Puppet 3.8 to 5: Upgrade Puppet Server and PuppetDB



Unlike the automated upgrades of Puppet agents, Puppet Server upgrades are a manual process because you need to make more decisions during the upgrade.

Prepare to upgrade

Before upgrading, complete the pre-upgrade steps to ensure your Puppet infrastructure is stable and running the following things:

  • Puppet Server instead of Rack or WEBrick.
  • The latest Puppet 3-compatible versions of everything you use.
  • The future parser.
  • Full data type support for facts.

If you’re having any problems with your Puppet 3 configuration, fix them first before upgrading.

Plan your upgrade

Puppet masters are in charge of managing your Puppet infrastructure, and this upgrade interrupts their work. Bring up replacement masters and gradually cut over service to them, take a few masters out of your pool for upgrades while always leaving a few to handle traffic, or schedule Puppet service downtime.

If you have multiple Puppet masters, upgrade or replace the certificate authority (CA) master first, and pause provisioning of new Puppet agents while upgrading or replacing the CA server.

Upgrade each Puppet master

Repeat the following steps for each Puppet Server until you’re running a pure Puppet 5/Puppet Server 5 infrastructure.

Install the latest Puppet Server 2.x

Our software releases are grouped into the Puppet Platform.

To upgrade Puppet Server, you’ll need to add the Puppet Platform repository to each node’s package manager. Follow the Puppet Server installation instructions to enable the Puppet Platform repository and install the puppetserver package.

Even after you’ve installed the package, don’t start the puppetserver service yet! You should do a few other things first.

Get familiar with the new binary locations

In Puppet 4, we moved all of Puppet’s binaries on *nix systems. They are now at /opt/puppetlabs/bin, which isn’t in your system’s PATH by default. You should do one of the following:

  • Add /opt/puppetlabs/bin to your PATH environment variable. There are lots of ways to accomplish this—do whatever works best for you.
  • Symlink all the binaries you use into a directory in your path.
  • Use the full path to run all Puppet commands (like /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test).

Reconcile puppet.conf

We also moved puppet.conf to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf, changed a lot of defaults, and removed many settings. Compare the new puppet.conf to the old one, which is probably at /etc/puppet/puppet.conf, and copy over the settings you need to keep.

If you are installing Puppet Server 5 onto a new node, look at the list of important settings for stuff you might want to set now. You can also remove the now-unused parser setting you enabled for the future parser.

Reconcile auth.conf

Puppet now uses different HTTPS URLs from Puppet 3.8 to fetch configurations. Any rules in auth.conf that match Puppet 3-style URLs will have no effect. For more details, see the Puppet Server compatibility documentation.

To convert the URLs:

  1. Open your old auth.conf file, which is probably at /etc/puppet/auth.conf.
  2. Identify any custom rules you’ve added to your old auth.conf file. (Don’t worry about default rules.)
  3. Change the path of each custom rule to use Puppet 5 URLs.
    1. Add /puppet/v3 to the beginning of most paths.
    2. Configure the certificate_status endpoint in auth.conf.
  4. (Optional) Convert your rules to use new authorization methods and auth.conf format. See the Puppet Server configuration documentation for details.
  5. Add the custom rules to Puppet Server’s new /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/conf.d/auth.conf file.

Example auth.conf rules for Puppet 3 and 5 agents

The other examples in this section convert this Puppet 3 example auth.conf rule to be compatible with Puppet 5:

# Puppet 3 auth.conf on the master
path ~ ^/catalog/([^/]+).uuid$
method find
allow /^$1\.uuid.*/

# Default rule, should follow the more specific rules
path ~ ^/catalog/([^/]+)$
method find
allow $1

To support both Puppet 3 and Puppet 5 agents when the use-legacy-auth-conf parameter in the jruby-puppet setting is false, modify the rules to follow the new HOCON auth.conf format and place the new rules in /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/auth.conf:

authorization: {
    version: 1
    rules: [
            # Puppet 3 & 5 compatible auth.conf with Puppet Server 2.2+
            match-request: {
                path: "^/puppet/v3/catalog/([^/]+).uuid$"
                type: regex
                method: [get, post]
            allow: "/^$1|.uuid.*/"
            sort-order: 200
            name: "my catalog"
            # Default rule, should follow the more specific rules
            match-request: {
                path: "^/puppet/v3/catalog/([^/]+)$"
                type: regex
                method: [get, post]
            allow: "$1"
            sort-order: 500
            name: "puppetlabs catalog"

To support both Puppet 3 and Puppet 5 agents when the use-legacy-auth-conf parameter in the jruby-puppet setting is true, modify the rules to specify the v3 endpoints while following the legacy auth.conf format, then place the new rules in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/auth.conf:

# Puppet 3 & 5 compatible auth.conf with Puppet Server 2.1+
path ~ ^/puppet/v3/catalog/([^/]+).uuid$
method find
allow /^$1\.uuid.*/

# Default rule, should follow the more specific rules
path ~ ^/puppet/v3/catalog/([^/]+)$
method find
allow $1

Move other configuration files

If you have other configuration files, including puppetdb.conf, move them to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/.

Set up SSL

If you’re upgrading an existing Puppet master, find the server’s ssldir and copy it to the new location at /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl.

If you’re configuring an exact replacement for an older Puppet master—you’re keeping the same names, certificates, and DNS configuration—copy the ssldir from the old server to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl on the new one. We recommend using rsync -a for this, as SSL is picky about file permissions and the rsync “archive” mode preserves the source’s permissions at the destination.

If this is a new Puppet master but isn’t serving as a certificate authority, use puppet agent to request a new certificate. (You should have already upgraded the CA server.)

  1. Run puppet agent --test --certname=<NAME> --dns_alt_names=<NAME>,<NAME>,<NAME> --server=<UPGRADED CA SERVER> to request the certificate.

  2. Sign the certificate on the CA, then run the puppet agent command in Step 1 again from the new Puppet master to fetch the signed certificate. Remember to disable the internal Puppet CA service in bootstrap.cfg.

Move code

Note: You should have already switched to directory environments in the pre-upgrade steps, as config file environments are removed in Puppet 4+.

Move the contents of your old environments directory to /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments. If you need multiple groups of environments, set the environmentpath in puppet.conf.

If you’re using a single main manifest across all environments, move it to somewhere inside /etc/puppetlabs/code and confirm that default_manifest is correctly configured in puppet.conf.

If you’re configuring individual environments, check your environment.conf files. If you enabled the future parser in environments, remove the now-unused parser setting.

If you’re using r10k or some other code deployment tool, change its configuration to use the new environments directory at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments.

Move Hiera

If you use Hiera, move its configuration and data files:

  1. Make sure your hiera.yaml file is in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml.
  2. Move your Hiera data files to somewhere inside /etc/puppetlabs/code.
  3. Update file references in hiera.yaml accordingly.

Note: In Puppet 4.0, the default location of hiera.yaml changed from /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml to /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml. In Puppet 4.5, its location was reverted to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml. If you are upgrading with a package from puppet-agent 1.5.0 or newer, it will not move your hiera.yaml file. If you are starting with a new installation, it will place it in the correct location.

Upgrade PuppetDB

In the pre-upgrade steps, you upgraded to PuppetDB 2.3.x, including the puppetdb-terminus package on your Puppet Servers. This means the upgraded Puppet Server can already communicate with your existing PuppetDB server.

Now that you’ve upgraded Puppet Server, upgrade PuppetDB to the latest version 3.x. Note that this also retires older API versions, which can break older integrations. See the PuppetDB 3.0 release notes for details.

Use the puppetlabs/puppetdb module to manage your PuppetDB version. Also, note that the terminus package’s name is now puppetdb-termini instead of puppetdb-terminus.

After successfully upgrading PuppetDB to version 3, upgrade it to the latest v4 edition of PuppetDB and puppetdb-termini.

Start Puppet Server

Puppet Server won’t automatically start up on boot—you’ll need to enable it. Use puppet resource to do this regardless of your operating system or distribution:

/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet resource service puppetserver ensure=running enable=true

Once Puppet Server has started, check /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver.log to confirm that your agents have checked in.

Confirm agents can connect

Log into any Puppet agent and test its connection to the upgraded Puppet Server:

puppet agent --test --server=<THIS SERVER>

Enter the Puppet Server’s hostname or IP address and confirm the agent can retrieve and apply a catalog.

Upgrade to Puppet Platform 5

Compared to the upgrade from Puppet 3 to 4, there are fewer changes when upgrading between Puppet 4 and 5. See the Puppet 5.0 release notes, Puppet Server 5.0 release notes, and PuppetDB 5.0 release notes for details, then review the latest version of each product’s release notes.

Finally, upgrade PuppetDB to the latest version of PuppetDB 5, then upgrade Puppet Server and puppetdb-termini together on each Puppet master.

Go live!

At this point, Puppet Server is ready to serve nodes in production. If you pulled the server back to stage the upgrade, you can now push the node back into use.

You’re done upgrading Puppet Server!

Once you’ve upgraded all of your Puppet Server nodes, you can start upgrading your Puppet agents. After you’ve upgraded all your nodes, follow the post-install guide to complete the upgrade.