Quick Start » DNS


Welcome to the Open Source Puppet DNS Quick Start Guide. This document provides instructions for getting started managing a simple DNS nameserver file with Puppet. A nameserver ensures that the “human-readable” names you type in your browser (for example, example.com) can be resolved to IP addresses that computers can read.

Sysadmins typically need to manage a nameserver file for internal resources that aren’t published in public nameservers. For example, let’s say you have several employee-maintained servers in your infrastructure, and the DNS network assigned to those servers use Google’s public nameserver located at However, there are several resources behind your company’s firewall that your employees need to access on a regular basis. In this case, you’d build a private nameserver (say at, and then use Puppet to ensure all the servers in your infrastructure have access to it.

In this exercise, you will learn how to do the following steps:

Before starting this walk-through, complete the previous exercise in the essential configuration tasks, which is setting up NTP. Log in as root or administrator on your nodes.

Note: You can add the DNS nameserver class to as many agents as needed. For ease of explanation, this guide will describe only one agent.

Write the resolver class

Some modules can be large, complex, and require a significant amount of trial and error, while others often work right out of the box. This module will be a very simple module to write, as it contains just one class and one template.

A quick note about modules

By default, Puppet keeps modules in an environment’s modulepath, which for the production environment defaults to /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules. This includes modules that Puppet installs, those that you download from the Forge, and those you write yourself.

Note: Puppet also creates another module directory: /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules. Don’t modify or add anything in this directory, including modules of your own.

There are plenty of resources about modules and the creation of modules that you can reference. Check out Module Fundamentals, the Beginner’s Guide to Modules, and the Puppet Forge.

Modules are directory trees. For this task, you’ll create the following files:

  • resolver (the module name)
    • templates/
      • resolv.conf.erb (contains template for /etc/resolv.conf, the contents of which will be populated after you add the class and run Puppet.)

To write the resolver class:

  1. From the command line on the Puppet master, navigate to the modules directory: cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules.

  2. Run mkdir -p resolver/templates to create the new module directory and its templates directory.

  3. Use your text editor to create the resolver/templates/resolv.conf.erb file.

  4. Edit the resolv.conf.erb file to add the following Ruby code. This Ruby code is a template for populating /etc/resolv.conf correctly, no matter what changes are manually made to /etc/resolv.conf, as we will see in a later example.

     # Resolv.conf generated by Puppet
     <% [@nameservers].flatten.each do |ns| -%>
     nameserver <%= ns %>
     <% end -%>
     # Other values can be added or hard-coded into the template as needed.
  5. Save and exit the file.

That’s it! You’ve created a Ruby template to populate /etc/resolv.conf.

Add the resolv.conf file to your main manifest

  1. On the Puppet master, open /etc/resolv.conf with your text editor, and copy the IP address of your master’s nameserver (in this example, the nameserver is

  2. On the Puppet master, navigate to the main manifest: cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests.
  3. Use your text editor to open the site.pp file and add the following Puppet code to the default node, editing your nameserver value to match the one you found in /etc/resolv.conf:

     $nameservers = ['']
     file { '/etc/resolv.conf':
       ensure  => file,
       owner   => 'root',
       group   => 'root',
       mode    => '0644',
       content => template('resolver/resolv.conf.erb'),
  4. From the command line on your Puppet agent, run puppet agent -t.
  5. From the command line on your Puppet agent, run cat /etc/resolv.conf. The result should reflect the nameserver you added to your main manifest in step 3.

That’s it! You’ve written a module that contains a class that will ensure your agents resolve to your internal nameserver.

Note the following about your new class:

  • It ensures the creation of the file /etc/resolv.conf.
  • The content of /etc/resolv.conf is modified and managed by the template, resolv.conf.erb.

Enforce the desired state of the resolver class

Finally, let’s take a look at how Puppet will ensure the desired state of the resolver class on your agents. In the previous task, you set the nameserver IP address. Now imagine a scenario where a member of your team changes the contents of /etc/resolv.conf to use a different nameserver and can no longer access any internal resources.

  1. On any agent to which you applied the resolv.conf class, edit /etc/resolv.conf to be any nameserver IP address other than the one you desire to use.
  2. Save and exit the file.
  3. From the command line on your Puppet agent, run puppet agent -t --onetime.
  4. From the command line on your Puppet agent, run cat /etc/resolv.conf, and notice that Puppet has enforced the desired state you specified on your Puppet master.

That’s it — Puppet has enforced the desired state of your agent!

Other resources

For more information about working with Puppet and DNS, check out our Dealing with Name Resolution Issues blog post.

Puppet offers many opportunities for learning and training, from formal certification courses to guided online lessons. We’ve noted a few below. Head over to the Learning Puppet page to discover more.

  • The Puppet workshop contains a series of self-paced, online lessons that cover a variety of topics on Puppet basics. You can sign up at the learning page.

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