Instructs bolt-server which connection type to use to access the node when running a task.
required Object containing arbitrary key/value pairs. The necessary parameters for connecting to the provided certnames.
CAUTION: A hostname key entered here takes precedence over the values in certnames key.
required Object containing arbitrary key/value pairs. The necessary sensitive data for connecting to the provided certnames, stored in an encrypted format.
required String containing either error or replace. Instructs how to handle cases where one or more provided certnames conflict with existing certnames stored in the inventory connections database. error results in a 409response if any certnames are duplicates. replace overwrites the existing certnames if there are conflicts.

Request examples

  "certnames": ["", ""],
  "type": "ssh",
  "parameters": {
    "port": 1234,
    "connect-timeout": 90,
    "user": "inknowahorse",
    "run-as": "fred"
  "sensitive_parameters": {
    "password": "password",
    "sudo-password": "xtheowl"
  "duplicates": "replace"
type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8143/inventory/v1/command/create-connection"
data='{"certnames": [
        "type": "ssh", 
        "parameters": {
            "port": 1234, 
            "connect-timeout": 90, 
            "user": "inknowahorse", 
            "run-as": "fred"
        "sensitive_parameters": {
            "password": "password", 
            "sudo-password": "xtheowl"
         "duplicates": "replace"

curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"Copied!

See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.

Response format

If the request is valid according to the schema and the entry is successfully recorded in the database, the server returns a 201 response. The response has the same format for single and multiple certname entries.

The response is a JSON object containing the connection_id.

A unique identifier that an be used to reference the record.

Response example

  "connection_id": "3c4df64f-7609-4d31-9c2d-acfa52ed66ec"

SSH parameters

To create a connection with type ssh, the following parameters and sensitive parameters are valid.

Required. Object containing the following key/value pairs and the necessary parameters for connecting to the provided certnames.
Required string. The user to log in as when connecting to the host.
Optional integer. Connection port with the default of 22.
Optional integer. The length of time, in seconds, PE should wait when establishing connections.
Optional string. After login, the user name to use for running commands. The default is the same value as user.
Optional string. The directory to upload and execute temporary files on the target, if different than /temp.
Optional boolean. Enable text terminal allocation.
Optional string. The hostname to connect to. Should only be provided if the desired certname for the newly created node within PE is different than the hostname of the intended target, in which case the certname field in the request body should be the desired certname, and the hostname field in the parameters object should be the hostname to connect to. As a good practice, do not provide a hostname key for connection entries with multiple certnames, and only include it if the certname is different from the hostname of the intended target. If left unspecified, the Orchestrator will connect to each host using its certname as the hostname.
Required. Object containing arbitrary key/value pairs and the necessary sensitive data for connecting to the provided certnames, to be stored in encrypted format.
Optional string. Password to authenticate. One of either password or private-key-content is required.
Optional string. Contents of a private key. One of either password or private-key-content is required.
Optional string. Password to use when changing users via run-as. Should only be included if run-as is specified in the parameters object.

WinRM parameters

For creating a connection with type winrm, the following parameters and sensitive parameters are valid.
Required. Object containing the following key/value pairs and the necessary parameters for connecting to the provided certnames.
Required string. The user to log in as when connecting to the host.
Optional integer. Connection port with the default of 22.
Optional integer. The length of time, in seconds, PE should wait when establishing connections.
Optional string. The directory to upload and execute temporary files on the target, if different than /temp.
Optional array. List of file extensions that are accepted for tasks.
Optional string. The hostname to connect to. Should only be provided if the desired certname for the newly created node within PE is different than the hostname of the intended target, in which case the certname field in the request body should be the desired certname, and the hostname field in the parameters object should be the hostname to connect to. As a good practice, do not provide a hostname key for connection entries with multiple certnames, and only include it if the certname is different from the hostname of the intended target. If left unspecified, the Orchestrator will connect to each host using its certname as the hostname.
Required. Object containing arbitrary key/value pairs and the necessary sensitive data for connecting to the provided certnames, to be stored in an encrypted format.
Required string. The password used to authenticate.

POST /command/delete-connection

Delete certnames from all associated connection entries in the inventory service database and update those certname entries in the PuppetDB with the flag preserve: false.

Request format

The request body must be a JSON object containing a certnames key.

required Array containing the list of certnames to be removed.

Request examples

  "certnames": ["avery.gooddevice", "amediocre.device"]
type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8143/inventory/v1/command/delete-connection"
data='{"certnames": ["avery.gooddevice","amediocre.device"]}'

curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header"--request POST "$uri" --data "$data"Copied!

See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.

Response format

If the request matches the schema and is processed successfully, the service responds with a 204 status code and no body payload. If the user is unauthorized, the service responds with a 403 error code.

Command endpoint error responses

General format of error responses.

Every error response from the inventory service is a JSON response. Each response is an object the contains the following keys:

The kind of error encountered.
The message associated with the error.
A hash with more information about the error.

For example, if the request is missing the required content type headers, the following error occurs:

  "kind" : "puppetlabs.inventory/not-acceptable",
  "msg" : "accept must include content-type json",
  "details" : ""

kind error responses

For this endpoint, the kind key of the error displays the conflict.

If an unknown error occurs during the request, the server returns a 500 response.
If the content provided to the API contains an "accepts" header which does not allow for JSON, the server returns a 406 response.
If the content provided to the API contains a "content-type" header other than JSON, the server returns a 416 response.
If there is an error while processing the request body, the server returns a 400 response.
If there is a violation of the required format for the request body, the server returns a 400 response.
If the user requesting an action does not have the necessary permissions to do so, the server returns a 403 response.
If the duplicates parameter is not set, or is set as error, and one or more of the certnames in the request body already exist within the inventory, the server returns a 409 response.

GET /query/connections

List all the connections entries in the inventory database.

Request format

The request body must be a JSON object.

optional String that represents the single certname to retrieve.
optional String or boolean that instructs whether to return sensitive parameters for each connection in the response. This parameter is gated by permission validation.
optional Array of keys to return for each certname. connection_id is always returned, regardless of whether it is included. When extract is not present in the body, all keys are returned.
Tip: In order to return sensitive parameters in the extract list, the sensitive query parameter must be present and resolve to true. Otherwise, they are excluded.

Response format

The response is a JSON object containing the known connections. The following keys are used:

Contains an array of all the known connections matching the specified (or not specified) filtering criteria. Each item under items is an object with the following keys:
String that is the unique identifier for the connections entry.
Array of strings that contains the certnames of the matching connections entries.
String that describes the type of connection for the given information. For example, ssh or winrm.
Object containing arbitrary key/value pairs and describes connection options for the entry.
when specified and permitted An object that contains arbitrary key/value pairs and describes the sensitive connection options for the entry.

Response examples

A response for a request to list all the connections entries in the inventory database: GET /query/connections

  "items": [
      "connection_id": "3c4df64f-7609-4d31-9c2d-acfa52ed66ec",
      "certnames": ["devices.arecool", "dont.youthink"],
      "type": "ssh",
      "parameters": {
        "tmpdir": "/tmp",
        "port": 1234
      "connection_id": "4932bfe7-69c4-412f-b15c-ac0a7c2883f1",
      "certnames": ["managing.devices", "is.evencooler"],
      "type": "winrm",
      "parameters": {
        "tmpdir": "/tmp",
        "port": 1234

A response for a request to list a specific certname: GET /query/connections?certname="averygood.device"

  "items": [
      "connection_id": "3c4df64f-7609-4d31-9c2d-acfa52ed66ec",
      "certnames": ["averygood.device"],
      "type": "ssh",
      "parameters": {
        "tmpdir": "/tmp",
        "port": 1234

A response for request to list a specific certname and its sensitive parameters: GET /query/connections?certname="averygood.device"&sensitive=true example

  "items": [
      "connection_id": "3c4df64f-7609-4d31-9c2d-acfa52ed66ec",
      "certnames": ["averygood.device"],
      "type": "ssh",
      "parameters": {
        "tmpdir": "/tmp",
        "port": 1234
      "sensitive_parameters": {
        "username": "johnjohnjimmyjohn",
        "password": "C7b0$ls8ltO"

A response for request to list a specific certname and its value for the type key: GET /query/connections?certname="averygood.device"&extract=["type"]

  "items": [
      "connection_id": "3c4df64f-7609-4d31-9c2d-acfa52ed66ec",
      "certnames": ["averygood.device"],
      "type": "ssh"

POST /query/connections

Retrieve inventory connections in bulk via certname.

Request format

The request body must be a JSON object.

Array containing the list of certnames to retrieve from the inventory database. If this key is not included, all connections are returned.
Array of keys to return for each certname. connection_id is always returned, regardless of whether it is included. When extract is not present in the body, all keys are returned.
Tip: In order to return sensitive parameters in the extract list, the sensitive query parameter must be present and resolve to true. Otherwise, they are excluded.
optional String or boolean that instructs whether to return sensitive parameters for each connection in the response. This parameter is gated by permission validation.

Response format

The response is a JSON object containing the known connections. The following keys are used:

Contains an array of all the known connections matching the specified (or not specified) filtering criteria. Each item under items is an object with the following keys:
String that is the unique identifier for the connections entry.
Array of strings that contains the certnames of the matching connections entries.
String that describes the type of connection for the given information. For example, ssh or winrm.
Object containing arbitrary key/value pairs and describes connection options for the entry.
when specified and permitted An object that contains arbitrary key/value pairs and describes the sensitive connection options for the entry.

Request and response examples

An empty request body.


A response for an empty request.

  "items": [
      "connection_id": "3c4df64f-7609-4d31-9c2d-acfa52ed66ec",
      "certnames": ["devices.arecool", "dont.youthink"],
      "type": "winrm",
      "parameters": {
        "tmpdir": "/tmp",
        "port": 1234
      "connection_id": "4932bfe7-69c4-412f-b15c-ac0a7c2883f1",
      "certnames": ["managing.devices", "is.evencooler"],
      "type": "ssh",
      "parameters": {
        "tmpdir": "/tmp",
        "port": 1234

A certnames request body.

  "certnames": ["averygood.device"]

A response for a certnames request.

  "items": [
      "connection_id": "3c4df64f-7609-4d31-9c2d-acfa52ed66ec",
      "certnames": ["averygood.device"],
      "type": "ssh",
      "parameters": {
        "tmpdir": "/tmp",
        "port": 1234

A request to list a specific certname and its sensitive parameters: /query/connections?sensitive=true

  "certnames": ["averygood.device"],
  "extract": ["certnames", "sensitive_parameters"]

A response for a request for a specific certname and its sensitive parameters.

  "items": [
      "connection_id": "3c4df64f-7609-4d31-9c2d-acfa52ed66ec",
      "certnames": ["averygood.device"],
      "sensitive_parameters": {
        "username": "johnjohnjimmyjohn",
        "password": "C7b0$ls8ltO"

Query endpoint error responses

General format of error responses.

Every error response from the inventory service is a JSON response. Each response is an object the contains the following keys:

The kind of error encountered.
The message associated with the error.
A hash with more information about the error.

For example, if the request is missing the required content type headers, the following error occurs:

  "kind" : "puppetlabs.inventory/not-acceptable",
  "msg" : "accept must include content-type json",
  "details" : ""

kind error responses

For this endpoint, the kind key of the error displays the conflict.

If an unknown error occurs during the request, the server returns a 500 response.
If the content provided to the API contains an "accepts" header which does not allow for JSON, the server returns a 406 response.
If the content provided to the API contains a "content-type" header other than JSON, the server returns a 416 response.
If there is an error while processing the request body, the server returns a 400 response.
If there is a violation of the required format for the request body, the server returns a 400 response.