Configure your desired state


Tell PE how your infrastructure should be configured by grouping and classifying nodes based on their function. Before you begin, think of which of your inventory nodes you want to configure with IIS services.

Create your classification group

Create a classification node group. This is a parent group to other node groups you create that contain classification data. You only need to set this up one time.

  1. In the console, click Node groups, and click Add group.
  2. Specify options for the new node group:
    • Parent name: All Nodes
    • Group name: All Classification
    • Environment: production
    • Environment group: do not select
  3. Click Add.
You have added a classification group. Next, create a node group and add it as a child of this classification group.

Create your iis node group

After you create your parent classification group, make the iis node group a child of it.

  1. In the console, click Node groups, and click Add group.
  2. Specify options for the new node group:
    • Parent name: All Classification
    • Group name: iis
    • Environment: production
    • Environment group: do not select
  3. Click Add.
You now have a node group for nodes you want to configure IIS on. Next, determine which nodes from your inventory you want to run IIS on and add them to the iis node group.

Add nodes to the iis node group

Once you determine which nodes from your inventory should be in your iis node group, pin the nodes to the group. Pinning allows you to add nodes to a group one at a time. You can also dynamically add nodes to a node group based on rules you set in the console, which is helpful for large inventories.

If you are stuck on deciding which nodes should be in your iis node group, read about Best practices for classifying node groups.
  1. In the console, click Node groups and select the iis node group you just created.
  2. On the Rules tab, under Certname, enter the certname of a node you want to add to the iis node group.
  3. Click Pin node.
  4. Repeat for additional nodes you want to add to the iis group.
  5. When you are done pinning nodes, commit changes.
You have added your iis nodes into a node group. For more information on adding and classifying nodes, read about Making changes to node groups and Grouping and classifying nodes.

Run Puppet on your IIS nodes

Run Puppet in the console to enforce your desired state on the iis node group you created.

  1. In the console, on the Jobs page, click Run Puppet.
  2. Under Run options, do not select anything.
  3. From the list of target types, select Node group.
  4. In the Chose a node group box, search for the iis node group and click Select.
  5. Click Run job.
    View the job status and a list of previous Puppet jobs on the Jobs page. To rerun the job, click Run again and choose to rerun the it on all nodes or only on the nodes that failed during the initial run.
Congratulations! You have run Puppet on your iis node group. In the future, the IIS nodes will check in with PE every 30 minutes to confirm that their IIS configuration matches what you've specified, and PE will correct it if it doesn't.

Next, learn how to use roles and profiles to efficiently manage system configurations.