Forming status API requests


When forming status API requests, you must specify the port corresponding to the Puppet Enterprise (PE) service you want to inspect.

Status API requests must include a URI path following the pattern:
The variable path components derive from:
  • DNS: Your PE console host's DNS name. You can manually enter it or use a puppet command, as explained in Using example commands.
  • PORT: The port associated with the service(s) you want to query.
  • ENDPOINT: One or more sections specifying the endpoint, such as services or simple. Some endpoints require additional sections, such as the GET /status/v1/services/<SERVICE NAME> endpoint.
For example, to call the GET /status/v1/services endpoint for all PE services on port 8140, you could use:
GET https://$(puppet config print server):8140/status/v1/servicesCopied!
To call the GET /status/v1/services/<SERVICE NAME> endpoint for the RBAC service on port 4433, you could use either of these paths:
https://(puppet config print server):4433/status/v1/services/rbac-service

To form a complete curl command, you need to provide appropriate curl arguments, Status API authentication, and you might need to supply the content type and/or additional parameters specific to the endpoint you are calling.

For information about puppet config commands and curl commands in Windows, go to Using example commands.

Default ports

The following are the default ports for services you can query through the status API endpoints. If you changed service's a port in your installation's configuration, you'll need to call that port instead.
Service Port
Activity service 4433
Node classifier 4433
Code Manager, file sync client, and file sync storage 8140
Orchestrator, PCP broker, and PCP broker v2 8143
PuppetDB 8081
RBAC service 4433
Puppet Server 8140