Status API: services plaintext endpoint


The status service plaintext endpoints are intended for load balancers that don't support JSON parsing or parameter setting. These endpoints return simple string bodies (either the service's state or a simple error message) and a relevant status code.

GET /status/v1/simple

Returns a cumulative status reflecting all services the status service knows about.

Request format

When Forming status API requests to this endpoint, the content type for this endpoint is text/plain; charset=utf-8.

This endpoint supports no parameters. It uses the critical status level by default.

Response format

The server uses these response codes:
  • 200 if, and only if, all services report a status of running.
  • 503 if any service’s status is unknown or error.
The response reflects a single, cumulative status of all services the endpoint is aware of. The endpoint uses this logic to determine which status to report:
  • running if, and only if, all services report as running.
  • error if any one service reports an error.
  • unknown if any one service reports as unknown and no services report an error.

Therefore, while some services may be running, the status can still be error or unknown as long as any one service is not running. For example, if two services report as running and one service reports unknown, then the response is 503: unknown. If one service reports as running, one service reports unknown, and one service reports error, then the endpoint response is 503: error.

GET /status/v1/simple/<SERVICE NAME>

Returns a plaintext status for a specified service, such as the rbac-service or classifier-service.

Request format

When Forming status API requests to this endpoint, the content type for this endpoint is text/plain; charset=utf-8. Your request must include a properly-formatted service name, such as:
  • activity-service
  • classifier-service
  • code-manager-service
  • orchestrator-service
  • puppetdb-service
  • rbac-service
  • server (Puppet Server)

This endpoint supports no parameters. It uses the critical status level by default.

Response format

The server can return these response codes and messages:
  • 200: running if the service is running.
  • 503: error if the service reported an error.
  • 503: unknown if the service reported as unknown.
  • 404: not found: <SERVICE_NAME> if no service matching the supplied service name is found.