Custom Types



This page describes how to create your own custom resource types to add new resource types to Puppet. It covers the nature of the type/provider split, how to develop the type file, and how types and providers interact; for more complete details on developing providers, see the Provider Development page.

Puppet types and providers must always be written in Ruby. If you’re new to Ruby, what is going on should still be somewhat evident from the examples below, but some experience with Ruby is definitely recommended.

The internals of how types are created have changed over Puppet’s lifetime, and this document will focus on best practices, skipping over all the things you can but probably shouldn’t do.

Note: Often the best way to learn types and providers is to read the existing type and providers in Puppet’s core codebase. One warning: Don’t start with the file type; start with user or package instead. New extension writers often expect that file would be a nice easy one to get started with, and it’s actually an incredibly complicated morass of special cases that most types just don’t have to deal with.

User or package, not file.

Types and providers

When making a new Puppet type, you will create two things:

  • The “type” itself, which is a model of the resource type. It defines what parameters are available, handles input validation, and determines what features a provider can (or should) provide.
  • One or more providers for that type, which implements the type by translating its capabilities into specific operations on a system. (For example, the package has yum and apt providers which implement package resources on Red Hat-like and Debian-like systems, respectively.)

Deploying and using types and providers

To use new types and providers, two conditions must be met:

  1. The type and providers must be present in a module on the Puppet master server. Like other types of plugin (such as custom functions and custom facts), they should go in the module’s lib directory:
    • Type files should be located at lib/puppet/type/<TYPE NAME>.rb.
    • Provider files should be located at lib/puppet/provider/<TYPE NAME>/<PROVIDER NAME>.rb.
  2. If you are using an agent/master Puppet deployment, each agent node must have its pluginsync setting in puppet.conf set to true.
    • Starting in Puppet 3.0, this setting defaults to true.
    • In Puppet 2.x, it defaults to false and must be explicitly enabled.

In masterless Puppet using puppet apply, pluginsync is not required, but the module containing the type and providers must be present on each node.

See the Plugins In Modules page for more details on distributing custom types and facts via modules.


When defining the resource type, focus on what the resource can do, not how it does it.

Creating a type

Types are created by calling the newtype method on the Puppet::Type class:

    # lib/puppet/type/database.rb
    Puppet::Type.newtype(:database) do
      @doc = "Create a new database."
      # ... the code ...
  • The name of the type is the only required argument to newtype. The name must be a Ruby symbol, and the name of the file containing the type must match the type’s name.
  • The newtype method also requires a block of code, specified with either curly braces ({ ... }) or the do ... end syntax. This code block will implement the type, and contains all of the properties and parameters. The block will not be passed any arguments.


When creating a type, you can also specify options after the name. There is currently only one option available.

Options must be specified as a hash, although Ruby method arguments allow you to leave the curly braces off of hashes.

  • :self_refresh => true — Cause resources of this type to refresh (as if they had received an event via a notify/subscribe relationship) whenever a change is made to the resource. Most notably used in the core mount type.

Type documentation

You can and should write a string describing the resource type and assign it to the @doc instance variable. This string can be extracted by the puppet doc --reference type command (which outputs a complete type reference which will include your new type) and the puppet describe command (which outputs information about specific types).

The string should be in Markdown format (avoiding dialect-specific features that aren’t universally supported). When the Puppet tools extract the string, they will strip the greatest common amount of leading whitespace from the front of each line, excluding the first line. For example:

    Puppet::Type.newtype(:database) do
      @doc = %q{Creates a new database. Depending
        on the provider, this might create relational
        databases or NoSQL document stores.


            database {'mydatabase':
              ensure => present,
              owner  => root,

In this example, any whitespace would be trimmed from the first line (in this case, it’s zero spaces), then the greatest common amount would be trimmed from remaining lines. Three lines have four leading spaces, two lines have six, and two lines have eight, so four leading spaces would be trimmed from each line. This leaves the example code block indented by four spaces, and thus doesn’t break the Markdown formatting.

Properties and parameters

The bulk of a type consists of properties and parameters.

Both properties and parameters will become the resource attributes available when declaring a resource of the new type. The difference between the two is subtle but important:

  • Properties should map more or less directly to something measurable on the target system. For example, the UID and GID of a user account would be properties, since their current state can be queried or changed. In practical terms, setting a value for a property causes a method to be called on the provider.
  • Parameters change how Puppet manages a resource, but do not necessarily map directly to something measurable. For example, the user type’s managehome attribute is a parameter — its value affects what Puppet does, but the question of whether Puppet is managing a home directory isn’t an innate property of the user account.

Additionally, there are a few special attributes called metaparameters, which are supported by all resource types. These don’t need to be handled when creating new types; they’re implemented elsewhere.

A normal type will define multiple properties and must define at least one parameter.


Here’s where we define how the resource really works. In most cases, it’s the properties that interact with your resource’s providers. If you define a property named owner, then when you are retrieving the state of your resource, then the owner property will call the owner method on the provider. In turn, when you are setting the state (because the resource is out of sync), then the owner property will call the owner= method to set the state on disk.

There’s one common exception to this: The ensure property is special because it’s used to create and destroy resources. You can set this property up on your resource type just by calling the ensurable method in your type definition:

    Puppet::Type.newtype(:database) do

This property uses three methods on the provider: create, destroy, and exists?. The last method, somewhat obviously, is a boolean to determine if the resource current exists. If a resource’s ensure property is out of sync, then no other properties will be checked or modified.

You can modify how ensure behaves, such as by adding other valid values and determining what methods get called as a result; see existing types like package for examples.

The rest of the properties are defined a lot like you define the types, with the newproperty method, which should be called on the type:

    Puppet::Type.newtype(:database) do
      newproperty(:owner) do
        desc "The owner of the database."

Note the call to desc; this sets the documentation string for this property, and for Puppet types that get distributed with Puppet, it is extracted as part of the Type reference.

When Puppet was first developed, there would normally be a lot of code in this property definition. Now, however, you normally only define valid values or set up validation and munging. If you specify valid values, then Puppet will only accept those values, and it will automatically handle accepting either strings or symbols. In most cases, you only define allowed values for ensure, but it works for other properties, too:

    newproperty(:enable) do

You can attach code to the value definitions (this code would be called instead of the property= method), but it’s normally unnecessary.

For most properties, though, it is sufficient to set up validation:

    newproperty(:owner) do
      validate do |value|
        unless value =~ /^\w+/
          raise ArgumentError, "%s is not a valid user name" % value

Note that the order in which you define your properties can be important: Puppet keeps track of the definition order, and it always checks and fixes properties in the order they are defined.

Customizing behaviour

By default, if a property is assigned multiple values in an array:

  • It is considered in sync if any of those values matches the current value.
  • If none of those values match, the first one will be used when syncing the property.

If, instead, the property should only be in sync if all values match the current value (such as a list of times in a cron job), you can declare this:

    newproperty(:minute, :array_matching => :all) do # :array_matching defaults to :first

You can also customize how information about your property gets logged. You can create an is_to_s method to change how the current values are described, should_to_s to change how the desired values are logged, and change_to_s to change the overall log message for changes. See current types for examples.

Handling property values

Handling values set on properties is currently somewhat confusing, and will hopefully be fixed in the future. When a resource is created with a list of desired values, those values are stored in each property in its @should instance variable. You can retrieve those values directly by calling should on your resource (although note that when :array_matching is set to :first you get the first value in the array, otherwise you get the whole array):

    myval = should(:color)

When you’re not sure (or don’t care) whether you’re dealing with a property or parameter, it’s best to use value:

    myvalue = value(:color)


Parameters are defined essentially exactly the same as properties; the only difference between them is that parameters never result in methods being called on providers.

To define a new parameter, call the newparam method. This method takes the name of the parameter (as a symbol) as its argument, as well as a block of code. You can and should provide documentation for each parameter by calling the desc method inside its block. Leading whitespace is trimmed from multiline strings as described above.

    newparam(:name) do
      desc "The name of the database."


Every type must have at least one mandatory parameter: the namevar. This parameter will uniquely identify each resource of the type on the target system — for example, the path of a file on disk, the name of a user account, or the name of a package.

If the user doesn’t specify a value for the namevar when declaring a resource, its value will default to the title of the resource.

There are three ways to designate a namevar. Every type must have exactly one parameter that meets exactly one of these criteria:

Option 1: Create a parameter whose name is :name. Since most types just use :name as the namevar, it gets special treatment and will automatically become the namevar.

    newparam(:name) do
      desc "The name of the database."

Option 2: Provide the :namevar => true option as an additional argument to the newparam call. This allows you to use a namevar with a different, more descriptive name (such as the file type’s path parameter).

    newparam(:path, :namevar => true) do

Option 3: Call the isnamevar method (which takes no arguments) inside the parameter’s code block. This allows you to use a namevar with a different, more descriptive name. There is no practical difference between this and option 2.

    newparam(:path) do

Specifying allowed values

If your parameter has a fixed list of valid values, you can declare them all at once:

    newparam(:color) do
      newvalues(:red, :green, :blue, :purple)

You can specify regexes in addition to literal values; matches against regexes always happen after equality comparisons against literal values, and those matches are not converted to symbols. For instance, given the following definition:

    newparam(:color) do
      desc "Your color, and stuff."

      newvalues(:blue, :red, /.+/)

If you provide blue as the value, then your parameter will get set to :blue, but if you provide green, then it will get set to “green”.

Validation and munging

If your parameter does not have a defined list of values, or you need to convert the values in some way, you can use the validate and munge hooks:

    newparam(:color) do
      desc "Your color, and stuff."

      newvalues(:blue, :red, /.+/)

      validate do |value|
        if value == "green"
          raise ArgumentError,
            "Everyone knows green databases don't have enough RAM"

      munge do |value|
        case value
        when :mauve, :violet # are these colors really any different?

The default validate method looks for values defined using newvalues and if there are any values defined it accepts only those values (this is exactly how allowed values are validated). The default munge method converts any values that are specifically allowed into symbols. If you override either of these methods, note that you lose this value handling and symbol conversion, which you’ll have to call super for.

Values are always validated before they’re munged.

Lastly, validation and munging happen only when a value is assigned. They have no role to play at all during use of a given value, only during assignment.

Boolean parameters

Boolean parameters are common. To avoid repetition, some utilities are available:

    require 'puppet/parameter/boolean'
    # ...
    newparam(:force, :boolean => true, :parent => Puppet::Parameter::Boolean)

There are two parts here. The :parent => Puppet::Parameter::Boolean part configures the parameter to accept lots of names for true and false, to make things easy for your users. The :boolean => true creates a boolean method on the type class to return the value of the parameter. In this example, the method would be named force?.

Automatic relationships

By default, Puppet includes and processes resources in the order they are defined in their manifest. However, there are times when resources need to be applied in a different order. The Puppet language provides ways to express explicit ordering such as relationship metaparameters (require, before, etc), chaining arrows and the require and contain functions.

Sometimes there is a natural relationship between your custom type and other resource types. For example, ssh authorized keys can only be managed after you create the home directory and you can only manage files after you create their parent directories. You can add explicit relationships for these, but doing so can be restrictive for others who may want to use your custom type. Automatic relationships provide a way to define implicit ordering. For example, to automatically add a require relationship from your custom type to a configuration file that it depends on, add the following to your custom type:

autorequire(:file) do

The Ruby symbol :file refers to the type of resource you want to require, and the array contains resource title(s) with which to create the require relationship(s). The effect is nearly equivalent to using an explicit require relationship:

custom { 'a custom resource':
  ensure => present,
  require => File['/path/to/file']

An important difference between automatic and explicit relationships is that automatic relationships do not require the other resources to exist, while explicit relationships do.

Agent-side pre-run resource validation (Puppet 3.7 and later)

A resource can have prerequisites on the target, without which it cannot be synced. In some cases, if the absence of these prerequisites would be catastrophic, you might want to abort the whole catalog run if you detect a missing prerequisite.

In this situation, you can define a method in your type named pre_run_check. This method can do any check you want. It should take no arguments, and should raise a Puppet::Error if the catalog run should be aborted.

This method is only available in Puppet 3.7 and later. (In earlier versions of Puppet, adding a pre_run_check method will have no effect.)

If a pre_run_check method is present in the type, Puppet agent and Puppet apply will run the check for every resource of the type before attempting to apply the catalog. It will collect any errors raised, and present all of them before aborting the catalog run.

As a trivial example, here’s a pre-run check that will fail randomly, about one time out of six:

    Puppet::Type.newtype(:thing) do
      newparam :name, :namevar => true

      def pre_run_check
        if(rand(6) == 0)
          raise Puppet::Error, "Puppet roulette failed, no catalog for you!"


Look at the Provider Development page for intimate detail; this document will only cover how the resource types and providers need to interact. Because the properties call getter and setter methods on the providers, except in the case of ensure, the providers must define getters and setters for each property.

Provider features

Puppet allows you to declare what features providers can have. The type declares the features and what’s required to make them work, and then the providers can either be tested for whether they suffice or they can declare that they have the features. Additionally, individual properties and parameters in the type can declare that they require one or more specific features, and Puppet will throw an error if those parameters are used with providers missing those features:

    newtype(:coloring) do
      feature :paint, "The ability to paint.", :methods => [:paint]
      feature :draw, "The ability to draw."

      newparam(:color, :required_features => %w{paint}) do

The first argument to the feature method is the name of the feature, the second argument is its description, and after that is a hash of options that help Puppet determine whether the feature is available. The only option currently supported is specifying one or more methods that must be defined on the provider. If no methods are specified, then the provider needs to specifically declare that it has that feature:

    Puppet::Type.type(:coloring).provide(:drawer) do
      has_feature :draw

The provider can specify multiple available features at once with has\_features.

When you define features on your type, Puppet automatically defines a bunch of class methods on the provider:

  • feature?: Passed a feature name, will return true if the feature is available or false otherwise.
  • features: Returns a list of all supported features on the provider.
  • satisfies?: Passed a list of feature, will return true if they are all available, false otherwise.

Additionally, each feature gets a separate boolean method, so the above example would result in a paint? method on the provider.