Facter 4 known issues


These are the known issues in this version of Facter.

The implementation of the dot notation is not compatible with the Puppet ecosystem

The implementation of the dot notation feature is not compatible with other parts of the Puppet ecosystem, and does not give the fact the same name as Facter 3. For example, the supported puppetlabs-lvm module creates facts for each volume group in the form of lvm_vg_<name>_pvs. If the volume group name contains a dot, Facter converts the fact from a legacy fact to a structured fact. To access the fact using Puppet's dotted notation, you would need to change your Puppet manifests, Hiera lookups, and Puppet Enterprise (PE) classification rules, causing breaking changes. As a result, Facter 4.1 reverts back to the way Facter 3 handled facts with dotted names.

If you want to re-enable the Facter 4 behaviour — that converts a dotted fact to a structured fact — add the following setting to your manifest:
global : {
    force-dot-resolution : true


Incorrect OS description output on Debian 9

Running the facter command in Facter 4 returns incorrect output for the os.distro.description fact on Debian 9. This facts work correctly in Facter 3 and appears differently when running the puppet facts diff command. FACT-2985

The DHCP server fact not detected on Facter

The DHCP server fact is not correctly detected by Facter 4. This works correctly in Facter 3.


Incorrect output of the processors.speed fact on Linux

This is issue affects non-virtualized systems — with processors that support variable frequency. FACT-2980