r10k command reference


r10k accepts several command line actions, with options and subcommands.

r10k command actions

r10k includes several command line actions.

r10k command Action
deploy Performs operations on environments. Accepts deploy subcommands listed below.
help Displays the r10k help page in the terminal.
puppetfile Performs operations on a Puppetfile. Accepts puppetfile subcommands.
version Displays your r10k version in the terminal.
r10k deployCopied!

r10k command options

r10k commands accept the following options.

r10k command options Action
--color Enables color coded log messages.
--help, -h Shows help for this command.
--trace, -t Displays stack traces on application crash.
--verbose, -v Sets log verbosity. Valid values: fatal, error, warn, notice, info, debug, debug1, debug2.

r10k deploy subcommands

You can use the following subcommands with the r10k deploy command.

r10k deploy --displayCopied!
deploy subcommand Action
display Displays a list of environments in your deployment.
display -p Displays a list of modules in the Puppetfile.
display --detail Displays detailed information.
display --fetch Update the environment sources. Allows you to check for missing environments.
environment Deploys environments and their specified modules.
environment -p Updates modules specified in the environment's Puppetfile.
module Deploys a module in all environments.
module -e Updates all modules in a particular environment.
no-force Prevents the overwriting of local changes to Git-based modules.

See the related topic about deploying environments with r10k for examples of r10k deploy command use.

r10k puppetfile subcommands

The r10k puppetfile command accepts several subcommands for managing modules.

r10k puppetfile installCopied!

These subcommands must be run as the user with write access to that environment’s modules directory. These commands interact with the Puppetfile in the current working directory, so before running the subcommand, make sure you are in the directory of the Puppetfile you want to use.

puppetfile subcommand Action
check Verifies the Puppetfile syntax is correct.
install Installs all modules from a Puppetfile.
install --puppetfile Installs modules from a custom Puppetfile path.
install --moduledir Installs modules from a Puppetfile to a custom module directory location.
install --update_force Installs modules from a Puppetfile with a forced overwrite of local changes to Git-based modules.
purge Purges unmanaged modules from a Puppetfile managed directory.