Token endpoints


A user's access to PE services can be controlled using authentication tokens. Users can generate their own authentication tokens using the token endpoint.

Token keys

The following keys are used with the token endpoint.

Key Explanation
login The user's login for the PE console (required).
password The user's password for the PE console (required).
lifetime The length of time the token is active before expiration (optional).
description Additional metadata about the requested token (optional).
client Additional metadata about the client making the token request (optional).
label A user-defined label for the token (optional).

The lifetime key

When setting a token's lifetime, specify a numeric value followed by y (years), d (days), h (hours), m (minutes), or s (seconds). For example, a value of 12h is 12 hours. Do not add a space between the numeric value and the unit of measurement. If you do not specify a unit, it is assumed to be seconds. If you do not want the token to expire, set the lifetime to 0. Setting it to zero gives the token a lifetime of approximately 10 years.

Tip: The default lifetime for all tokens is also configurable. See Change the token's default lifetime for configuration instructions.

The label key

You can choose to select a label for the token that can be used with other RBAC token endpoints. Labels:

  • Must be no longer than 200 characters.
  • Must not contain commas.
  • Must contain something other than whitespace. (Whitespace is trimmed from the beginning and end of the label, though it is allowed elsewhere.)
  • Must not be the same as a label for another token for the same user.

Token labels are assigned on a per-user basis: two users can each have a token labelled my token, but a single user cannot have two tokens both labelled my token. You cannot use labels to refer to other users' tokens.

POST /auth/token

Generates an access token for the user whose login information is POSTed. This token can then be used to authenticate requests to PE services using either the X-Authentication header or the token query parameter.

This route is intended to require zero authentication. While HTTPS is still required (unless PE is explicitly configured to permit HTTP), neither an allowed cert nor a session cookie is needed to POST to this endpoint.

Request format

Accepts a JSON object or curl command with the user's login and password information. The token's lifetime, a user-specified label, and additional metadata can be added, but are not required.

An example JSON request:

{"login": "",
 "password": "1234",
 "lifetime": "4m",
 "label": "personal workstation token"}Copied!

An example curl command request:

type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
cacert="$(puppet config print cacert)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/auth/token"
data='{"login": "<USER>", 
       "password": "<PASSWORD>", 
       "lifetime": "4h", 
       "label": "four-hour token"}'

curl --header "$type_header" –cacert "$cacert" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"Copied!

See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.

The various parts of this curl command request are explained as follows:

  • --header 'Content-Type: application/json': sets the Content-Type header to application/json, which indicates to RBAC that the data being sent is in JSON format.
  • --cacert [FILE]: Specifies a CA certificate as described in Forming requests for the node classifier. Alternatively, you could use the --insecure flag to turn off SSL verification of the RBAC server so that you can use the HTTPS protocol without providing a CA cert. If you do not provide one of these options in your curl request, curl complains about not being able to verify the RBAC server.
    Note: The --insecure flag is shown as an example only. You should use your own discretion when choosing the appropriate server verification method for the tool that you are using.
  • --request POST: This is an HTTP POST request to provide your login information to the RBAC service.
  • https://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/rbac-api/v1/auth/token: Sends the request to the token endpoint. For HOSTNAME, provide the FQDN of the server that is hosting the PE console service. If you are making the call from the console server, you can use "localhost." For PORT, provide the port that the PE services (node classifier service, RBAC service, and activity service) listen on. The default port is 4433
  • --data '{"login": "<USER>", "password": "<PASSWORD>", "lifetime": "4h", "label": "four-hour token"}': Provide the user name and password that you use to log in to the PE console. Optionally, set the token's lifetime and label.

Response format

Returns a 200 OK response if the credentials are good and the user is not revoked, along with a token.

For example:

{"token": "asd0u0=2jdijasodj-w0duwdhjashd,kjsahdasoi0d9hw0hduashd0a9wdy0whdkaudhaksdhc9chakdh92..."}Copied!

Error responses

Returns a 401 Unauthenticated response if the credentials are bad or the user is revoked.

Returns a 400 Malformed response if something is wrong with the request body.

POST /tokens

Create a new token with a custom lifetime, client specification, and description. Cannot be used with certificate authentication.

Request format

The request accepts a JSON payload with the following keys:
Key Definition
lifetime Required string specifying the lifetime of the token in the <whole-number> form, with one of (s,m,d,y). Use s for seconds, m for minutes, d for days, and y for years. for example, 5m is 5 minutes.
client Required string specifying a human readable description of the creator of the token. For example, PE console.
description Optional string specifying a human readable description of the token.
For example:
  "lifetime": "1y",
  "description": "A token to be used with joy and care.",
  "client": "PE console"

Response format

Returns a 200 OK response when the token is valid, not expired, and the user is not revoked.

Returns standard RBAC errors when the user doesn't exist, is revoked, etc.

For example:
   "token": "ALDbkgFtOANbMtACmD1R7BA42cNLDnN3VthXpBIkMQyg"