Report Reference


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Puppet can generate a report after applying a catalog. This report includes events, log messages, resource statuses, and metrics and metadata about the run. Puppet agent sends its report to a Puppet master server, and Puppet apply processes its own reports.

Puppet master and Puppet apply will handle every report with a set of report processors, configurable with the reports setting in puppet.conf. This page documents the built-in report processors.

See About Reporting for more details.


Send reports via HTTP or HTTPS. This report processor submits reports as POST requests to the address in the reporturl setting. When a HTTPS URL is used, the remote server must present a certificate issued by the Puppet CA or the connection will fail validation. The body of each POST request is the YAML dump of a Puppet::Transaction::Report object, and the Content-Type is set as application/x-yaml.


Send all received logs to the local log destinations. Usually the log destination is syslog.


Store the yaml report on disk. Each host sends its report as a YAML dump and this just stores the file on disk, in the reportdir directory.

These files collect quickly – one every half hour – so it is a good idea to perform some maintenance on them if you use this report (it’s the only default report).