Tokens endpoints
Authentication tokens control access to PE services.
Use the v2 tokens
endpoints to revoke and validate
You can use the v1 Tokens endpoints to create tokens.
DELETE /tokens
Use this endpoint to revoke one or more authentication tokens, ensuring the tokens can no longer be used with RBAC to access PE services.
Request format
: Supply a list of complete authentication tokens you want to revoke. Any user can revoke any token by supplying the complete token in this parameter. -
: Supply a list of user names identifying users whose tokens you want to revoke. To revoke tokens by user name, the user making the request must have the Users Revoke permission for the specified users. -
: Supply a list of labels identifying tokens to revoke. To be revoked in this manner, the tokens must belong to the requesting user and have been assigned a token-spcific label. -
: Supply a list of UUIDs for users whose tokens you want to revoke. To revoke tokens by user name, the user making the request must have the Users Revoke permission for the specified users.
You can append the parameters to the URI path, supply a JSON-encoded body, or both.
curl DELETE 'https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v2/tokens?revoke_tokens_by_usernames=<USER_NAME>,<USER_NAME>' \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)"
, format the entire body as a JSON object, and
format each value list as an array. For
example:curl DELETE 'https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v2/tokens' \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"revoke_tokens": ["<TOKEN>", "TOKEN"],
"revoke_tokens_by_labels": ["Workstation Token", "VPS Token"],
"revoke_tokens_by_usernames": ["<USER_NAME>", "<USER_NAME>"]}'
When supplying multiple values, use commas to separate tokens, labels, user names, and IDs.
If you supply values by appending parameters and in a JSON body, the values from the both sources are combined.
It is not an error to specify the same token using multiple means. For example, you could
supply the entire token to the revoke_tokens
parameter and also include its
label in the value of revoke_tokens_by_labels
All operations on this endpoint are idempotent. It is not an error to revoke the same token multiple times.
Response format
The server sends a 204 No Content response if all operations succeed.
Error responses
In the case of an error, malformed input, or bad request data, the endpoint still attempts to revoke as many tokens as possible. This means it's possible to encounter multiple error conditions in a single request while some requested operations succeed. For example, you would get multiple errors if a request included some malformed user names and a database error occurred when trying to revoke the well-formed user names.
- 500 Application Error: There was a database error when trying to revoke tokens.
- 403 Forbidden: The user lacks permission to revoke one of the supplied user names and no database error occurred.
400 Malformed: One of these conditions is true:
- At least one of the tokens, user names, labels, or IDs is malformed.
- At least one of the user names or IDs does not exist in the RBAC database.
- The request contains no parameters or values to revoke.
- The request contains illegal parameters.
key contains information
about encountered errors and either No tokens were revoked or All
other tokens were successfully revoked, depending on whether any operations were
successful. For
example:"msg": "The following user does not exist: FormerEmployee. All other tokens were successfully revoked."
key in the error response. For example, this response had
one failed operation and succeeded in all other
operations:{"kind": "malformed-request",
"details": {"malformed_tokens": [],
"malformed_labels": [],
"malformed_usernames": [],
"malformed_ids": [],
"nonexistent_usernames": ["FormerEmployee"],
"permission_denied_usernames": [],
"permission_denied_ids": [],
"unrecognized_parameters": [],
"permission_denied_usernames": []
"unrecognized_parameters": []
"other_tokens_revoked": true}}
, andmalformed_ids
: Contain any values from the request that aren't properly formatted as tokens, user names, labels, or UUIDs. -
: Contains any value from therevoke_tokens_by_usernames
parameter that doesn't match an existing user's user name. -
: The requesting user doesn't have permission to revoke tokens for users identified in these arrays. -
: The request contained an invalid or malformed parameter.
Boolean indicates whether any non-erroneous
values were successfully revoked.For more information about RBAC API errors and errors not described here, refer to RBAC service errors.
DELETE /tokens/<token>
Use this endpoint to revoke a single token, ensuring that it can no longer be used with RBAC. Authentication is required.
Request format
Only admins or API users can use this endpoint.
curl DELETE 'https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v2/tokens/<TOKEN>' \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)"
parameter and a single token value. If you're
not an admin, try the DELETE /tokens
route for revoking
tokens.Response format
The server returns 204 No Content if the revocation was successful.
Error responses
Error response are similar to DELETE /tokens error responses, except that only one token is processed.
POST /auth/token/authenticate
Use this endpoint to exchange a token for a map representing an RBAC subject and associated token data. Authentication isn't required.
Request format
. The body must be a JSON object using
these keys:-
: An authentication token -
: A Boolean indicating whether you want a successful request to update the token'slast_active
curl POST 'https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v2/auth/token/authenticate' \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
"token": "<TOKEN>",
"update_last_activity?": false
Response format
"role_ids":[1, 2, 3],
"display_name":"Franz Kafka",
For information about keys describing the user, refer to Users endpoints keys. For information about keys describing the token, refer to Tokens endpoints keys.
Error responses
- 400 invalid-token: The provided token was either tampered with or could not be parsed.
- 403 token-revoked: The provided token has been revoked.
- 403 token-expired: The token has expired and is no longer valid.
- 403 token-timed-out: The token has timed out due to inactivity.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.