Methods for configuring PE


After you've installed Puppet Enterprise (PE), optimize it for your environment by configuring and tuning settings as needed. For example, you might want to add your certificate to the allowlist, increase the max-threads setting for http and https requests, or configure the number of JRuby instances.

PE shares configuration settings used in open source Puppet and documented in the Configuration Reference, however PE defaults for certain settings might differ from the Puppet defaults. Some examples of settings that have different PE defaults include disable18n, environment_timeout, always_retry_plugins, and the Puppet Server JRuby max-active-instances setting. To verify PE configuration defaults, check the puppet.conf file after installation.

There are three main methods for configuring PE: using the console, adding a key to Hiera, or editing pe.conf. Be consistent with the method you choose, unless the situation calls for you to use a specific method over the others.

Configure settings using the console

The console allows you to use a graphical interface to configure Puppet Enterprise (PE).

Changes in the console override your Hiera data and data in pe.conf. It is usually best to use the console when you want to:

  • Change parameters in profile classes starting with puppet_enterprise::profile.
  • Add any parameters in PE-managed configuration files.
  • Set parameters that configure at runtime.

There are two ways to change settings in the console: setting configuration data and editing parameters.

Set configuration data

Configuration data set in the console is used for automatic parameter lookup, the same way that Hiera data is used. Console configuration data takes precedence over Hiera data, but you can combine data from both sources to configure nodes.

Tip: In most cases, setting configuration data in Hiera is the more scalable and consistent method, but there are some cases where the console is preferable. Use the console to set configuration data if:
  • You want to override Hiera data. Data set in the console overrides Hiera data when configured as recommended.
  • You want to give someone access to set or change data and they don’t have the skill set to do it in Hiera.
  • You simply prefer the console user interface.

Important: If your installation includes a disaster recovery replica, make sure you've correctly enabled data editing in the console for both your primary server and replica.
  1. In the console, click Node groups, then find the node group that you want to add configuration data to and select it.
  2. On the Configuration data tab, specify a Class and select a Parameter to add.

    You can select from existing classes and parameters in the node group's environment, or you can specify free-form values. Classes aren’t validated, but any class you specify must be present in the node’s catalog at runtime in order for the parameter value to be applied.

    When you select a parameter, the Value field is automatically populated with the inherited or default value.

  3. Optional: Change the default parameter Value.

Set parameters

Parameters are declared resource-style, which means they can be used to override other data; however, this override capability can introduce class conflicts and declaration errors that cause Puppet runs to fail.

  1. In the console, click Node groups, and then find the node group that you want to add a parameter to and select it.
  2. On the Classes tab, select the class you want to modify and the Parameter to add.

    The Parameter drop-down list shows all of the parameters that are available for that class in the node group’s environment. When you select a parameter, the Value field is automatically populated with the inherited or default value.

  3. (Optional) Change the default Value.

Configure settings with Hiera

Hiera is a hierarchy-based method of configuration management that relies on a “defaults, with overrides” system. When you add a parameter or setting to your Hiera data, Hiera searches through the data in the order it was written to find the value you want to change. Once found, it overrides the default value with the new parameter or setting. You can use Hiera to manage your PE configuration settings.

Before you begin
For more information on how to use Hiera, see the Hiera docs.
Changes to PE configuration in Hiera override configuration settings in pe.conf, but not those set in the console. It's best to use Hiera when you want to:
  • Change parameters in non-profile classes.
  • Set parameters that are static and version controlled.
  • Configure for high availability.

To configure a setting using Hiera:

  1. Open your default data file.
    The default location for Hiera data files is:
    • *nix: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/<ENVIRONMENT>/data/common.yaml

    • Windows: %CommonAppData%\PuppetLabs\code\environments\<ENVIRONMENT>\data\common.yaml

    If you customize the hiera.yaml configuration to change location for data files (the datadir setting) or the path of the common data file (in the hierarchy section), look for the default .yaml file in the customized location.
  2. Add your new parameter to the file in editor.
    For example, to increase the number of seconds before a node is considered unresponsive from the default 3600 to 4000, add the following to your .yaml default file and insert your new parameter at the end.
    Puppet_enterprise::console_services::no_longer_reporting_cutoff: 4000Copied!
  3. To compile changes, run puppet agent -t

Configure settings in pe.conf

Puppet Enterprise (PE) configuration data includes any data set in /etc/puppetlabs/enterprise/conf.d/ but pe.conf is the file used for most configuration activities during installation.

PE configuration settings made in Hiera and the console always override settings made in pe.conf. Configure settings using pe.conf when you want to:
  • Access settings during installation.
  • Configure for high availability.

To configure settings using pe.conf:

  1. Open the pe.conf file on your primary server:
  2. Add the parameter and new value you want to set.
    For example, to change the proxy in your repo, add the following and change the parameter to your new proxy location.
    pe_repo::http_proxy_host: "proxy.example.vlan"Copied!
  3. Run puppet agent -t
    Note: If PE services are stopped, run puppet infrastructure configure instead of puppet agent -t.