The groups
endpoint is used to create, read, update, and delete groups.
A group belongs to an environment, applies classes (possibly with parameters), and matches nodes based on rules. Because groups are so central to the classification process, this endpoint is where most of the action is.
GET /v1/groups
Use the /v1/groups
endpoint to retrieve a list of all node groups in the node
Query parameters
The request accepts these parameters.
Parameter | Value |
If set to any value besides
0 or false , the node group includes the
classes, class parameters, configuration data, and variables that it
inherits from its ancestors. |
Response format
The response is a JSON array of node group objects, using these keys:
Key | Definition |
The name of the node group (a string). |
The node group's ID, which is a string
containing a type-4 (random) UUID. The regular expression used to validate node group
UUIDs is |
An optional key containing an arbitrary string describing the node group. |
The name of the node group's environment (a string), which indirectly defines what classes are available for the node group to set, and is the environment that nodes classified into this node group run under. |
This is a boolean that changes the behavior of classifications that this node group is involved in. The default behavior is to return a classification-conflict error if the node groups that a node is classified into do not all have the same environment. If this flag is set, then this node group's environment overrides the environments of the other node groups (provided that none of them also have this flag set), with no attempt made to validate that the other node groups' classes and class parameters exist in this node group's environment. |
The ID of the node group's parent (a string). A node group is not
permitted to be its own parent, unless it is the All Nodes group, which is the root of the hierarchy.
Note that the root group always has the lowest-possible random UUID, |
A boolean condition on node properties. When a node's properties satisfy this condition, it's classified into the node group. |
An object that defines both the classes consumed by nodes in this node group and any non-default values for their parameters. The keys of the object are the class names, and the values are objects describing the parameters. The parameter objects' keys are parameter names, and the values are what the node group sets for that parameter (always a string). |
An object similar to the classes object that specifies
parameters that are applied to classes if the class is assigned in the
classifier or in puppet code. The keys of the object are the class names,
and the values are objects describing the parameters. The parameter objects’
keys are parameter names, and the values are what the group sets for that
parameter (always a string). This feature is enabled/disabled via the
classifier::allow-config-data setting. When set to false, this
key is stripped from the payload. |
An object similar
to the |
An object that defines the values of any top-level variables set by the node group. The object is a mapping between variable names and their values (which can be any JSON value). |
The most
recent time at which a user committed changes to a node group. This is a time stamp in
ISO 8601 format, |
A number assigned to a node group. This number is incremented each
time changes to a group are committed. |
This example shows a node group object:
"name": "Webservers",
"id": "fc500c43-5065-469b-91fc-37ed0e500e81",
"last_edited": "2018-02-20T02:36:17.776Z",
"serial_number": 16,
"environment": "production",
"description": "This group captures configuration relevant to all web-facing production webservers, regardless of location.",
"parent": "00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000",
"rule": ["and", ["~", ["trusted", "certname"], "www"],
[">=", ["fact", "total_ram"], "512"]],
"classes": {
"apache": {
"serveradmin": "",
"keepalive_timeout": "5"
"config_data": {
"puppet_enterprise::profile::console": {"certname": ""},
"puppet_enterprise::profile::puppetdb": {"listen_address": ""}
"variables": {
"ntp_servers": ["", "", ""]
This example shows a node group object that refers to some classes and parameters that have been deleted:
"name": "Spaceship",
"id": "fc500c43-5065-469b-91fc-37ed0e500e81",
"last_edited": "2018-03-13T21:37:03.608Z",
"serial_number": 42,
"environment": "space",
"parent": "00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000",
"rule": ["=", ["fact", "is_spaceship"], "true"],
"classes": {
"payload": {
"type": "cubesat",
"count": "8",
"mass": "10.64"
"rocket": {
"stages": "3"
"deleted": {
"payload": {"puppetlabs.classifier/deleted": true},
"rocket": {
"puppetlabs.classifier/deleted": false,
"stages": {
"puppetlabs.classifier/deleted": true,
"value": "3"
"variables": {}
The entire payload
class has been deleted, because its deleted parameters object's puppetlabs.classifier/deleted
key maps to true
, in contrast to the rocket
class, which has had only its stages
parameter deleted.
Rule condition grammar
Nodes can be classified into groups using rules. This example shows how rule conditions must be structured:
condition : [ {bool} {condition}+ ] | [ "not" {condition} ] | {operation}
bool : "and" | "or"
operation : [ {operator} {fact-path} {value} ]
operator : "=" | "~" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<="
fact-path : {field-name} | [ {path-type} {field-name} {path-component}+ ]
path-type : "trusted" | "fact"
path-component : field-name | number
field-name : string
For the regex operator "~"
, the value is interpreted as a Java regular expression. Literal
backslashes must be used to escape regex characters in order to match those characters
in the fact value.
For the numeric comparison operators
, ">="
, "<"
, and "<="
), the
fact value (which is always a string) is coerced to a number (either integral or
floating-point). If the value can't be coerced to a number, the numeric operation
evaluates to false.
For the fact path, the rule can be either a string representing a top level field (the only current meaningful value here would be "name" representing the node name) or a list of strings and indices that represent looking up a field in a nested data structure. When passing a list of strings or indices, the first and second entries in the list must be strings. Subsequent entries can be indices.
Regular facts start with "fact" (for example,
["fact", "architecture"]
) and
trusted facts start with "trusted" (for example, ["trusted", "certname"]
Error responses
If you commit a node group with a serial_number
that an API
call has previously assigned, the service returns a 409 Conflict response.
POST /v1/groups
Use the /v1/groups
endpoint to create a new node group without specifying its ID. When
you use this endpoint, the node classifier service randomly generates an ID.
Request format
The request body must be a JSON object describing the node group to be created. The request uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
The name of the node group (a string). |
The name of the node group's environment. This
key is optional; if it's not provided, the default environment ( |
Whether this node
group's environment should override those of other node groups at classification-time.
This key is optional; if it's not provided, the default value of |
A string describing the node group. This key is optional; if it's not provided, the node group has no description and this key doesn't appear in responses. |
The ID of the node group's parent (required). |
The condition that must be satisfied for a node to be classified into this node group |
An object that defines the names and values of any
top-level variables set by the node group. The keys of the object are the variable
names, and the corresponding value is that variable's value, which can be any sort of
JSON value. The |
An object that defines the classes to be used by nodes in the node group. The |
An optional object that defines
the class parameters to be used by nodes in the group. Its structure is the
same as the classes object. If you use a config_data key but provide only the class, like
{"qux":{}} , no configuration data is stored.
Note: This feature is enabled with the
setting. When set to false, the presence of this key in the payload
results in a 400
response. |
Response format
If the node group was successfully created, the service returns a 303 See Other response, with the path to retrieve the created node group in the "location" header of the response.
Error responses
Responses and keys returned for create group requests depend on the type of error.
Key | Definition |
"schema-violation" |
An object that contains three keys:
Key | Definition |
"malformed-request" |
An object that contains two keys:
Key | Definition |
"uniqueness-violation" |
Describes which fields of the node group caused the constraint to be violated, along with their values. |
An object that contains two keys:
Key | Definition |
kind | "missing-referents" |
msg | Describes the error and lists the missing classes or parameters. |
details | An array of objects, where each object
describes a single missing referent, and has the following keys:
If the parent of the node group does not exist, the service returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity response. The response object uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
"missing-parent" |
Shows the parent UUID that did not exist. |
The full submitted node group. |
If the request causes an inheritance cycle, the service returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity response. The response object uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
"inheritance-cycle" |
An array of node group objects that includes each node group involved in the cycle |
A shortened description of the cycle, including a list of the node group names with each followed by its parent until the first node group is repeated. |
GET /v1/groups/<id>
Use the /v1/groups/\<id>
endpoint to retrieve a node group with the given
Response format
The response is a JSON array of node group objects, using these keys:
Key | Definition |
The name of the node group (a string). |
The node group's ID, which is a string
containing a type-4 (random) UUID. The regular expression used to validate node group
UUIDs is |
An optional key containing an arbitrary string describing the node group. |
The name of the node group's environment (a string), which indirectly defines what classes are available for the node group to set, and is the environment that nodes classified into this node group run under. |
This is a boolean that changes the behavior of classifications that this node group is involved in. The default behavior is to return a classification-conflict error if the node groups that a node is classified into do not all have the same environment. If this flag is set, then this node group's environment overrides the environments of the other node groups (provided that none of them also have this flag set), with no attempt made to validate that the other node groups' classes and class parameters exist in this node group's environment. |
The ID of the node group's parent (a string). A node group is not
permitted to be its own parent, unless it is the All Nodes group, which is the root of the hierarchy.
Note that the root group always has the lowest-possible random UUID, |
A boolean condition on node properties. When a node's properties satisfy this condition, it's classified into the node group. |
An object that defines both the classes consumed by nodes in this node group and any non-default values for their parameters. The keys of the object are the class names, and the values are objects describing the parameters. The parameter objects' keys are parameter names, and the values are what the node group sets for that parameter (always a string). |
An object similar
to the |
An object that defines the values of any top-level variables set by the node group. The object is a mapping between variable names and their values (which can be any JSON value). |
The most
recent time at which a user committed changes to a node group. This is a time stamp in
ISO 8601 format, |
A number assigned to a node group. This number is incremented each
time changes to a group are committed. |
Error responses
If the node group with the given ID cannot be
found, the service returns 404 Not Found
and malformed-uuid
responses . The body
includes a generic 404 error response as
described in the errors documentation.
If you commit a node group with a serial_number
that an API
call has previously assigned, the service returns a 409 Conflict response.
PUT /v1/groups/<id>
Use the /v1/groups/<id>
to create a node group with the given ID.
It is possible to overwrite an existing node group with a new node group definition that contains deleted classes or parameters.
Request format
The request body must be a JSON object describing the node group to be created. The request uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
The name of the node group (a string). |
The name of the node group's environment. This
key is optional; if it's not provided, the default environment ( |
Whether this node
group's environment should override those of other node groups at classification-time.
This key is optional; if it's not provided, the default value of |
A string describing the node group. This key is optional; if it's not provided, the node group has no description and this key doesn't appear in responses. |
The ID of the node group's parent (required). |
The condition that must be satisfied for a node to be classified into this node group |
An object that defines the names and values of any
top-level variables set by the node group. The keys of the object are the variable
names, and the corresponding value is that variable's value, which can be any sort of
JSON value. The |
An object that defines the classes to be used by nodes in the node group. The |
Response format
If the node group is successfully created, the service returns a 201 Created response, with the node group object (in JSON) as the body. If the node group already exists and is identical to the submitted node group, then the service takes no action and returns a 200 OK response, again with the node group object as the body.
Error responses
If the requested node group object contains the
key, and its value differs from
the UUID specified in the request's path, the service returns a 400 Bad Request response.
Key | Definition |
"conflicting-ids" |
An object that contains two keys:
In addition, this operation can produce the general
response and any
response that could also be generated by the POST group creation endpoint.
POST /v1/groups/<id>
Use the /v1/groups/<id>
endpoint to update the name, environment,
parent, rule, classes, class parameters, configuration data, and variables of the node group
with the given ID by submitting a node group delta.
Request format
The request body must be JSON object describing the delta to be applied to the node group.
The classes
, config_data
, and rule
of the delta are merged with the node group, and then any keys of the resulting object that
have a null value are deleted. This allows you to remove classes, class parameters,
configuration data, variables, or the rule from the node group by setting them to null in
the delta.
If the delta has a rule key that’s set to a new value or nil, it's updated wholesale or removed from the group accordingly.
The name
, environment
, and parent
keys, if present in the delta, replace the old values wholesale with their values.
The serial_number
key is optional. If you update a node
group and provide the serial_number
in the payload, and the
is not the current one for that group, the
service returns a 409 Conflict response. To bypass this check, omit the serial_number
Note that the root group’s rule cannot be edited; any attempts to do so raise a 422 Unprocessable Entity response.
In the following examples, a delta is merged with a node group to update the group.
"name": "Webservers",
"id": "58463036-0efa-4365-b367-b5401c0711d3",
"environment": "staging",
"parent": "00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000",
"rule": ["~", ["trusted", "certname"], "www"],
"classes": {
"apache": {
"serveradmin": "",
"keepalive_timeout": 5
"ssl": {
"keystore": "/etc/ssl/keystore"
"variables": {
"ntp_servers": ["", "", ""]
"name": "Production Webservers",
"id": "58463036-0efa-4365-b367-b5401c0711d3",
"environment": "production",
"parent": "01522c99-627c-4a07-b28e-a25dd563d756",
"classes": {
"apache": {
"serveradmin": "",
"keepalive_timeout": null
"ssl": null
"variables": {
"dns_servers": [""]
Updated group:{
"name": "Production Webservers",
"id": "58463036-0efa-4365-b367-b5401c0711d3",
"environment": "production",
"parent": "01522c99-627c-4a07-b28e-a25dd563d756",
"rule": ["~", ["trusted", "certname"], "www"],
"classes": {
"apache": {
"serveradmin": ""
"variables": {
"ntp_servers": ["", "", ""],
"dns_servers": [""]
Note that the ssl
class was deleted because its
entire object was mapped to null, whereas for the apache
class only the keepalive_timeout
parameter was deleted.Deleted classes and class parameters
If the node group definition contains classes and parameters that have been deleted it is still possible to update the node group with those parameters and classes. Updates that don’t increase the number of errors associated with a node group are allowed.
Error responses
The response object uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
kind | "conflicting-ids" |
details | An object that contains two keys:
If the requested node group object contains the id
key, and
its value differs from the UUID specified in the request’s path, the service returns a
400 Bad Request response.
In addition, this operation can produce the general malformed-error response and any response that could also be generated by the POST group creation endpoint.
422 responses to POST requests can include errors that were caused by the node group’s children, but a node group being created with a PUT request cannot have any children.
DELETE /v1/groups/<id>
Use the /v1/groups/\<id\>
endpoint to delete the node group with
the given ID.
Response format
If the delete operation is successful, the sever returns a 204 No Content response.
Error responses
In addition to the general malformed-uuid
response, if the node group with the
given ID does not exist, the service returns a 404
Not Found response, as described in the errors documentation.
The service returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity and rejects the delete request if the node group that is being deleted has children.
The response object uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
"children-present" |
Explains why the delete was rejected and names the children. |
Contains the node group in question along with all of its children. |
POST /v1/groups/<id>/pin
Use the /v1/groups/<id>/pin
endpoint to pin nodes to the group with the given
Request format
You can provide the names of the nodes to pin in two ways.
As the value of the
query parameter. For multiple nodes, use a comma-separated list format.For example:
POST /v1/groups/58463036-0efa-4365-b367-b5401c0711d3/pin?nodes=foo%2Cbar%2Cbaz
This request pins the nodes
, andbaz
to the group. -
In the body of a request. In the
field of a JSON object, specify the node name as the value. For multiple nodes, use a JSON array.For example:
{"nodes": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}
This request pins the nodes
, andbaz
to the group.
It's easier to use the query parameter method. However, if you want to affect a large number of nodes at once, the query string might get truncated. Strings are truncated if they exceed 8,000 characters. In such cases, use the second method. The request body in the second method is allowed to be many megabytes in size.
Response format
If the pin is successful, the service returns a 204 No Content response with an empty body.
Error responses
This endpoint uses the following error responses.
If you don't supply the nodes
query parameter or a request body, the service returns a
400 Malformed Request response, using
these keys:
Key | Definition |
"missing-parameters" |
Explains the missing nodes query parameter. |
If you supply a request body that is not valid JSON, the service returns a 400 Malformed Request response. The response object uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
"malformed-request" |
An object with a body key containing the body as received
by the service, and an error field containing a string describing the error
encountered when trying to parse the request's body. |
If the request's body is valid JSON, but the payload is not
an object with just the nodes
field and
no other fields, the service returns a 400
Malformed Request response. The response object uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
"schema-violation" |
Describes the difference between what was submitted and the required format. |
POST /v1/groups/<id>/unpin
Use the /v1/groups/<id>/unpin
endpoint to unpin nodes from the group with the given
Request format
You can provide the names of the nodes to pin in two ways.
As the value of the
query parameter. For multiple nodes, use a comma-separated list format.For example:
POST /v1/groups/58463036-0efa-4365-b367-b5401c0711d3/unpin?nodes=foo%2Cbar%2Cbaz
This request unpins the nodes
, andbaz
from the group. If any of the specified nodes were not pinned to the group, they are ignored. -
In the body of a request. In the
field of a JSON object, specify the node name as the value. For multiple nodes, use a JSON array.For example:
{"nodes": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}
This request unpins the nodes
, andbaz
from the group. If any of the specified nodes were not pinned to the group, they are ignored.
It's easier to use the query parameter method. However, if you want to affect a large number of nodes at once, the query string might get truncated. Strings are truncated if they exceed 8,000 characters. In such cases, use the second method. The request body in the second method is allowed to be many megabytes in size.
Response format
If the unpin is successful, the service returns a 204 No Content response with an empty body.
Error responses
If you don't supply the nodes
query parameter or a request body, the service
returns a 400 Malformed Request response.
The response object uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
"missing-parameters" |
Explains the missing nodes query parameter. |
If a request body is supplied but it is not valid JSON, the service returns a 400 Malformed Request response. The response object uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
"malformed-request" |
An object with a body key containing the body as received
by the service, and an error field containing a string describing the error
encountered when trying to parse the request's body. |
If the request's body is valid JSON, but the payload is not
an object with just the nodes
field and
no other fields, the service returns a 400
Malformed Request response. The response object uses these keys:
Key | Definition |
"schema-violation" |
Describes the difference between what was submitted and the required format. |
GET /v1/groups/:id/rules
Use /v1/groups/:id/rules
to resolve the rules for the requested group
and then translate those rules to work with the nodes and inventory endpoints in PuppetDB.
Response format
- The rules for the group in classifier format.
- The inherited rules (including the rules for this group) in classifier format
- An object containing two children, each of the inherited rules translated into a different format.
"rule": [
"rule_with_inherited": [
"translated": {
"nodes_query_format": [
"inventory_query_format": [
Error responses
In addition to the general malformed-uuid
error response, if the group
with the given ID cannot be found, a 404 Not Found response is returned.