Quick Start » Essential configuration


The following are common configuration tasks that you can manage with open source Puppet. These steps provide an excellent introduction to the capabilities of Puppet.

NTP quick start guide

NTP is one of the most crucial, yet easiest, services to configure and manage with Puppet. Follow this guide to properly get time synced across all your Puppet-managed nodes.

DNS quick start guide

This guide provides instructions for getting started managing a simple DNS nameserver file with Puppet. A nameserver ensures that the “human-readable” names you type in your browser (for example, example.com) resolve to IP addresses that computers can read.

Sudo users quick start guide

Managing sudo on your agents allows you to control which system users have access to elevated privileges. This guide provides instructions for getting started managing sudo privileges across your nodes, using a module from the Puppet Forge in conjunction with a simple module you will write.

Firewall quick start guide

Follow the steps in this guide to get started managing firewall rules with a simple module you’ll write that defines those rules.