Groups endpoint examples
Use example requests to better understand how to work with groups in the node classifier API.
These requests assume the following configuration:
- The Puppet primary server is running on
and can allow certificates to enable URL requests. - Port 4433 is open.
Create a group called My Nodes
This request uses POST /v1/groups to create a group called My Nodes.
type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
cert="$(puppet config print hostcert)"
cacert="$(puppet config print localcacert)"
key="$(puppet config print hostprivkey)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/classifier-api/v1/groups"
data='{ "name": "My Nodes",
"parent": "00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000",
"environment": "production",
"classes": {}
curl --header "$type_header" --cert "$cert" --cacert "$cacert" --key "$key" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"
See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.
Get the group ID of My Nodes
This request uses the groups endpoint to get details about groups.
cert="$(puppet config print hostcert)"
cacert="$(puppet config print localcacert)"
key="$(puppet config print hostprivkey)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/classifier-api/v1/groups"
curl --header "$type_header" --cert "$cert" --cacert "$cacert" --key "$key" "$uri"
See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.
The response is a JSON file containing details about all groups, including the My Nodes group ID.
"environment_trumps": false,
"parent": "00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000",
"name": "My Nodes",
"variables": {},
"id": "085e2797-32f3-4920-9412-8e9decf4ef65",
"environment": "production",
"classes": {}
Pin a node to the My Nodes group
This request uses POST /v1/groups/<id> to pin the node example-to-pin.example.vm to My Groups using the group ID retrieved in the previous step.
type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/085e2797-32f3-4920-9412-8e9decf4ef65/pin"
data='{ "nodes": ["example-to-pin.example.vm"] }'
curl --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"
See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.
Pin a second node to the My Nodes group
This request uses POST /v1/groups/<id> to pin a second node example-to-pin-2.example.vm to My Groups.
type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/085e2797-32f3-4920-9412-8e9decf4ef65/pin"
data='{ "nodes": ["example-to-pin.example.vm", "example-to-pin-2.example.vm"] }'
curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"
See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.
Unpin a node from the My Nodes group
This request uses POST /v1/groups/<id> to unpin the node example-to-unpin.example.vm from My Groups.
type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
cert="$(puppet config print hostcert)"
cacert="$(puppet config print localcacert)"
key="$(puppet config print hostprivkey)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/a02ee4a7-8ec1-44ec-99a6-ef362596fd6e/unpin"
data='{ "nodes": ["example-to-unpin"] }'
curl --header "$type_header" --cert "$cert" --cacert "$cacert" --key "$key" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"
See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.
Add a class and parameters to the My Nodes group
This request uses POST /v1/groups/<id> to specify the apache class and parameters for My Groups.
type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):4433/classifier-api/v1/groups/085e2797-32f3-4920-9412-8e9decf4ef65"
{"apache": {
"serveradmin": "",
"keepalive_timeout": null}
curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"
See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.