Token-based authentication



Authentication tokens allow a user to enter their credentials once, then receive an alphanumeric "token" to use to access different services or parts of the system infrastructure. Authentication tokens are tied to the permissions granted to the user through RBAC, and provide the user with the appropriate access to HTTP requests.

You can generate authentication tokens using the console, puppet-access, or the RBAC API V2 endpoint. You can also generate one-off tokens that do not need to be saved, which are typically used by a service.

You can use the console to view or revoke your tokens on the My account page, in the Tokens tab. Administrators can view and revoke tokens for other users on the User details page.

RBAC settings for authentication tokens can be managed in the console in the PE Infrastructure group. See Configure RBAC and token-based authentication settings for a list of settings you can change.

Authentication tokens manage access to the following PE services:

  • Puppet orchestrator
  • Code Manager
  • Node classifier
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Activity service
  • PuppetDB

Configure puppet-access

The puppet-access command allows users to generate and manage authentication tokens from the command line of any workstation (Puppet-managed or not), without the need to SSH into the primary server. If you want to use puppet-access, ensure it is configured correctly before using it to generate authentication tokens.

The configuration file for puppet-access allows you to generate tokens from the CLI without having to pass additional flags.

Whether you are running puppet-access on a PE-managed server or installing it on a separate work station, you need a global configuration file and a user-specified configuration file.

Global configuration file

The global configuration file is located at:

  • On *nix systems: /etc/puppetlabs/client-tools/puppet-access.conf

  • On Windows systems: C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/client-tools/puppet-access.conf

On machines managed by Puppet Enterprise, this global configuration file is created for you. The configuration file is formatted in JSON. For example:

    "service-url": "https://<CONSOLE HOSTNAME>:4433/rbac-api",
    "token-file": "~/.puppetlabs/token",
    "certificate-file": "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem"

PE determines and adds the service-url setting.

If you're running puppet-access from a workstation not managed by PE, you must create the global file and populate it with the configuration file settings.

User-specified configuration file

The user-specified configuration file is located at ~/.puppetlabs/client-tools/puppet-access.conf for both *nix and Windows systems. You must create the user-specified file and populate it with the configuration file settings. A list of configuration file settings is found in the next section.

The user-specified configuration file always takes precedence over the global configuration file. For example, if the two files have contradictory settings for the token-file, the user-specified settings prevail.

Important: User-specified configuration files must be in JSON format; HOCON and INI-style formatting are not supported.

Configuration file settings for puppet-access

As needed, you can manually add configuration settings to your user-specified or global puppet-access configuration file.

The class that manages the global configuration file is puppet_enterprise::profile::controller.

You can also change configuration settings by specifying flags when using the puppet-access command in the command line.

Setting Description Command line flag
token-file The location for storing authentication tokens. Defaults to ~/.puppetlabs/token. -t, --token-file
certificate-file The location of the CA that signed the console-services server's certificate. Defaults to the PE CA cert location, /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem. --ca-cert
config-file Changes the location of your configuration file. Defaults to ~/.puppetlabs/client-tools/puppet-access.conf. -c, --config-file
service-url The URL for your RBAC API. Defaults to the URL automatically determined during the client tools package installation process, generally https://<CONSOLE HOSTNAME>:4433/rbac-api. You typically need to change this only if you are moving the console server. --service-url

Generate a token in the console

Use the console to generate an authentication token and use it to access APIs. If SAML is configured, you must have a token to use CLI tools like orchestrator jobs or PuppetDB queries triggered from the command line. Generate and export a token to the machine you want to run the CLI tool on.

  1. In the console, on the My account page, click the Tokens tab.
  2. Click Generate new token.
  3. Under Description, enter a description for your new token.
  4. Under Lifetime, select the length of time you want your token to be good for.
  5. Click Get token.
  6. Click Copy token.
    Important: Store the token somewhere secure and do not share it with others. You cannot regenerate this token again once you close this page.
  7. Click Close.

Generate a token using puppet-access

Use puppet-access to generate an authentication tokens from the command line of any workstation (Puppet-managed or not), without the need to SSH into the primary server.

Before you begin

Install the PE client tools package and configure puppet-access.

  1. Choose one of the following options, depending on how long you need your token to last:
    • To generate a token with the default one-hour lifetime, run puppet-access login.

    • To generate a token with a specific lifetime, run puppet-access login --lifetime <TIME PERIOD>.

      For example, puppet-access login --lifetime 5h generates a token that lasts five hours.

  2. When prompted, enter the same username and password that you use to log into the PE console.
    The puppet-access command contacts the token endpoint in the RBAC v1 API. If your login credentials are correct, the RBAC service generates a token.
  3. The token is generated and stored in a file for later use. The default location for storing the token is ~/.puppetlabs/token. You can print the token at any time using puppet-access show.

You can continue to use this token until it expires, or until your access is revoked. The token has the exact same set of permissions as the user that generated it.

CAUTION: If you run the login command with the --debug flag, the client outputs the token, as well as the username and password. For security reasons, exercise caution when using the --debug flag with the login command.
Note: If a remote user generates a token and then is deleted from your external directory service, the deleted user cannot log into the console. However, because the token has already been authenticated, the RBAC service does not contact the external directory service again when the token is used in the future. To fully remove the token's access, you need to manually revoke or delete the user from PE.

Generate a token using the API endpoint

The RBAC v1 API includes a token endpoint, which allows you to generate a token using curl commands.

  1. On the command line, post your RBAC user login credentials using the token endpoint.
    type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
    uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/auth/token"
    data='{"login": "<USER>", 
           "password": "<PASSWORD>"}'
    curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data" Copied!

    See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.

    The command returns a JSON object containing the key token and the token itself.
    CAUTION: If you are using curl commands with the --k or --insecure SSL connection options, keep in mind that you are vulnerable to a person-in-the-middle attack.
  2. Save the token. Depending on your workflow, either:
    • Copy the token to a text file.

    • Save the token as an environment variable using export TOKEN=<PASTE THE TOKEN HERE>.


You can continue to use this token until it expires, or until your access is revoked. The token has the exact same set of permissions as the user that generated it.

Note: If a remote user generates a token and then is deleted from your external directory service, the deleted user cannot log into the console. However, because the token has already been authenticated, the RBAC service does not contact the external directory service again when the token is used in the future. To fully remove the token's access, you need to manually revoke or delete the user from PE.

Use a token with the PE API endpoints

The example below shows how to use a token in an API request. In this example, you use the /users/current endpoint of the RBAC v1 API to get information about the current authenticated user.

Before you begin
Generate a token using puppet-access login.
Run the following commands: curl --insecure --header "X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)" https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/users/current
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/users/current"

curl --insecure --header "$auth_header" "$uri"Copied!

See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.

The commands above use the X-Authentication header to supply the token information.

In some cases, such as GitHub webhooks, you might need to supply the token in a token parameter by specifying the request as follows:
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/users/current?token=$(puppet-access show)"

curl --insecure "$uri"Copied!
CAUTION: If you are using curl commands with the --k or --insecure SSL connection options, keep in mind that you are vulnerable to a person-in-the-middle attack.

Generate a token for use by a service

If you need to generate a token for use by a service and the token doesn't need to be saved, use the --print option.

Before you begin

Install the PE client tools package and configure puppet-access.

Run puppet-access login [username] --print.
This command generates a token, and then displays the token content as stdout (standard output) rather than saving it to disk.
Tip: When generating a token for a service, consider specifying a longer token lifetime so that you don't have to regenerate the token too frequently.

View token activity

Token activity is logged by the activity service. You can see recent token activity on any user's account in the console.

  1. In the console, on theAccess control page, click the Users tab and select the full name of the user you are interested in.
  2. Click the Activity tab.

Change the token's default lifetime

Tokens have a default authentication lifetime of one hour, but this default value can be adjusted in the console. You can also change a token's maximum authentication lifetime, which defaults to 10 years.

  1. In the console, click Node groups.
  2. Open the PE Infrastructure node group and click the PE Console node group.
  3. On the Classes tab, find the puppet_enterprise::profile::console class.
  4. In the Parameter field, select rbac_token_auth_lifetime to change the default lifetime of all tokens, or rbac_token_maximum_lifetime to adjust the maximum allowable lifetime for all tokens.
  5. In the Value field, enter the new default authentication lifetime.
    Specify a numeric value followed by "y" (years), "d" (days), "h" (hours), "m" (minutes), or "s" (seconds). For example, "12h" generates a token valid for 12 hours.

    Do not add a space between the numeric value and the unit of measurement. If you do not specify a unit, it is assumed to be seconds.

    The rbac_token_auth_lifetime cannot exceed the rbac_token_maximum_lifetime value.

  6. Click Add parameter, and commit changes.

Set a token-specific lifetime

Tokens have a default lifetime of one hour, but you can set a different lifetime for your token when you generate it. This allows you to keep one token for multiple sessions.

Specify a numeric value followed by "y" (years), "d" (days), "h" (hours), "m" (minutes), or "s" (seconds). For example, "12h" generates a token valid for 12 hours.

Do not add a space between the numeric value and the unit of measurement. If you do not specify a unit, it is assumed to be seconds.

Use the --lifetime parameter if using puppet-access to generate your token. For example: puppet-access login --lifetime 1h.

Use the lifetime value if using the RBAC v1 API to generate your token. For example: {"login": "<YOUR PE USER NAME>", "password": "<YOUR PE PASSWORD>", "lifetime": "1h"}.

Set a token-specific label

You can affix a plain-text, user-specific label to tokens you generate with the RBAC v1 API. Token labels allow you to more readily refer to your token when working with RBAC API endpoints, or when revoking your own token.

Token labels are assigned on a per-user basis: two users can each have a token labelled “my token”, but a single user cannot have two tokens both labelled “my token.” You cannot use labels to refer to other users’ tokens.

Generate a token using the token endpoint of the RBAC API, using the label value to specify the name of your token.

{"login": "<YOUR PE USER NAME>", "password": "<YOUR PE PASSWORD>", "label": "Ava's token"}

Labels must be no longer than 200 characters, must not contain commas, and must contain something besides whitespace.

Revoke a token using the API

Revoke tokens by username, label, or full token through the token endpoint of the v2 RBAC API. All token revocation attempts are logged in the activity service, and can be viewed on the user's Activity tab in the console.

You can revoke your own token by username, label, or full token. You can also revoke any other full token you possess. Users with the permission to revoke other users can also revoke those users' tokens, as the users:disable permission includes token revocation. Revoking a user's tokens does not revoke the user's PE account.

If a user's account is revoked, all tokens associated with that user account are also automatically revoked.

Revoke a token in the console

Revoke your tokens on the My Account page in the console. Administrators can also revoke tokens of other users.

To revoke your token:

  1. In the console, on the My account page, click the Tokens tab.
  2. Find the token you want to revoke and click Revoke token.
    Administrators can revoke another user's token on the User details page.

Delete a token file

If you logged into puppet-access to generate a token, you can remove the file that stores that token simply by running the delete-token-file command. This is useful if you are working on a server that is used by other people.

Deleting the token file prevents other users from using your authentication token, but does not actually revoke the token. After the token has expired, there's no risk of obtaining the contents of the token file.

From the command line, run one of the following commands, depending on the path to your token file:
  • If your token is at the default token file location, run puppet-access delete-token-file.

  • If you used a different path to store your token file, run puppet-access delete-token-file --token-path <YOUR TOKEN PATH>.