Language: Data types: Time-related data types


A Timespan defines the length of a duration of time, and a Timestamp defines a point in time. To describe it simply, “two hours” is a duration that can be represented as a Timespan, while “three o’clock in the afternoon UTC on November 8, 2018” is a point in time that can be represented as a Timestamp.

Both can use nanosecond values if available on the platform.


A Timespan value represents a duration of time. The Timespan data type matches a specified range of durations; Timespan values within a given range; where default represents a positive or negative infinite duration. A Timespan value can be specified with strings or numbers in various forms.

The type takes up to two parameters.


The full signature for Timespan is:

Position Parameter Data Type Default Value Description
1 Timespan Start or Length String, Float, Integer, or default default (-Infinity in a span) Length of the timespan if passed alone, or the from value in a range if passed with a second parameter
2 Timespan End String, Float, Integer, or default default (+Infinity), or none if only one value is passed The to value in a range

Timespan values are interpreted depending on their format.

  • A String in the format of D-HH:MM:SS represents a duration of days (D), hours (HH), minutes (MM), and seconds (SS)
  • An Integer or Float represents a duration in seconds

A Timespan defined as a range matches any Timespan durations that can fit within that range. If either end of a range is defined as default (infinity), it is an open range, while any other range is a closed range. The range is inclusive.

In other words, Timespan[2] matches a duration of two seconds, but Timespan[0, 2] can match any Timespan from zero to two seconds, inclusive.

The Timespan type is not enumerable.

For details about converting values of other types to Timespan, see the new() function documentation for Timespan. To convert a Timespan to a String, see the strftime() function documentation.


  • Timespan[2] — matches a Timespan value of 2 seconds
  • Timespan[77.3] — matches a Timespan value of 1 minute, 17 seconds, and 300 milliseconds (77.3 seconds)
  • Timespan['1-00:00:00', '2-00:00:00'] — matches a closed range of Timespan values between 1 and 2 days


A Timestamp value represents a specific point in time. The Timestamp data type matches a specified range of points in time; Timestamp values within a given range; where default, represents a positive or infinite range of Timestamps. A Timestamp value can be specified with strings or numbers in various forms.

The type takes up to two parameters, and defaults to an infinite range to the past and future. A Timestamp with one parameter represents a single point in time, while two parameters represent a range of Timestamps, with the first parameter being the from value and the second being the to value.


The full signature for Timestamp is:

Position Parameter Data Type Default Value Description
1 Timestamp Value String, Float, Integer, or default default (-Infinity in a range) Point in time if passed alone, or from value in a range if passed with a second parameter
2 Range Limit String, Float, Integer, or default default (+Infinity), or none if only one value is passed The to value in a range

A Timestamp defined as a single point in time matches exactly that point.

A Timestamp defined as a range matches any point in time within that range. If either end of a range is defined as default (infinity), it is an open range, while any other range is a closed range. The range is inclusive.

In other words, Timestamp['2000-01-01T00:00:00.000'] matches 0:00 UTC on January 1, 2000, while Timestamp['2000-01-01T00:00:00.000', '2001-01-01T00:00:00.000] matches Timestamp values from that point in time to a point in time one year later, inclusive.

Timestamp values are interpreted depending on their format.

For details about converting values of other types to Timestamp, see the new() function documentation. To convert a Timespan to a String, see the strftime() function documentation.


  • Timestamp['2000-01-01T00:00:00.000', default] — matches an open range of Timestamps from the start of the 21st century to an infinite point in the future
  • Timestamp['2012-10-10'] — matches the exact Timestamp 2012-10-10T00:00:00.0 UTC
  • Timestamp[default, 1433116800] — matches an open range of Timestamps from an infinite point in the past to 2015-06-01T00:00:00 UTC, here expressed as seconds since the Unix epoch
  • Timestamp['2010-01-01', '2015-12-31T23:59:59.999999999'] — matches a closed range of Timestamps between the start of 2010 and the end of 2015