Rules endpoint
Use the rules endpoint to translate a group’s rule condition into PuppetDB query syntax.
POST /v1/rules/translate
Translate a group's rule condition into PuppetDB query syntax.
Request format
The request's body contains a rule condition as it would appear in the rule
field of a group object.
The endpoint supports an optional query parameter format
, which
defaults to nodes
. If specified as
, it allows you to get the classifier rules in
a compatible dot notation format instead of the
standard PuppetDB
Response format
The response is a PuppetDB query string that can be used with PuppetDB nodes endpoint in order to see which nodes would satisfy the rule condition (that is, which nodes would be classified into a group with that rule).
Error responses
Rules that use structured or trusted facts
cannot be converted into PuppetDB queries, because
PuppetDB does not yet support structured or
trusted facts. If the rule cannot be translated into a PuppetDB query, the server returns a 422
Unprocessable Entity response containing the usual JSON error object. The error
object has a kind
"untranslatable-rule", a msg
describes why the rule cannot be translated, and contains the received rule in
If the request does not contain a valid rule, the server returns a 400 Bad Request
response with the usual JSON error object. If the rule was not valid JSON, the
error's kind
"malformed-request", the msg
that the request's body could not be parsed as JSON, and the details
contain the request's body as received
by the server.
If the rule does not conform to the rule
grammar, the kind
key is
"schema-violation", and the details
key is an object with submitted
, and error
keys which respectively describe the
submitted object, the schema that object is expected to conform to, and how the
submitted object failed to conform to the schema.