Preconfigured node groups



Puppet Enterprise includes preconfigured node groups that are used to manage your configuration.

All Nodes node group

This node group is at the top of the hierarchy tree. All other node groups stem from this node group.

No default classes. Avoid adding classes to this node group.
Matching nodes
All nodes.
You can't modify the preconfigured rule that matches all nodes.

Infrastructure node groups

Infrastructure node groups are used to manage PE.

Important: Don't make changes to infrastructure node groups other than pinning new nodes for documented functions, like creating compilers. If you want to add custom classifications to infrastructure nodes, create new child groups and apply classification there.

PE Infrastructure node group

This node group is the parent to all other infrastructure node groups.

The PE Infrastructure node group contains data such as the hostnames and ports of various services and database info (except for passwords).

It's very important to correctly configure the puppet_enterprise class in this node group. The parameters set in this class affect the behavior of all other preconfigured node groups that use classes starting with puppet_enterprise::profile. Incorrect configuration of this class could potentially cause a service outage.

CAUTION: Never remove the PE Infrastructure node group. Removing the PE Infrastructure node group disrupts communication between all of your PE Infrastructure nodes.
puppet_enterprise — sets the default parameters for child node groups
Matching nodes
Nodes are not pinned to this node group. The PE Infrastructure node group is the parent to other infrastructure node groups, such as PE Master, and is used only to set classification that all child node groups inherit. Never pin nodes directly to this node group.

These are the parameters for the puppet_enterprise class, where <YOUR HOST> is your primary server certname. You can find the certname with puppet config print certname.

Parameter Value
database_host "<YOUR HOST>"
puppetdb_host "<YOUR HOST>"


Required only if you changed the port number from the default 5432.

database_ssl true if you're using the PE-installed PostgreSQL, and false if you're using your own PostgreSQL.
puppet_master_host "<YOUR HOST>"
certificate_authority_host "<YOUR HOST>"


Required only if you changed the port number from the default 443.)

puppetdb_database_name "pe-puppetdb"
puppetdb_database_user "pe-puppetdb"


Required only if you changed the port number from the default 8081.)

console_host "<YOUR HOST>"
pcp_broker_host "<YOUR HOST>"

PE Certificate Authority node group

This node group is used to manage the certificate authority.

puppet_enterprise::profile::certificate_authority — manages the certificate authority on the primary server
Matching nodes
On a new install, the primary server is pinned to this node group.
Don't add additional nodes to this node group.

PE Master node group

This node group is used to manage the primary server.

  • puppet_enterprise::profile::master — manages the primary server service
Matching nodes
On a new install, the primary server is pinned to this node group.

PE Compiler node group

This node group is a subset of the PE Master node group used to manage compilers running the PuppetDB service.

  • puppet_enterprise::profile::master — manages the primary server service
  • puppet_enterprise::profile::puppetdb — manages the PuppetDB service

Matching nodes
Compilers running the PuppetDB service are automatically added to this node group.
Don't add additional nodes to this node group.

PE Orchestrator node group

This node group is used to manage the PE orchestration services configuration, which includes things like task concurrency limits, the PCP broker timeout, and how many JRubies can run in the orchestrator at one time.

puppet_enterprise::profile::orchestrator — manages PE orchestration services
Matching nodes
On a new install, the primary server is pinned to this node group.
Don't add additional nodes to this node group.

PE PuppetDB node group

This node group is used to manage nodes running the PuppetDB service. If the node is also serving as a compiler, it's instead classified in the PE Compiler node group.

puppet_enterprise::profile::puppetdb — manages the PuppetDB service
Matching nodes
PuppetDB nodes that aren't functioning as compilers are pinned to this node group.
Don't add additional nodes to this node group.

PE Console node group

This node group is used to manage the console.

  • puppet_enterprise::profile::console — manages the console, node classifier, and RBAC
  • puppet_enterprise::license — manages the PE license file for the status indicator
Matching nodes
On a new install, the console server node is pinned to this node group.
Don't add additional nodes to this node group.

PE Agent node group

This node group is used to manage the configuration of agents.

puppet_enterprise::profile::agent — manages your agent configuration
Matching nodes
All managed nodes are pinned to this node group by default.

PE Infrastructure Agent node group

This node group is a subset of the PE Agent node group used to manage infrastructure-specific overrides.

puppet_enterprise::profile::agent — manages your agent configuration
Matching nodes
All nodes used to run your Puppet infrastructure and managed by the PE installer are pinned to this node group by default, including the primary server, PuppetDB, console, and compilers.
You might want to manually pin to this group any additional nodes used to run your infrastructure, such as compiler load balancer nodes. Pinning a compiler load balancer node to this group allows it to receive its catalog from the primary server, rather than the compiler, which helps ensure availability.

PE Database node group

This node group is used to manage the PostgreSQL service.

  • puppet_enterprise::profile::database — manages the PE-PostgreSQL service
Matching nodes
The node specified as puppet_enterprise::database_host is pinned to this group. By default, the database host is the PuppetDB server node.
Don't add additional nodes to this node group.

PE Patch Management node group

This is a parent node group for nodes under patch management. Create child node groups based on your needs.

pe_patch — enables patching on nodes.
Matching nodes
There are no nodes pinned to this group. PE Patch Management is a parent group for node groups under patch management. You can create node groups with unique configurations based on your patching needs.
Don't add additional nodes to this node group, only add node groups.

Environment node groups

Environment node groups are used only to set environments. They cannot contain any classification.

Preconfigured environment node groups differ depending on the version of PE you're on and you can customize environment groups as needed for your ecosystem. If you upgrade from an older version of PE, your environment node groups stay the same as they were in the older version.