Deploy a TIG stack with Bolt


In this guide, you'll use Bolt to configure and deploy a TIG stack.

A TIG stack provides metrics visualization to help you monitor your infrastructure. TIG stands for:

  • Telegraf - A plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting metrics.

  • InfluxDB - A time series database designed to handle time-stamped data like metrics and events.

  • Grafana - An open source visualization and analytics tool.

Before you begin

  • Make sure you've installed Bolt version 2.10.0 or greater on your machine. For instructions on how to install Bolt, see Installing Bolt.

  • Clone or download the TIG stack repo

  • This guide uses virtual machines to host the stack, which requires Vagrant and a hypervisor like VirtualBox. If you'd prefer to use your own targets, you can skip the directions for provisioning targets and go straight to installing the TIG modules.

To deploy your TIG stack, you'll use a Bolt plan that leverages existing Puppet Modules. You can find all the files you need in the TIG stack repo.

After you've cloned or downloaded the repo, you can access the TIG Bolt project from the tig_stack directory. The project has the following file structure:

├── Puppetfile
├── Vagrantfile
├── bolt-project.yaml
├── data
│   └── common.yaml
├── hiera.yaml
├── inventory.yaml
├── manifests
│   ├── dashboard.pp
│   ├── params.pp
│   └── telegraf.pp
├── plans
│   └── init.pp
└── templates
    └── dashboards
        └── telegraf.jsonCopied!

Provision your targets

A typical real-world environment would consist of multiple agents, but for the purposes of this guide, you'll provision two virtual machines to use as targets - target0 and target1. The first target hosts the Garafana dashboard and the InfluxDB database as well as a Telegraf agent. The second target hosts only a Telegraf agent. If you'd prefer to use your own existing targets, skip this section.

The bolt_tig directory contains the following Vagrantfile:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :


Vagrant.configure(TARGETS) do |config| = "centos/7"
  config.ssh.forward_agent = true

  TARGETS.times do |i|
    config.vm.define "target#{i}" do |target|
      target.vm.hostname = "target#{i}" :private_network, ip: "10.1.0.#{100 + i}"

To provision your targets:

  1. Spin up your virtual machines with Vagrant:

    vagant upCopied!
  2. Generate the SSH configuration for both targets. Bolt will automatically detect the configuration.

    mkdir ~/.ssh
    vagrant ssh-config | sed /StrictHostKeyChecking/d | sed /UserKnownHostsFile/d >> ~/.ssh/configCopied!
  3. Make sure you can SSH into the targets. For example:

    ssh vagrant@target0Copied!

Next, install the Puppet modules for the different components of the TIG stack.

Install the TIG modules

Before you can use Bolt to install modules, you must install the relevant modules. The modules you need are all listed in the bolt-project.yaml file under the modules key:

name: tig
  - tig 

  - puppet-grafana
  - quadriq-influxdb
  - puppet-telegrafCopied!

To install the modules and their dependencies, run the following command:

*nix shell command

bolt module installCopied!

PowerShell cmdlet


The puppet-telegraf module requires the toml-rb Ruby gem. To install the gem, run the following command:

/opt/puppetlabs/bolt/bin/gem install toml-rbCopied!

Note: If you're using a version manager like RVM, set your Ruby environment to system before you install the toml-rb gem. For example, rvm use system.

Next, create an inventory file to specify which targets to use as part of the plan.

Create an inventory file

Use an inventory file to group and configure the connection settings for your targets. If you're using existing targets in your system, replace target0 and target1 with your own targets.

The bolt_tig directory contains the following inventory file:

version: 2
  - name: dashboard
    - target0
  - name: agents
    - target0
    - target1
    host-key-check: false
    run-as: rootCopied!

The inventory file defines two groups, dashboard and agents. The agents group includes both targets, while the dashboard group only includes target0. The SSH configuration for all targets is defined under config.

Examining the plan

Plans allow you to tie your commands, scripts, and tasks together to create powerful workflows.

The TIG plan applies three Puppet manifests, which are files that contain code written in the Puppet language. You can find the manifests in the tig_stack/manifests directory.

The bolt_tig/plans directory contains the following init.pp plan:

plan tig() {


  apply('dashboard') {
    include tig::dashboard

  $dashboard_host = get_target('dashboard').name

  apply('agents') {
    class{ 'tig::telegraf':
      influx_host => $dashboard_host

  return("Dashboard is live on ${dashboard_host}. Go to to access your dashboard.")

The first step in the plan uses the apply_prep function to install the puppet-agent package and collect facts from each of the targets in the inventory file.

Next, an apply block applies the dashboard manifest, which installs and configures both Grafana and InfluxDB. The dashboard manifest looks like this:

class tig::dashboard (
  String $grafana_password = $tig::params::grafana_password,
  String $grafana_user = $tig::params::grafana_user,
  String $grafana_url = $tig::params::grafana_url,
  String $influx_password = $tig::params::influxdb_password,
  String $influx_database = $tig::params::influxdb_database,
  String $influx_username = $tig::params::influxdb_user,

) inherits ::tig::params {
  class { 'grafana':
    cfg => {
      app_mode => 'production',
      server   => {
        http_port     => 8080,
      security => {
        admin_user => $grafana_user,
        admin_password => $grafana_password,
      database => {
        type          => 'sqlite3',
        host          => '',
        name          => 'grafananana',

  class {'influxdb': }
    superuser => $influx_username,
    superpass => $influx_password

  grafana_datasource { 'influxdb':
    require           => Influx_database['bolt'],
    grafana_url       => $grafana_url,
    grafana_user      => $grafana_user,
    grafana_password  => $grafana_password,
    type              => 'influxdb',
    url               => 'http://localhost:8086',
    user              => $influx_username,
    password          => $influx_password,
    database          => $influx_database,
    access_mode       => 'proxy',
    is_default        => true,

  grafana_dashboard { 'telegraf':
    grafana_url       => $grafana_url,
    grafana_user      => $grafana_user,
    grafana_password  => $grafana_password,
    content           => template('tig/dashboards/telegraf.json')

The dashboard manifest inherits a separate class called tig::params, which contains configuration parameters:

class tig::params (
  String $influxdb_password,
  String $grafana_password,
  String $influxdb_database = 'bolt',
  String $influxdb_user = 'bolt',
  String $grafana_url = 'http://localhost:8080',
  String $grafana_user = 'bolt',
) {}Copied!

You can keep the credentials for signing into each service in a separate location so they're not part of the manifest code. This plan uses a Hiera implementation uses to store the credentials in data/common.yaml:

tig::telegraf::database: "bolt"
tig::telegraf::username: "bolt"
# In the real world encrypt these with hiera eyaml or store externally
tig::params::influxdb_password: "hunter2"
tig::params::grafana_password: "boltIsAwesome"Copied!

🔩 Tip: For information on Hiera, see Puppet: About Hiera.

The second apply block in the TIG plan applies the manifests/telegraf.pp manifest. The telegraf manifest installs and configures Telegraf on each of the agents. This manifest also inherits the tig::params class.

class tig::telegraf (
  String $influx_host,
  String $password = $tig::params::influxdb_password,
  String $database = $tig::params::influxdb_database,
  String $username = $tig::params::influxdb_user,
) inherits ::tig::params {

  $influx_url = "http://${influx_host}:8086"

  class { 'telegraf':
    hostname => $facts['hostname'],
    outputs  => {
        'influxdb' => [
                'urls'     => [ $influx_url ],
                'database' => $database,
                'username' => $username,
                'password' => $password,

  telegraf::input{ 'cpu':
    options => [{ 'percpu' => true, 'totalcpu' => true, }]

  ['disk', 'io', 'net', 'swap', 'system', 'mem', 'processes', 'kernel' ].each |$plug| {
    telegraf::input{ $plug:
     options => [{}]}

The last step in the plan returns results that you can use in other plans or save for use outside of Bolt. Here, it returns the address for the Grafana dashboard.

Next, run the plan.

Run the plan

To run the plan, use the following command

*nix shell command

bolt plan run tigCopied!

PowerShell cmdlet

Invoke-BoltPlan -Name tigCopied!

Your output should look similar to this:

Starting: plan tig
Starting: install puppet and gather facts on target0, target1
Finished: install puppet and gather facts with 0 failures in 47.67 sec
Starting: apply catalog on target0
Finished: apply catalog with 0 failures in 65.3 sec
Starting: apply catalog on target0, target1
Finished: apply catalog with 0 failures in 22.64 sec
Finished: plan tig in 135.65 sec
  "grafana_dashboard": ""

Enter the address from the plan's result into your browser to find the Grafana dashboard. You can sign in with the following credentials (from data/common.yaml):

  • username: bolt

  • password: boltIsAwesome.

Congratulations! You've deployed a TIG Stack with Bolt!

Do you have a real-world use case for Bolt that you'd like to share? Reach out to us in the #bolt channel on Slack.