Tokens endpoints
A user’s access to PE services can be controlled using
authentication tokens. Users can revoke authentication tokens using the tokens
DELETE /tokens
Use this endpoint to revoke one or more authentication tokens, ensuring the tokens can no longer be used with RBAC.
The tokens must be specified using at least one of the following parameters:
Parameter | Value |
A list of complete authentication tokens to be revoked. |
A list of usernames whose tokens are to be revoked. |
A list of the labels of tokens to revoke (only tokens owned by the user making the request can be revoked in this manner). |
revoke_tokens_by_ids |
A list of token ids whose tokens are to be revoked. |
You can supply parameters either as query parameters or as JSON-encoded in the body. If you include them as query parameters, separate the tokens, labels, or usernames by commas:
/tokens?revoke_tokens_by_usernames=<USER NAME>,<USER NAME>
If you encoded them in the body, supply them as a JSON array:
{"revoke_tokens_by_usernames": ["<USER NAME>", "<USER NAME>"]}
If you provide a parameter as both a query parameter and in the JSON body,
the values from the two sources are combined. It is not an error to specify the same token using
multiple means (such as by providing the entire token to the revoke_tokens
parameter and also including its label in the value of
In the case of an error, malformed or otherwise input, or bad request data, the endpoint still attempts to revoke as many tokens as possible. This means it's possible to encounter multiple error conditions in a single request, such as if there were malformed usernames supplied in the request and a database error occurred when trying to revoke the well-formed usernames.
All operations on this endpoint are idempotent—it is not an error to revoke the same token two or more times.
Any user can revoke any token by supplying the complete
token in the revoke_tokens
query parameter or
request body field.
To revoke tokens by username, the user making the request must have the "Users Revoke" permission for that user.
Example JSON body
The following is an example JSON body using each of the available parameters.
{"revoke_tokens": ["eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhZG1pbiIsImlhdCI6MTQzOTQ5Mzg0NiwiZXhwIjoxNDM5NDk0MTQ2LCJzdWIiOnsibG9naW4iOiJhZG1pbiIsImlkIjoiNDJiZjM1MWMtZjllYy00MGFmLTg0YWQtZTk3NmZlYzdmNGJkIn19.gCXZVMJ1TwRKMKCV3OESK-tMGtAALp_vBONSQQ2zU5ihWfsDU4mmmefbelR1CzA2TWrsv62DpJhtSc3iMLsSyjcUjsP6I87kjw3XFtjcB79kx5G0olhReEzkZ9wsvoR3Ha55VD2LEhfoUl8Q0jqlGRCnWUsbUeORYLkBpWpyOkbgww1UZXBLCcdMIxVcxa4xfDdGCcRT_dIB7tEtkHWH_DgA2Hbc3AMhE_9S1T_W563y9ObD58lPgFNMFr2qkFjVLQpDkKnQF1AaCDHIj-aODfSvzf9l35IE7vi97s-9fFcHUFPzboyz60GDyRJVSOwohTWpNJMlAfx0UBitgqCYXnE4rr8wKBoeOXoeEQezJZ1MJlQdi9cMzqB7t2i02uHJWmnVKio4WM1BukikjXtftnLIcJiQwpnENnXS9WmaIhpFTuKqeXRJbRN979HTEmGTArdQMpllE-u8-q0TqeN3ke4azDxdIqfhZ7H10-jDR0C5yeSBGWfX-0KEbp42cGz8lA6rrIHpSaajRWUg9yTHeUkT2crh6878orCLgfoBLDh-rOBTLeIua16sasH-ggpdHqVkTFOomEXM6UTJlp1NpuP01rNr9JMlxWhI8WpExH1l_-136D1NJm32kwo-oV6GzXRx70xq_N2CwIwObw-X1S5aUUC4KkyPtDmNvnvC1n4"]
"revoke_tokens_by_labels": ["Workstation Token", "VPS Token"],
"revoke_tokens_by_usernames": ["<USER NAME>", "<USER NAME>"]}
Response codes
Code | Definition |
204 No Content | Sent if all operations are successful. |
500 Application Error | Sent if there was a database error when trying to revoke tokens. |
403 | Sent if the user lacks the permission to revoke one of the supplied usernames and no database error occurred. |
400 Malformed |
Sent if one these conditions are true:
All error responses follow the standard JSON error format, meaning they
have kind
, msg
, and details
The kind
key is
if the
response is a 500, permission-denied
if the
response is a 403, and malformed-token-request
if the response is a 400.
The msg
key contains an English-language description of the problems encountered while
processing the request and performing the revocations, ending with either "No tokens were
revoked" or "All other tokens were successfully revoked", depending on whether any operations
were successful.
The details
key contains an object with arrays in the
, malformed_usernames
, nonexistent_usernames
, unrecognized_parameters
, and permission_denied_ids
fields, as well as the Boolean field
The arrays all
contain bad input from the request, and the other_tokens_revoked
field's value indicates whether any of the revocations specified
in the request were successful or not.
Example error body
The server returns an error body resembling the following:
{"kind": "malformed-request",
"msg": "The following user does not exist: FormerEmployee. All other tokens were successfully revoked.",
"details": {"malformed_tokens": [],
"malformed_labels": [],
"malformed_usernames": [],
"malformed_ids": [],
"nonexistent_usernames": ["FormerEmployee"],
"permission_denied_usernames": [],
"permission_denied_ids": [],
"unrecognized_parameters": [],
"permission_denied_usernames": []
"unrecognized_parameters": []
"other_tokens_revoked": true}}
DELETE /tokens/<token>
Use this endpoint to revoke a single token, ensuring that it can no longer be used with RBAC. Authentication is required.
This endpoint is equivalent to DELETE
This API can be used only by the admin or API user.
Response codes
The server uses the following response codes:
Code | Definition |
204 No Content | Sent if all operations are successful. |
400 Malformed | Sent if the token is malformed. |
The error response is identical to DELETE /tokens
Example error body
The error response from this endpoint
is identical to DELETE /tokens
{"kind": "malformed-request",
"msg": "The following token is malformed: notAToken. This can be caused by an error while copying and pasting. No tokens were revoked."
"details": {"malformed_tokens": ["notAToken"],
"malformed_labels": [],
"malformed_usernames": [],
"nonexistent_usernames": [],
"permission_denied_usernames": [],
"unrecognized_parameters": [],
"other_tokens_revoked": false}}
POST /auth/token/authenticate
Use this endpoint to exchange a token for a map representing an RBAC subject and associated token data. This endpoint does not require authentication.
This endpoint accepts a JSON body containing entries for token
and update_last_activity?
. The token
field is a string containing an authentication token. The
field is a Boolean data type that
indicates whether a successful authentication should update the last_active
timestamp for the token.
Response codes
The server uses the following response codes:
Code | Definition |
200 OK | The subject represented by the token. |
400 invalid-token | The provided token was either tampered with or could not be parsed. |
403 token-revoked | The provided token has been revoked. |
403 token-expired | The token has expired and is no longer valid. |
403 token-timed-out | The token has timed out due to inactivity. |
Example JSON body
"token": "0VZZ6geJQK8zJGKxBdq1atTsMLAsfCQFJuRwxsMNgCr4",
"update_last_activity?": false
Example return
"role_ids":[1, 2, 3],
"display_name":"Franz Kafka",