Events endpoints



Use the /events endpoint to learn about events that occurred during an orchestrator job.

GET /jobs/:job-id/events

Retrieve all of the events that occurred during a given job.


The request accepts this query parameter:

Parameter Definition
start Start the list of events with the nth event.

For example:!

Response format

The response is a JSON object that details the events in a job, and uses these keys:

Key Definition
next-events A link to the next event in the job.
items A list of all events related to the job.
id The job ID.
type The current status of the event. See event-types.
timestamp The time when the event was created.
details Information about the event.
message A message about the given event.

For example:

  "next-events" : {
    "id" : ""
  "items" : [ {
    "id" : "1267",
    "type" : "node_running",
    "timestamp" : "2016-05-05T19:50:08Z",
    "details" : {
      "node" : "",
      "detail" : {
        "noop" : false
    "message" : "Started puppet run on ..."

Event types

The response format for each event contains one of these event types, which is determined by the status of the event.

Event type Definition
node_errored Created when there was an error running Puppet on a node.
node_failed Created when Puppet failed to run on a node.
node_finished Created when puppet ran successfully on a node.
node_running Created when Puppet starts running on a node.
node_skipped Created when a Puppet run is skipped on a node (for example, if a dependency fails).
job_aborted Created when a job is aborted without completing.
job_stopping Created when a stop request is received and the job is running.
job_finished Created when a job is no longer running. The details contain final state. This should always be the last event for a job.

Error responses

For this endpoint, the kind key of the error displays the conflict.

Key Definition
puppetlabs.orchestrator/validation-error If the start parameter or the job-id in the request are not integers, the server returns a 400 response.
puppetlabs.orchestrator/unknown-job If the job does not exist, the server returns a 404 response.

GET /plan_jobs/:job-id/events

Retrieve all of the events that occurred during a given plan job.


The request accepts the following query parameter:
Parameter Definition
start The lowest database ID of an event that should be shown.

For example:

Response format

The response is a JSON object that derails the events in a plan job. The following keys and their subkeys are used:

Key Description
next-events A link to the next event in the job.
id The url of the next event.
event The next event id.
items A list of all events related to the job.
id The id of the event.
type The type of event. See event-types.
timestamp The time when the event was created.
details Details of the event, differs based on the type of the event. See the potential values section for more detailed information.
For example:
  "next-events" : {
    "id" : "",
    "event": "1272"
  "items" : [ {
    "id" : "1267",
    "type" : "task_start",
    "timestamp" : "2016-05-05T19:50:08Z",
    "details" : {
      "job-id" : "8765"
    "id" : "1268",
    "type" : "plan_finished",
    "timestamp" : "2016-05-05T19:50:14Z",
    "details" : {
      "plan-id" : "1234",
      "result" : {
        "Plan output"

Event types

The response format for each event will contain one of the following event types, which is determined by the status of the event.
Key Description
task_start Created when a task run is started.
script_start Created when a script run as part of a plan is started.
command_start Created when a command run as part of a plan is started.
upload_start Created when a file upload as part of a plan is started.
wait_start Created when a wait_until_available() call as part of a plan is started.
out_message Created when out::message is called as part of a plan. details will contain a message key with a value containing the message sent with out::message truncated to 1,024 bytes. The full message content can be obtained using the GET /plan_jobs/:job-id/event/:event-id endpoint.
apply_start Created when a puppet apply run as part of a plan is started.
apply_prep_start Created when an apply_prep is run as part of a plan is started.
plan_finished Created when a plan job successfully finishes.
plan_failed Created when a plan job fails.

"Sub" plans

If a plan contains the run_plan() function it will begin execution of another "sub" plan during the execution of the plan job. "Sub" plans will not receive their own plan job, they will execute as part of the original plan job. There are specific events for "sub" plans that indicate a plan within a plan has started or finished:
Key Definition
plan_start Created when a new plan was kicked off from the current plan job using the run_plan() function.
plan_end Created when a plan started using run_plan() has finished.
Note: plan_end indicates the end of a "sub" plan (i.e. the plan job has not finished yet, but the "sub" plan has), while plan_finished indicates the end of a plan job.

Potential values in details

task and plan actions

Includes the job-id if the event is a plan action or task (i.e. task_start, command_start, apply_start, etc).
    "type" : "task_start",
    "timestamp" : "2019-09-30T22:22:32Z",
    "details" : {
      "job-id" : 69
    "id" : "80"

plan_finished or plan_failed

If the event type is plan_finished or plan_failed, details will include plan-id and result.
  "type" : "plan_finished",
  "timestamp" : "2019-09-30T22:22:33Z",
  "details" : {
    "result" : "plan result",
    "plan-id" : "9"
  "id" : "81"


If the event type is out_message, details will include message.
  "type" : "out_message",
  "timestamp" : "2019-09-30T22:22:32Z",
  "details" : {
    "message" : "message sent from a plan"

plan_start or plan_end

If the event type is plan_start or plan_end, details will include the plan that ran (plan) and plan_end will include duration.

  "type" : "plan_start",
  "timestamp" : "2019-09-30T22:22:31Z",
  "details" : {
    "plan" : "test::sub_plan"
  "id" : "76"
  "type" : "plan_end",
  "timestamp" : "2019-09-30T22:22:32Z",
  "details" : {
    "plan" : "test::sub_plan",
    "duration" : 0.647551

Error responses

See the error response documentation for the general format of error responses. For the endpoint, the kind key of the error displays the conflict.
Key Definition
puppetlabs.orchestrator/validation-error If the start parameter or the job-id in the request are not integers, the server returns a 400 response.
puppetlabs.orchestrator/unknown-job If the plan job does not exist, the server returns a 404 response.

GET /plan_jobs/:job-id/event/:event-id

Fetch a specific event for a job.

Response format

The response is a JSON object of the event. The following keys are available.
Key Definition
id ID of this event.
type Event type.
timestamp When the event occurred.
details Hash of detail fields specific to the event type.
Note: Unlike the /plan_jobs/:job-id/events endpoint, no truncation of fields occurs.
For example:
    "id": "1265",
    "type": "out_message",
    "timestamp": "2016-05-05T19:50:06Z",
    "details": {
        "message": "this is an output message"

Error responses

See the error response documentation for the general format of error responses. For this endpoint, the kind key of the error displays the conflict.
Key Definition
puppetlabs.orchestrator/validation-error If the job-id in the request is not an integer, the server returns a 400 response.
puppetlabs.orchestrator/unknown-job If the plan job does not exist, the server returns a 404 response.
puppetlabs.orchestrator/mismatched-job-event-id If the event-id specified does not belong to the job-id specified, the server returns a 404 response.