Node classifier API errors


Learn about node classifier API error responses.

Error response description

Node classifier API error responses are formatted as JSON objects.

Error responses use these keys:
Key Definition
kind The kind of error encountered.
msg The message associated with the error.,
details A hash containing additional information about the error. This information might be less user-friendly than the msg.

Internal server errors

Endpoints might return 500: Internal Server Error responses in addition to their usual responses. There are two kinds of internal server error responses: application-error and database-corruption.

An application-error response is a catchall for unexpected errors. The msg of an 500 application-error response contains the underlying error's message and a description of information contained in details. The details contain the error's stack trace (as an array of strings) and might contain schema, value, and error keys if the error was caused by a schema validation failure.

A 500 database-corruption response occurs when a resource that is retrieved from the database fails to conform to the schema expected of it by the application. This usually indicates a software bug, but can indicate either:
  • Genuine corruption in the database
  • That a third party has changed values directly in the database
The msg contains a description of how the database corruption could have occurred. The details contains retrieved, schema, and error keys, which report retrieved resource, the schema it was expected to conform to, and a description of how the resource failed to conform to that schema.

Not found errors

Any endpoint where a resource identifier is supplied can produce a 404 Not Found Error response if a resource with that identifier could not be found.

All not found error responses have the same form:
  • kind: not-found
  • msg: "The resource could not be found"
  • details: Contains the URI of the request that caused the 404 response.