Plans endpoints


Use the /plans endpoint to see all known plans in your environments.

GET /plans

List all known plans in a given environment.


The request accepts the following query parameters:
Parameter Definition
environment Return the plans in a particular environment. Defaults to production.

Response format

The response is a JSON object that lists the known plans and where to find more information about them. It uses the following keys:
Key Definition
items Contains an array of all known plans for the specified environment.
environment A map containing the name key with the environment name and a code_id key indicating the code id the plans are listed from.
Note: code_id is always null.
Each item above has the following keys:
Key Definition
id An absolute URL to retrieve plan details.
name The full name of the plan.
permitted A boolean indicating if the user making the request is permitted to use the plan.

For example:

  "environment": {
    "name": "production",
    "code_id": null
  "items": [
      "id": "",
      "name": "profile::firewall",
      "permitted": true
      "id": "",
      "name": "profile::rolling_update",
      "permitted": true
      "id": "",
      "name": "canary::random",
      "permitted": false

Error responses

For this endpoint, the kind key of the error displays the conflict.
Key Definition
puppetlabs.orchestrator/validation-error If the environment parameter is not a legal environment name, the server returns a 400 response.
puppetlabs.orchestrator/unknown-environment If the specified environment doesn't exist, the server returns a 404 response.

GET /plans/:module/:planname

Return data about the specified plan, including metadata.


Parameter Definition
environment Return the plan from a particular environment. Defaults to production.
Note: code_id is always null.

Response format

The response is a JSON object that includes information about the specified plan. The following keys are used:
Key Definition
id An absolute URL to retrieve plan details.
name The full name of the plan.
environment A map containing a name key with the environment name and a code_id key indicating the code id the plan is being listed from.
permitted A boolean indicating if the user is permitted to use the plan or not.
metadata A map containing a description field with the plan's description, as well as a parameters map where keys are parameter names and values that map to type, default_value, and description.
type The type of the parameter, matches a puppet type. If no type is present for the parameter, defaults to {{Any`
default_value The default value of the parameter when it is not set. Optional.
description A description of the parameter. Optional.
For example:
  "id": "",
  "name": "canary::random",
  "environment": {
    "name": "production",
    "code_id": null
  "metadata": {},
  "permitted": true

Error responses

Key Definition
puppetlabs.orchestrator/validation-error If the environment parameter is not a legal environment name, or the module or plan name is invalid, the server returns a 400 response.
puppetlabs.orchestrator/unknown-environment If the specified environment doesn't exist, the server returns a 404 response.
puppetlabs.orchestrator/unknown-plan If the specified plan doesn't exist within that environment, the server returns a 404 response.