Component versions in puppet-agent


Puppet releases and lifecycle

Open source Puppet has two release tracks:

  • Developmental releases: Puppet versions not associated with any PE version release new minor (or “y”) version about once a month. Developmental releases typically do not get patch (or “z”) releases. Each minor release in this stream supersedes the previous minor release. Documentation for the current developmental release is available at See the release notes for updates to this release stream.
  • Long-term releases: Puppet versions associated with Puppet Enterprise get patch (or “z”) releases a few times a year. Each release contains fixes and features from several developmental releases. Versioned documentation for long-term releases is available at<X.Y> (for example,

Important: To ensure that you have the most recent features, fixes, and security patches, update your Puppet version whenever there is a new version in your release track.

This version of Puppet is a long-term release. The table below lists the associated Puppet, Puppet Server, PuppetDB, and Puppet Enterprise versions, with links to their respective documentation. Open source releases that are associated with PE versions have projected End of Life (EOL) dates.

For a complete list of the maintained versions of Puppet, PuppetDB, and Puppet Server, see the most recent Puppet versions page.

Puppet version Puppet Server version PuppetDB version Associated PE version EOL date
5.5.x 5.3.x 5.2.x 2018.1.x January 2021

For information about Puppet’s operating system support, see the platform support lifecycle page.

Puppet packages

We distribute open source Puppet as two core packages and one optional package.

  • puppet-agent: This package contains Puppet’s main code and all of the dependencies needed to run it, including Facter, Hiera, and bundled versions of Ruby and OpenSSL. After it’s installed, you have everything you need to run the Puppet agent service and the puppet apply command.

  • puppetserver: Puppet Server is a JVM-based application that, among other things, runs instances of the Puppet master application and serves catalogs to nodes running the agent service. It has its own version number and might be compatible with more than one Puppet version. This package depends on puppet-agent. After it’s installed, Puppet Server can serve catalogs to nodes running the agent service.

  • puppetdb: PuppetDB (optional) collects data generated by Puppet. It enables additional features such as exported resources, advanced queries, and reports about your infrastructure.

Deprecation Note: As of Puppet agent 5.5.4, MCollective is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Puppet agent. If you use Puppet Enterprise, consider moving from MCollective to Puppet orchestrator. If you use open source Puppet, migrate MCollective agents and filters using tools such as Bolt and PuppetDB’s Puppet Query Language.

puppet-agent component version numbers

Each puppet-agent package contains several components. This table shows the components shipped in this release track, and contains links to available component release notes.

Note: Hiera 5 is a backward-compatible evolution of Hiera, which is built into Puppet. To provide some backward-compatible features, it uses the classic Hiera 3 codebase. This means Hiera is still shown as version 3.x in the table above, even though this Puppet version uses Hiera 5.

puppet-agent Puppet Facter Hiera MCollective Ruby OpenSSL
5.5.22 5.5.22 3.11.14 3.4.6 2.12.5 2.4.9 1.1.1d
5.5.21 5.5.21 3.11.14 3.4.6 2.12.5 2.4.9 1.1.1d
5.5.20 5.5.20 3.11.13 3.4.6 2.12.5 2.4.9 1.1.1d
5.5.19 5.5.19 3.11.12 3.4.6 2.12.5 2.4.9 1.1.1d
5.5.18 5.5.18 3.11.11 3.4.6 2.12.5 2.4.9 1.1.1d
5.5.17 5.5.17 3.11.10 3.4.6 2.12.5 2.4.9 1.0.2t
5.5.16 5.5.16 3.11.9 3.4.6 2.12.4 2.4.5 1.0.2r
5.5.15 No release this version. - - - - -
5.5.14 5.5.14 3.11.8 3.4.6 2.12.4 2.4.5 1.0.2r
5.5.13 5.5.13 3.11.8 3.4.6 2.12.4 2.4.5 1.0.2n
5.5.12 5.5.12 3.11.8 3.4.6 2.12.4 2.4.5 1.0.2n
5.5.11 No release this version - - - - -
5.5.10 5.5.10 3.11.6 3.4.5 2.12.4 2.4.5 1.0.2n
5.5.9 No release this version - - - - -
5.5.8 5.5.8 3.11.6 3.4.5 2.12.4 2.4.4 1.0.2n
5.5.7 5.5.7 3.11.5 3.4.5 2.12.4 2.4.4 1.0.2n
5.5.6 5.5.6 3.11.4 3.4.4 2.12.3 2.4.4 1.0.2n
5.5.5 No release this version - - - - -
5.5.4 5.5.4 3.11.3 3.4.3 2.12.2 2.4.4 1.0.2n
5.5.3 5.5.2 3.11.2 3.4.3 2.12.2 2.4.4 1.0.2n
5.5.2 5.5.2 3.11.2 3.4.3 2.12.2 2.4.4 1.0.2n
5.5.1 5.5.1 3.11.1 3.4.3 2.12.1 2.4.3 1.0.2n
5.5.0 5.5.0 3.11.0 3.4.2 2.12.0 2.4.3 1.0.2n
5.4.0 5.4.0 3.10.0 3.4.2 2.11.4 2.4.3 1.0.2n
5.3.7 5.3.7 3.9.6 3.4.3 2.11.5 2.4.4 1.0.2n
5.3.6 5.3.6 3.9.6 3.4.3 2.11.5 2.4.4 1.0.2n
5.3.5 5.3.5 3.9.5 3.4.2 2.11.4 2.4.3 1.0.2n
5.3.4 5.3.4 3.9.4 3.4.2 2.11.4 2.4.3 1.0.2n
5.3.3 5.3.3 3.9.3 3.4.2 2.11.4 2.4.2 1.0.2k
5.3.2 5.3.2 3.9.2 3.4.2 2.11.3 2.4.1 1.0.2k
5.3.1 5.3.1 3.9.2 3.4.2 2.11.3 2.4.1 1.0.2k
5.3.0 5.3.0 3.9.1 3.4.2 2.11.3 2.4.1 1.0.2k
5.2.0 5.2.0 3.9.0 3.4.1 2.11.2 2.4.1 1.0.2k
5.1.0 5.1.0 3.8.0 3.4.0 2.11.2 2.4.1 1.0.2k
5.0.1 5.0.1 3.7.1 3.4.0 2.11.1 2.4.1 1.0.2k
5.0.0 5.0.0 3.7.0 3.4.0 2.11.0 2.4.1 1.0.2k