Bolt projects



A Bolt project is a simple directory that serves as the launching point for Bolt. You store your inventory file and configuration files in a project, together with your Bolt content such as plans and tasks.

In addition to working with your local Bolt content, Bolt projects give you a way to share that content with other users in your organization. You can create orchestration that is specific to the infrastructure you're working with, and then commit the project directory to version control for others to consume.

Bolt identifies a directory as a Bolt project as long as a bolt-project.yaml file exists at the root of the directory, and the bolt-project.yaml file contains a name key.

Create a Bolt project

To create a Bolt project:

  1. Create a directory for your Bolt project. To avoid having to specify a project name in the next step, follow project naming conventions. Project names can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores, and begin with a lowercase letter.

  2. Run bolt project init (or New-BoltProject for PowerShell cmdlet). Bolt creates a bolt-project.yaml file in your project directory. At this point, the bolt-project.yaml only contains a name key with the name of your project.

Congratulations, you've created a Bolt project! 🎉 Develop your Bolt plans and tasks in plans and tasks directories in the root of the project directory, next to bolt-project.yaml. Bolt loads tasks and plans from the tasks and plans directories and namespaces them to the project name.

Here is an example of a typical project with a task, a plan, and an inventory file:

├── bolt-project.yaml
├── inventory.yaml
├── plans
│   └── myplan.yaml
└── tasks
    ├── mytask.json
    └── mytask.pyCopied!

🔩 Tip: To create a project with a list of pre-installed modules, use the --modules option. For more information, see bolt_installing_modules.html#create-a-Bolt-project-with-pre-installed-modules.

Configuring a project

Besides the name key, the bolt-project.yaml file holds options to configure your Bolt project, as well as options to control how Bolt behaves when you run a project.

For example, if you want to add a little flair to your Bolt output, use the rainbow output format:

# bolt-project.yaml
name: myproject
format: rainbowCopied!

For a list of all the available project configuration options, see bolt-project.yaml options.

Limiting displayed plans and tasks

Projects allow you to limit which plans and tasks a user can see when running bolt plan|task show and Get-Bolt(Plan|Task).

Limiting tasks and plans is useful for the following reasons:

  • Bolt is bundled with several plans and tasks that might not be useful in your project.

  • You might have written a task or plan that is only used by another task or plan, and you don't want your users to run that task or plan directly.

  • Displaying only specific content in the UI makes it easier for your users to find what they're looking for.

To control which plans and tasks appear when your users show project content, add plans and tasks keys to your bolt-project.yaml. Both keys accept a list of names and glob patterns to filter content by.

For example, to surface a plan named myproject::myplan, and a task named myproject::mytask, you would use the following bolt-project.yaml file:

name: myproject
- myproject::myplan
- myproject::mytaskCopied!

If your user runs the bolt plan show command or Get-BoltPlan PowerShell cmdlet, they'll get similar output to this:

$ bolt plan show


Use `bolt plan show <plan-name>` to view details and parameters for a specific plan.Copied!

You can also use glob patterns to match multiple plan or task names. For example, to surface all tasks and plans in a project named myproject, you would use the following bolt-project.yaml file:

name: myproject
- myproject::*
- myproject::*Copied!

Glob patterns that begin with a metacharacter might cause problems when the configuration file is loaded and parsed, because the pattern might not be recognized as a string. To avoid this parsing issue, wrap any glob pattern that begins with a metacharacter in quotes. For example, you would write "[abc]_module::*" instead of [abc]_module::*.

The following metacharacters can be used in a glob pattern:

Metacharacter Description
* Matches any number of characters.
? Matches any one character.
[set] Matches any one character in the set.
{a,b} Matches pattern a and pattern b.

Common files and directories in a project

The following are common files and directories found in a Bolt project.

Directory/File Description
bolt-project.yaml Contains configuration options for Bolt and Bolt projects. This file must exist for Bolt to find any of the other files or directories in this list.
inventory.yaml Contains a list of known targets and target specific data.
plans/ A directory for storing your plans.
tasks/ A directory for storing your tasks.
files/ A directory for storing content consumed by your tasks and plans, such as scripts.
Puppetfile Specifies the modules installed in your project. Bolt manages this file. Avoid editing it.
modules/ A directory for storing your custom modules.
manifests A directory for storing your Puppet code files, known as manifests.
hiera.yaml Contains the Hiera config to use for target-specific data when using apply.
data/ The standard path to store static Hiera data files.
bolt-debug.log Contains debug log output for the most recent Bolt command.
.modules/ The directory where Bolt installs modules. Avoid committing this directory to source control.

Remember: A directory must have a bolt-project.yaml file before Bolt recognizes it as a Bolt project.

📖 Related information

How Bolt chooses a project directory

Most of the time, you run Bolt commands from within a Bolt project directory that you've created. Running Bolt from inside your project allows Bolt to find your inventory and other configuration files.

However, Bolt always runs in the context of a project. If you don't run from within your own Bolt project, or you don't specify a project, Bolt uses the default project directory at ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/.

Bolt uses the following methods, in order, to choose a Bolt directory.

  1. Environment variable: You can specify a path to a project using the BOLT_PROJECT environment variable.

  2. Command-line specification: You can specify a directory path on the command line with --project <DIRECTORY_PATH>. There is not an equivalent configuration setting because the Bolt directory must be known in order to load configuration.

  3. Parent directory: Bolt traverses parents of the current directory until it finds one of the following:

    • A bolt-project.yaml file.

    • A directory named Boltdir.

  4. Default project directory: If Bolt reaches the root of the file system without finding a Boltdir directory or bolt-project.yaml file, Bolt uses ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/ as the project directory.

For information on Boltdir directories, see Embedded project directories.

Embedded project directories

If you need to embed your Bolt management code into another repo, you can use an embedded project directory. For example, you can store Bolt management code in the same repo as the application that Bolt manages. This prevents file clutter in the top level of the repo and allows you to run Bolt from anywhere in the application's directory structure.

To create an embedded project directory, create a subdirectory in your application's repo and name it Boltdir. Bolt treats a directory containing a subdirectory named Boltdir as an embedded project directory.

The contents the Boltdir directory follows the same pattern as a local project directory. As long as your bolt-project.yaml file contains a name field, Bolt loads your local Bolt content from the top level of the Boltdir. Your Boltdir can also contain modules.

An embedded Bolt directory looks like this:

├── Boltdir
│   ├── bolt-project.yaml
│   ├── inventory.yaml
│   ├── plans
│   │   ├── deploy.pp
│   │   └── diagnose.pp
│   └── tasks
│       ├── init.json
│       └──
├── src #non Bolt source code for the project
└── tests #non Bolt tests for the projectCopied!

In this example, you could run a Bolt command from the parent project directory, and Bolt would still find your Bolt project.

🔩 Tip: You can use an existing Puppet control repo as a Bolt directory by adding a bolt-project.yaml file to it and configuring the modulepath to match the modulepath in environment.conf.

Using modules in a Bolt project

Bolt projects make it easier for you to get started with Bolt without following Puppet's module structure. However, if you're developing a custom module, you can still use the Puppet module directory structure with Bolt. For more information, see Module structure.

Note: When you're naming your modules or Bolt project, keep in mind that projects take precedence over installed modules of the same name.

World-writable project directories

On Unix-like systems, Bolt will not load a project from a world-writable directory by default, as loading from a world-writable directory presents a potential security risk. If you attempt to load a project from a world-writable directory, Bolt does not load any content and raises an exception.

If you wish to override this behavior and force Bolt to load a project from a world-writable directory, you can set the BOLT_PROJECT environment variable to the project directory path.

For example, if you wanted to load a project named my_project from the world-writable directory at ~/project/, you would set the BOLT_PROJECT environment variable as:

export BOLT_PROJECT='~/project/my_project'Copied!

Note: Exported environment variables expire at the end of the current session. If you need a more permanent solution, add the export line to your ~/.bashrc or the relevant profile for the shell you're using.

If you want to use a world-writable directory for a single Bolt execution, set the environment variable before the Bolt command:

BOLT_PROJECT='~/project/my_project' bolt command run uptime -t target1Copied!

Note: The BOLT_PROJECT environment variable takes precedence over the --project CLI option.

Migrate a Bolt project

After upgrading to a newer version of Bolt, you might find that a Bolt project you created in the past no longer works as expected. Or there might be new features that you want to use in an existing project. The migrate command allows you to update old Bolt projects so that you can use them with the latest Bolt release.

Currently, the migrate command:

  • Updates inventory files from version 1.

  • Updates projects to use bolt-project.yaml and inventory.yaml instead of bolt.yaml.

  • Updates projects to implement module dependency management. Dependency management was introduced in Bolt 2.30.0.

To migrate a project:

*nix shell command

bolt project migrateCopied!

PowerShell cmdlet


The migrate command modifies files in your project and does not preserve comments or formatting. Before using the command, make sure to use source control or backup your projects.

How Bolt updates inventory files

Bolt locates the inventory file for the current Bolt project and migrates it in place.

The updates change the following keys in your inventory file:

  • nodes becomes targets.

  • The name key in a Target object becomes a uri key.

For example, the following inventory file from Bolt version 1:

  - name: linux
      - name:
        alias: target1
      - name:
        alias: target2Copied!


  - name: linux
      - uri:
        alias: target1
      - uri:
        alias: target2Copied!

How Bolt updates project configuration

Bolt locates a bolt.yaml file and moves its configuration to a new bolt-project.yaml file and the inventory.yaml file. It then deletes the bolt.yaml file.

Project-specific configuration is moved to the bolt-project.yaml file, while transport configuration is moved to the top-level config key in the inventory.yaml file. If the inventory.yaml file has an existing top-level config key, the transport configuration from bolt.yaml is deep merged, with the configuration in inventory.yaml having higher precedence.

For example, a project with the following bolt.yaml and inventory.yaml files:

# bolt.yaml
format: json
transport: winrm
  user: Administrator
  password: Bolt!Copied!
# inventory.yaml
  - name: windows
    ssl: falseCopied!


# bolt-project.yaml
format: jsonCopied!
# inventory.yaml
  - name: windows
  transport: winrm
    ssl: false
    user: Administrator
    password: Bolt!Copied!

How Bolt updates projects to use module dependency management

When you run the migrate command, Bolt reads your Puppetfile and prompts you for the direct dependencies of your project. Bolt adds the direct dependencies to a modules key in your bolt-project.yaml file and resolves the dependencies of those modules. Next, Bolt installs the modules and dependencies into a .modules directory and generates a Puppetfile with a list of the installed modules. Bolt moves any modules from your site-modules directory into modules.

For example, given a project named myproject with a custom module named mymodule in your site-modules directory, and the following Puppetfile:

mod "puppetlabs-apache", "5.5.0"
mod "puppetlabs-apt", "7.6.0"
mod "puppetlabs-mysql", "10.7.1"
mod "puppetlabs-stdlib", "6.4.0"
mod "puppetlabs-concat", "6.2.0"
mod "puppetlabs-translate", "2.2.0"
mod "puppetlabs-resource_api", "1.1.0"
mod "puppetlabs-puppetserver_gem", "1.1.1"Copied!

If you ran the migrate command, and selected the apache, apt, and mysql modules as direct dependencies of your Bolt project, Bolt would do the following:

  • Update your bolt-project.yaml file to add the modules key, together with the apache, apt, and mysql modules:

    name: myproject
    - name: puppetlabs-apache
    version_requirement: "=5.5.0"
    - name: puppetlabs-apt
    version_requirement: "=7.6.0"
    - name: puppetlabs-mysql
    version_requirement: "=10.7.1"Copied!
  • Resolve your dependencies and generate a new Puppetfile:

    # This Puppetfile is managed by Bolt. Do not edit.
    mod "puppetlabs-apache", "5.5.0"
    mod "puppetlabs-apt", "7.6.0"
    mod "puppetlabs-mysql", "10.7.1"
    mod "puppetlabs-stdlib", "6.4.0"
    mod "puppetlabs-concat", "6.2.0"
    mod "puppetlabs-translate", "2.2.0"
    mod "puppetlabs-resource_api", "1.1.0"
    mod "puppetlabs-puppetserver_gem", "1.1.1"Copied!
  • Install the modules from the Puppetfile into the .modules directory.

  • Remove the old managed modules from the modules/ directory.

  • Move mymodule from site-modules/ to modules/.

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