Value report
Value analytics give you insight into time and money saved by Puppet Enterprise (PE) automation. You can access this information on the Value report page in the console or through the value API.
The information in the value report and the value API provide details about automated changes PE makes to nodes and estimates time saved by each type of change based on intelligent defaults or values you provide. If you specify an average hourly salary, the report also estimates cost savings from automated changes.
- Make sure tasks, plans, and Puppet runs are processing normally because value analysis doesn't track failed runs.
- If you use the value API, query the endpoint regularly to gather data over time.
Value report defaults
Value analytics uses intelligent defaults to estimate time freed by automated changes. These defaults are based on customer research and take into account time to triage, research, and fix issues, as well as context switching. You can also provide your own default values.
, med
, or high
estimates for
time freed parameters, or provide an exact value in minutes based on averages in your
organization. In the console Value report, you specify an exact
value in minutes. Unless you specify otherwise, both the API and the console use the
values. The baseline intelligent default values
are as follows:Parameter | Intelligent default values |
minutesFreedPerCorrectiveChange |
minutesFreedPerIntentionalChange |
minutesFreedPerTaskRun |
minutesFreedPerPlanRun |
You can change the low
, med
, and high
times by
specifying any of the value_report_*
parameters in
the PE Console
node group in the puppet_enterprise::profile::console
GET /api/reports/value
Use the GET /api/reports/value
endpoint to retrieve information about
time and money freed by Puppet Enterprise (PE) automation.
Request format
You must provide well-formed HTTP(S) requests. By default, the value API uses the standard HTTPS port for console communication, which is port 443. You can omit the port from your requests unless you want to specify a different port.
You must authenticate requests to the value API using your Puppet CA certificate and an RBAC token. The RBAC token must have viewing permissions for the console.
curl https://<HOSTNAME>/api/reports/value \
--cacert /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem \
-H "X-Authentication: <RBAC_TOKEN>"
For general information about forming curl commands, authentication in commands, and Windows modifications, go to Using example commands.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
averageHourlySalary |
Numeric value specifying average hourly salary to use to cost savings for automated work. | None |
startDate |
A date in yyyy-mm-dd
format. |
Today less nine days (One week plus two days in the past) |
endDate |
A daate in yyyy-mm-dd
format.If you specify today's date, the response contains provisional data. |
today less two days |
minutesFreedPerCorrectiveChange |
low , med , high , or
any numeric value in minutes. |
med |
minutesFreedPerIntentionalChange |
low , med , high , or
any numeric value in minutes. |
med |
minutesFreedPerTaskRun |
low , med , high , or
any numeric value in minutes. |
med |
minutesFreedPerPlanRun |
low , med , high , or
any numeric value in minutes. |
med |
are controlled by Value report defaults.Response format
Key | Definition |
startDate |
Start date for the reporting period. |
endDate |
End date for the reporting period. |
totalCorrectiveChanges |
Total number of corrective changes made during the reporting period. |
minutesFreedByCorrectiveChanges |
Total number of minutes freed by automated changes
that prevent drift during regular Puppet
runs. The calculation is based on the average minutes saved per change,
as specified by the minutesFreedPerCorrectiveChange
query parameter. |
totalIntentionalChanges |
Total number of intentional changes made during the reporting period. |
minutesFreedByIntentionalChanges |
Total number of minutes freed by automated changes
based on new values or Puppet code. This
calculation is based on the average minutes saved per change, as
specified by the minutesFreedPerIntentionalChange query
parameter. |
totalNodesAffectedByTaskRuns |
Total number of nodes affected by successful task runs during the reporting period. |
minutesFreedByTaskRuns |
Total number of minutes freed by automated task runs.
This calculation is based on the average minutes saved per task run, as
specified by the minutesFreedPerTaskRun query
parameter. |
totalNodesAffectedByPlanRuns |
Total number of nodes affected by successful plan runs during the reporting period. |
minutesFreedByPlanRuns |
Total number of minutes freed by automated plan runs.
This calculation is based on the average minutes saved per plan run, as
specified by the minutesFreedPerPlanRun query
parameter. |
totalMinutesFreed |
Total number of minutes free by all automated changes. |
totalDollarsSaved |
If the query specified an
averageHourlySalary , total cost savings for all
automated changes. |
Request and response examples
curl -G https://<HOSTNAME>/api/reports/value \
--cacert /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem \
-H "X-Authentication: <RBAC_TOKEN>" \
--data-urlencode 'startDate=2020-07-08' \
--data-urlencode 'endDate=2020-07-15'
The result
"startDate": "2020-07-08",
"endDate": "2020-07-15",
"totalCorrectiveChanges": 0,
"minutesFreedByCorrectiveChanges": 0,
"totalIntentionalChanges": 18,
"minutesFreedByIntentionalChanges": 1620,
"totalNodesAffectedByPlanRuns": 0,
"totalNodesAffectedByTaskRuns": 0,
"minutesFreedByPlanRuns": 0,
"minutesFreedByTaskRuns": 0,
"totalMinutesFreed": 1620
curl -G https://<pe-console-fqdn>/api/reports/value \
--cacert /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem \
-H "X-Authentication: <rbac token>" \
--data-urlencode 'averageHourlySalary=40'
The result
"startDate": "2020-07-08",
"endDate": "2020-07-15",
"totalCorrectiveChanges": 0,
"minutesFreedByCorrectiveChanges": 0,
"totalIntentionalChanges": 18,
"minutesFreedByIntentionalChanges": 1620,
"totalNodesAffectedByPlanRuns": 0,
"totalNodesAffectedByTaskRuns": 0,
"minutesFreedByPlanRuns": 0,
"minutesFreedByTaskRuns": 0,
"totalMinutesFreed": 1620,
"totalDollarsSaved": 1080,
curl -G https://<pe-console-fqdn>/api/reports/value \
--cacert /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem \
-H "X-Authentication: $(cat ~/.puppetlabs/token)" \
--data-urlencode 'minutesFreedPerCorrectiveChange=10' \
--data-urlencode 'minutesFreedPerIntentionalChange=20' \
--data-urlencode 'minutesFreedPerTaskRun=30' \
--data-urlencode 'minutesFreedPerPlanRun=40'
The result
"startDate": "2020-07-01",
"endDate": "2020-07-08",
"totalCorrectiveChanges": 1,
"minutesFreedByCorrectiveChanges": 10,
"totalIntentionalChanges": 2,
"minutesFreedByIntentionalChanges": 40,
"totalNodesAffectedByTaskRuns": 3,
"minutesFreedByTaskRuns": 90,
"totalNodesAffectedByPlanRuns": 4,
"minutesFreedByPlanRuns": 160,
"totalMinutesFreed": 300