Monitoring infrastructure state



When nodes fetch their configurations from the primary server, they send back inventory data and a report of their run. This information is summarized on the Status page in the console.

The Status page displays the most recent run status of each of your nodes so you can quickly find issues and diagnose their causes. You can also use this page to gather essential information about your infrastructure at a glance, such as how many nodes your primary server is managing, and whether any nodes are unresponsive.

Node run statuses

The Status page displays each node's run status for the most recent Puppet run. Possible statuses depend on the Puppet run mode.

Nodes run in enforcement mode

Red exclamation point icon With failures
This node’s last Puppet run failed or Puppet encountered an error that prevented it from making changes.
The error is usually tied to a particular resource (such as a file) managed by Puppet on the node. The node as a whole might still be functioning normally. Alternatively, the problem might be caused by a situation on the primary server that is preventing the node's agent from verifying whether the node is compliant.
Yellow semi-circle icon With corrective changes
During the last Puppet run, Puppet found inconsistencies between the last applied catalog and this node’s configuration, and Puppet corrected those inconsistencies to match the catalog.
Corrective change reporting is available only on agent nodes running Puppet Enterprise (PE) 2016.4 and later. Agents running earlier versions report all change events as With intentional changes.
Blue semi-circle icon With intentional changes
During the last Puppet run, catalog changes were successfully applied to the node.
Green check mark icon Unchanged
This node's last Puppet run was successful, and the node was fully compliant. No changes were necessary.

Nodes run in no-op mode

No-op mode simulates a Puppet run without making changes. No-op mode reporting is available only on agent nodes running PE 2016.4 and later. Agents running earlier versions report all no-op mode runs as Would be unchanged.
Red exclamation point icon With failures
This node’s last no-op Puppet run failed or Puppet encountered an error that prevented it from simulating changes.
Yellow semi-circle icon Would have corrective changes
During the last no-op Puppet run, Puppet found inconsistencies between the last applied catalog and this node’s configuration, and, in a true run,Puppet would correct those inconsistencies to match the catalog.
Blue semi-circle icon Would have intentional changes
If the last no-op Puppet run had been a true run, catalog changes would have been applied to the node.
Green check mark icon Would be unchanged
This node’s last no-op Puppet run was successful, and the node was fully compliant. In a true run, no changes would have been necessary.

Nodes not reporting

Gray dash icon Unresponsive
The node hasn't reported to the primary server recently. Something might be wrong.
The run status table shows the timestamp for the node's last known Puppet run and whether the node's last known run was in no-op mode. Correct the problem to resume Puppet runs on the node.
The default cutoff time for considering a node unresponsive is one hour, but you can change this with the puppet_enterprise::console_services::no_longer_reporting_cutoff parameter. Go to Configure the PE console and console-services for more information.
Gray dash icon Have no reports
Although Puppet Server is aware the node exists, the node has never submitted a Puppet report because the node is a new node, the node has never come online, or the node's copy of Puppet is not configured correctly.
Expired or deactivated nodes are shown on the Status page for seven days. To extend the amount of time that you can view or search these nodes, change the node-ttl setting in PuppetDB. Changing this setting impacts resources and exported resources.

Special categories

In addition to reporting each node's run status, the Status page provides a secondary count of nodes in special categories:
Intended catalog failed
During the last Puppet run, the intended catalog for this node failed and Puppet substituted a cached catalog, according to your configuration settings.
This typically occurs if there are compilation errors in your Puppet code. Check the Puppet run log for details.
This category is shown only if one or more agents failed to retrieve a valid catalog from Puppet Server.
Enforced resources found
During the last no-op Puppet run, one or more resources were enforced, according to your use of the noop => false metaparameter setting.
This category is shown only if enforced resources are present on at least one node.

How Puppet determines node run statuses

Puppet uses a hierarchical system to determine a single run status for each node. This system gives higher priority to the activity types most likely to cause problems in your deployment, so you can focus on the nodes and events most in need of attention.

During a Puppet run, several activity types might occur on a single node. A node's run status reflects the activity with the highest alert level, regardless of how many events of each type took place during the run. Failure events have the highest alert level, and no change events have the lowest alert level.

Run status icon Definitely happened Might also have happened
Red exclamation point icon Failure Corrective change, intentional change, no change
Yellow semi-circle icon Corrective change Intentional change, no change
Blue semi-circle icon Intentional change No change
Green check mark icon No change

For example, during a Puppet run in enforcement mode, a node with 100 resources receives intentional changes on 30 resources, corrective changes on 10 resources, and no changes on the remaining 60 resources. This node's run status is Yellow semi-circle icon With corrective changes, because this status has the highest alert level of all statuses that occurred during the run.

Node run statuses also prioritize run mode (either enforcement or no-op) over the state of individual resources. This means that a node run in no-op mode is always reported in the Nodes run in no-op column, even if some of its resource changes were enforced. If the no-op flags on a node's resources are all set to false, then changes to the resources are enforced, not simulated. Even so, because it is run in no-op mode, the node's run status is Blue semi-circle icon Would have intentional changes.

Filtering nodes on the Status page

You can filter the list of nodes displayed on the Status page by run status and by node fact. If you set a run status filter, and also set a node fact filter, the table takes both filters into account, and shows only those nodes matching both filters.

Clicking Remove filter removes all filters currently in effect.

The filters you set are persistent. If you set run status or fact filters on the Status page, they continue to be applied to the table until they're changed or removed, even if you navigate to other pages in the console or log out. The persistent storage is associated with the browser tab, not your user account, and is cleared when you close the tab.

Important: The filter results count and the fact filter matching nodes counts are cached for two minutes after first retrieval. This reduces the total load on PuppetDB and decreases page load time, especially for fact filters with multiple rows. As a result, the displayed counts might be up to two minutes out of date.

Filter by node run status

The status counts section at the top of the Status page shows a summary of the number of nodes with each run status as of the last Puppet run. Filter nodes by run status to quickly focus on nodes with failures or change events.

In the status counts section, select a run status (such as with corrective changes or have no reports) or a run status category (such as Nodes run in no-op).

Filter by node fact

You can create a highly specific list of nodes for further investigation by using the fact filter tool.

For example, you can check that nodes you've updated have successfully changed, or find out the operating systems or IP addresses of a set of failed nodes to better understand the failure. You might also filter by facts to fulfill an auditor's request for information, such as the number of nodes running a particular version of software.

  1. Click Filter by fact value. In the Fact field, select one of the available facts. An empty fact field is not allowed.
    Tip: To see the facts and values reported by a node on its most recent run, click the node name in the Run status table, then select the node’s Facts tab.
  2. Select an Operator:
    Operator Meaning Notes
    = is
    != is not
    ~ matches a regular expression (regex) Select this operator to use wildcards and other regular expressions if you want to find matching facts without having to specify the exact value.
    !~ does not match a regular expression (regex)
    > greater than Can be used only with facts that have a numeric value.
    >= greater than or equal to Can be used only with facts that have a numeric value.
    < less than Can be used only with facts that have a numeric value.
    <= less than or equal to Can be used only with facts that have a numeric value.
  3. In the Value field, enter a value. Strings are case-sensitive, so make sure you use the correct case.

    The filter displays an error if you use an invalid string operator (for example, selecting a numeric value operator such as >= and entering a non-numeric string such as pilsen as the value) or enter an invalid regular expression.

    Note: If you enter an invalid or empty value in the Value field, PE takes the following action in order to avoid a filter error:
    • Invalid or empty Boolean facts are processed as false, and results are retrieved accordingly.

    • Invalid or empty numeric facts are processed as 0, and results are retrieved accordingly.

    • Invalid or incomplete regular expressions invalidate the filter, and no results are retrieved.

  4. Click Add.
  5. As needed, repeat these steps to add additional filters. If filtering by more than one node fact, specify either Nodes must match all rules or Nodes can match any rule.

Filtering nodes in your node list

Filter your node list by node name or by PQL query to more easily inspect them.

Filter your node list by node name

Filter your nodes list by node name to inspect them as a group.

Select Node name, type in the word you want to filter by, and click Submit.

Filter your nodes by PQL query

Filter your nodes list using a common PQL query.

Filtering your nodes list by PQL query enables you to manage them by specific factors, such as by operating system, report status, or class.

Specify a target by doing one of the following:
  • Enter a query that selects the target you want. See the Puppet Query Language (PQL) reference for more information.
  • Click Common queries, select one of the queries, and replace the defaults in the braces ({ }) with values that specify the target you want.
    Target PQL query
    All nodes nodes[certname] { }
    Nodes with a specific resource (example: httpd) resources[certname] { type = "Service" and title = "httpd" }
    Nodes with a specific fact and value (example: OS name is CentOS) inventory[certname] { = "<OS>" }
    Nodes with a specific report status (example: last run failed) reports[certname] { latest_report_status = "failed" }
    Nodes with a specific class (example: Apache) resources[certname] { type = "Class" and title = "Apache" }
    Nodes assigned to a specific environment (example: production) nodes[certname] { catalog_environment = "production" }
    Nodes with a specific version of a resource type (example: OpenSSL v1.1.0e) resources[certname] {type = "Package" and title="openssl" and parameters.ensure = "1.0.1e-51.el7_2.7" }
    Nodes with a specific resource and operating system (example: httpd and CentOS) inventory[certname] { facts.operatingsystem = "CentOS" and resources { type = "Service" and title = "httpd" } }

Monitor PE services

You can monitor the status of core services in the Puppet Enterprise (PE) has console or with the puppet infrastructure status command.

Component or service Console status monitor Command line status
Activity service Yes Yes
Agentless Catalog Executor (ACE) service No Yes
Bolt service No Yes
Classifier service Yes Yes
Code Manager service Yes Yes
Orchestrator service Yes Yes
Puppet Communications Protocol (PCP) broker No Yes
PostgreSQL No Yes
Puppet Server Yes Yes
PuppetDB Yes Yes
Role-based access control (RBAC) service Yes Yes

View the Puppet Services status monitor

The Puppet Services status monitor provides a visual overview of the current state of core services. You can use it to quickly determine whether an unresponsive or restarting service is causing an issue with your deployment.

  1. In the console, click Status.
  2. Click Puppet Services status to open the monitor.
    A check mark is shown next to Puppet Services status if all applicable services are accepting requests. If no data is available, a question mark is shown. If any services are restarting or not accepting requests, a warning icon is shown.

puppet infrastructure status command

The puppet infrastructure status command returns errors and alerts from Puppet Enterprise (PE) components and services.

The command reports separately on the primary server and any compilers or replicas in your environment. You must run the command as root.