Writing plans in the Puppet language



Bolt plans allow you to tie together complex workflows that include multiple tasks, scripts, commands, and even other plans.

Plans written in the Puppet language allow for more sophisticated control flow and better error handling than YAML plans. Puppet plans also allow you to apply blocks of Puppet code to remote targets.

When you're writing a plan, you can use any combination of Bolt functions or built-in Puppet functions.

Note: For information on how to convert an existing YAML plan to a Puppet plan, see Converting YAML plans to Puppet language plans.

📖 Related information

Plan location

Bolt content follows the same directory structure as Puppet modules. Bolt loads downloaded module plans from modules/<MODULE_NAME>/plans/, and local plans from site-modules/<MODULE_NAME>/plans/.

Put your Bolt plan in your module's plans directory and give it the .pp extension. For example, given a plan named my_plan.pp in a module named my_module, the location of the plan would be site-modules/my_module/plans/my_plan.pp.

Creating a new project-level Puppet language plan

You can create a new project-level Puppet language plan in your Bolt project using a Bolt command. The command accepts a single argument: the name of the plan. Project-level plans must be namespaced to the project.

*nix shell command

bolt plan new <PLAN NAME> --ppCopied!

PowerShell cmdlet

New-BoltPlan -Name <PLAN NAME> -PpCopied!

For example, running bolt plan new myproject::myplan --pp will result in a directory structure similar to this:

├── bolt-project.yaml
└── plans/
    └── myplan.ppCopied!

Naming plans

The first line of your plan contains the plan name. You use the plan name to call the plan from the Bolt command line, or from other plans.

Plan names are composed of two or more name segments, indicating:

  • The name of the module the plan is located in.

  • The name of the plan file, without the extension.

  • The path within the module, if the plan is in a subdirectory of ./plans.

Each plan name segment must begin with a lowercase letter and:

  • Can include lowercase letters.

  • Can include digits.

  • Can include underscores.

  • Must not be a reserved word.

  • Must not have the same name as any Puppet data types.

  • Namespace segments must match the regular expression: \A[a-z][a-z0-9_]*\Z.

Note: Avoid giving plans the same names as constructs in the Puppet language. Although plans do not share their namespace with other language constructs, giving plans these names makes your code difficult to read.

For example, given a module called mymodule with a plan defined in ./mymodule/plans/myplan.pp, the plan name is mymodule::myplan. The first line in myplan.pp would be:

plan mymodule::myplan()Copied!

Similarly, to call a plan defined in ./mymodule/plans/service/myplan.pp, you would use the name, mymodule::service::myplan.

init plans

The plan filename init is special. You reference an init plan using the module name only. For example, in a module called mymodule, the plan defined in mymodule/plans/init.pp is the mymodule plan. However, this does not apply to init plans nested in subdirectories. For example, an init plan at mymodule/plans/service/init.pp is the mymodule::service::init plan.

For an example of an init plan, see the facts plan.

Defining plan parameters

After the plan's name, in parentheses, define any parameters that you want to pass into your plan as arguments. To define a parameter, use the syntax <TYPE> <PARAMETER_NAME>. For example, the following plan defines two parameters, src and dest, which are both strings:

plan mymodule::myplan(
  String $src,
  String $dest
...  Copied!

You can use the TargetSpec type to pass a target, or multiple targets, into a plan parameter. For more information, see TargetSpec.

JSON serialization

Parameters that are passed to the run_* plan functions are serialized to JSON.

In the following plan, the default value of $example_nul is undef. The plan calls the task test::demo_undef_bash with the example_nul parameter.

plan test::parameter_passing (
  TargetSpec $targets,
  Optional[String[1]] $example_nul = undef,
) {
  return run_task('test::demo_undef_bash', $targets, 'example_nul' => $example_nul)

The implementation of the demo_undef_bash.sh task is:

echo "Environment: $PT_example_nul"
echo "Stdin:" 
cat -Copied!

By default, the task expects parameters passed as a JSON string on standard input (stdin) to be accessible in prefixed environment variables.

Consider the output of running the plan against localhost:

bolt@bolt: bolt plan run test::parameter_passing -n localhost
Starting: plan test::parameter_passing
Starting: task test::demo_undef_bash on localhost
Finished: task test::demo_undef_bash with 0 failures in 0.0 sec
Finished: plan test::parameter_passing in 0.01 sec
Finished on localhost:
  Environment: null
Successful on 1 target: localhost
Ran on 1 targetCopied!

The parameters example_nul and _task metadata are passed to the task as a JSON string over stdin.

Similarly, parameters are made available to the task as environment variables where the name of the parameter is converted to an environment variable prefixed with PT_. The prefixed environment variable points to the String representation in JSON format of the parameter value. So, the PT_example_nul environment variable has the value of null of type String.

📖 Related information

Sensitive parameters

Use the Sensitive data type to mask parameters that should not be displayed in logs.

When you pass a value to a Sensitive parameter, Bolt automatically masks the value before the plan is run.

To access the unmasked value, call the unwrap function on the parameter.

plan sensitive_task(
  Sensitive $password
) {
  $result = run_task('task_with_password', ..., 'password' => $password.unwrap)

Sensitive parameters are only masked if they use the un-parameterized or parameterized Sensitive type, such as Sensitive or Sensitive[Hash]. Other types, such as Optional[Sensitive] or Hash[String, Sensitive], will not be automatically masked.

Returning results from plans

Use plans to return results that you can use in other plans or save for use outside of Bolt.

Plans, unlike functions, are primarily run for side effects, but they can optionally return a result. To return a result from a plan, use the return function. Any plan that does not call the return function returns undef.

plan return_result(
) {
  return run_task('mytask', $targets)

The result of a plan must match the PlanResult type alias. This roughly includes JSON types as well as the plan language types which have well defined JSON representations in Bolt.

  • Undef

  • String

  • Numeric

  • Boolean

  • Target

  • Result

  • ResultSet

  • Error

  • Array with only PlanResult

  • Hash with String keys and PlanResult values


Variant[Data, String, Numeric, Boolean, Error, Result, ResultSet, Target, Array[Boltlib::PlanResult], Hash[String, Boltlib::PlanResult]]

Returning errors in plans

To return an error if your plan fails, call the fail_plan function.

Specify parameters to provide details about the failure.

For example, if called with run_plan('mymodule::myplan'), this would return an error to the caller:

plan mymodule::myplan {
  fail_plan("Sorry, this plan does not work yet.", 'mymodule/error')

Success and failure in plans

If upload_filerun_commandrun_script, or run_task are called without the _catch_errors option and they fail on any targets, the plan itself fails. To fail a plan directly, call the fail_plan function. Create an error with a message and include the kind, details, or issue code, or pass an existing error to it.

fail_plan('The plan is failing', 'mymodules/pear-shaped', {'failedtargets' => $result.error_set.names})
# or

Catching errors in plans

Bolt includes a catch_errors function that executes a block of code and returns the error if an error is raised, or returns the result of the block if no errors are raised. You might get an Error object returned if you:

  • call run_plan with _catch_errors.

  • use a catch_errors block.

  • call the error method on a result.

The Error data type includes:

  • msg: The error message string.

  • kind: A string that defines the kind of error similar to an error class.

  • details: A hash with details about the error from a task or from information about the state of a plan when it fails, for example, exit_code or stack_trace.

  • issue_code: A unique code for the message that can be used for translation.

Use the Error data type in a case expression to match against different kinds of errors. To recover from certain errors, while failing on or ignoring others, set up your plan to include conditionals based on errors that occur while your plan runs. For example, you can set up a plan to retry a task when a timeout error occurs, but to fail when there is an authentication error.

In the following example, the mymodule::myplan module runs a task and returns a ResultSet object. The handle_errors plan calls it with _catch_errors, extracts the ResultSet from the error if possible, and runs another task on the successful targets.

plan mymodule::handle_errors {
  $result_or_error = run_plan('mymodule::myplan', '_catch_errors' => true)
  $result = case $result_or_error {
    # When the plan returned a ResultSet use it.
    ResultSet: { $result_or_error }
    # If the run_task failed extract the result set from the error.
    Error['bolt/run-failure'] : { $result_or_error.details['result_set'] }
    # The sub-plan failed for an unexpected reason.
    default : { fail_plan($result_or_error) } }
  # Run a task on the successful targets
  run_task('mymodule::task', $result.ok_set)

Using the catch_errors function:

plan test (String[1] $role) {
  $result_or_error = catch_errors(['bolt/puppetdb-error']) || {
    puppetdb_query("inventory[certname] { app_role == ${role} }")
  $targets = if $result_or_error =~ Error {
    # If the PuppetDB query fails
    warning("Could not fetch from puppet. Using defaults instead")
    # TargetSpec string
  } else {

Puppet and Ruby functions in plans

You can define and call built-in Puppet functions and custom Ruby functions in plans.

This is useful for packaging common general logic in your plan. You can also call the plan functions, such as run_task or run_plan, from within a function.

🔩 Tip: You can use any combination of Bolt functions or built-in Puppet functions in a plan.

Not all Puppet language constructs are allowed in plans. The following constructs are not allowed:

  • Defined types

  • Classes

  • Resource expressions, such as file { title: mode => '0777' }

  • Resource default expressions, such as File { mode => '0666' }

  • Resource overrides, such as File['/tmp/foo'] { mode => '0444' }

  • Relationship operators: -> <- ~> <~

  • Functions that operate on a catalog: contain, create_resources, include, realize, require, tag, tagged

  • Collector expressions, such as SomeType <| |>, SomeType <<| |>>

  • ERB templates are not supported. Use EPP instead

Be aware of a few other Puppet behaviors in plans:

  • The --strict_variables option is on, so if you reference a variable that is not set, you get an error.

  • --strict=error is always on, so minor language issues generate errors. For example { a => 10, a => 20 } is an error because there is a duplicate key in the hash.

  • Most Puppet settings are empty and not-configurable when using Bolt.

  • Logs include "source location" (file, line) instead of resource type or name.

Handling plan function results

Plan execution functions each return a result object that returns details about the execution.

Each execution function returns an object type ResultSet. For each target that the execution takes place on, this object contains a Result object. The apply action returns a ResultSet containing ApplyResult objects.

For information on the types returned from plan functions, see Bolt data types.

An instance of ResultSet is Iterable as if it were an Array[Variant[Result, ApplyResult]] so that iterative functions such as each, map, reduce, or filter work directly on the ResultSet returning each result.

This example checks if a task ran correctly on all targets. If it did not, the check fails:

$r = run_task('sometask', ..., '_catch_errors' => true)
unless $r.ok {
  fail_plan("Running sometask failed on the targets ${r.error_set.names}")

You can do iteration and checking if the result is an Error. This example outputs feedback about the result of a task:

$r = run_task('sometask', ..., '_catch_errors' => true)
$r.each |$result| {
  $target = $result.target.name
  if $result.ok {
    notice("${target} returned a value: ${result.value}")
  } else {
    notice("${target} errored with a message: ${result.error.message}")

Similarly, you can iterate over the array of hashes returned by calling to_data on a ResultSet and access hash values. For example:

$r = run_command('whoami', 'localhost,local://')
$r.to_data.each |$result_hash| { notice($result_hash['result']['stdout']) }Copied!

You can also use filter_set to filter a ResultSet and apply a ResultSet function such as targets to the output:

$filtered = $result.filter_set |$r| {
  $r['tag'] == "you're it"

Passing sensitive data to tasks

Task parameters defined as sensitive are masked when they appear in plans.

You define a task parameter as sensitive with the metadata property "sensitive": true. When a task runs, the values for these sensitive parameters are masked.

run_task('task_with_secrets', ..., 'password' => 'hunter2')Copied!

Working with the Sensitive function

In Puppet you use the Sensitive function to mask data in output logs. Because plans are written in Puppet DSL, you can use this type freely. The run_task() function does not allow parameters of Sensitive function to be passed. When you need to pass a sensitive value to a task, you must unwrap it prior to calling run_task().

$pass = Sensitive('hunter2')
run_task('task_with_secrets', ..., 'password' => $pass.unwrap)Copied!

📖 Related information

Target objects

The target object represents a target and its specific connection options.

The state of a target is stored in the inventory for the duration of a plan, allowing you to collect facts or set variables for a target and retrieve them later. You can get a printable representation via the name function, as well as access components of the target: protocol, host, port, user, password. For a list of functions available to a target, see Bolt data types


The TargetSpec type is a wrapper for defining targets that allows you to pass a target, or multiple targets, into a plan. To ensure clean interaction with the CLI and other plans, use this type for plans that accept a set of targets as a parameter.

TargetSpec accepts a URI string, a target object, or an array of URI strings and Target objects. URI strings must include a hostname, and can also set the protocol, the username, the password, and the port to use using the format protocol://user:password@hostname:port.

To operate on individual targets, resolve TargetSpec to a list via get_targets. For example, to loop over each target in a plan, accept a TargetSpec argument, but call get_targets on it before looping.

plan loop(TargetSpec $targets) {
  get_targets($targets).each |$target| {
    run_task('my_task', $target)

If your plan accepts a single TargetSpec parameter, you can call that parameter targets so that it can be specified with the --targets command-line option.

Example with TargetSpec

The following example shows two target parameters, load_balancer and webservers, specified as data type TargetSpec.

The plan calls the run_task function, specifying which targets to run the tasks on. The target names are collected and stored in $webserver_names by iterating over the list of target objects returned by get_targets. Task parameters are serialized to JSON format; therefore, extracting the names into an array of strings ensures that the webservers parameter is in a format that can be converted to JSON.

plan mymodule::my_plan(
  TargetSpec $load_balancer,
  TargetSpec $webservers,
) {

  # Extract the Target name from $webservers
  $webserver_names = get_targets($webservers).map |$n| { $n.name }
  # process webservers
  run_task('mymodule::lb_remove', $load_balancer, 'webservers' => $webserver_names)
  run_task('mymodule::update_frontend_app', $webservers, 'version' => '1.2.3')
  run_task('mymodule::lb_add', $load_balancer, 'webservers' => $webserver_names)

To execute this plan from the command line, you would pass the parameters as <PARAMETER>=<VALUE>. The Targetspec accepts either an array as JSON, or a comma separated string of target names.

bolt plan run mymodule::myplan --modulepath ./PATH/TO/MODULES load_balancer=lb.myorg.com webservers='["kermit.myorg.com","gonzo.myorg.com"]'        Copied!

Creating target objects

Creating target objects in a plan means they are part of the in-memory inventory; they can be referenced and run alongside targets that are loaded from the inventory file, but their data is not saved between plan runs. They only exist for the life cycle of the plan run.

There are two main ways you might want to instantiate target objects within a plan: getting a target that might already exist, or making a new target object that clobbers any existing targets with the same name.

To get or create a target, use the get_target function. This takes a single URI and returns a single target object with the same name if it already exists in the inventory, otherwise it will create the target and return it. Similarly get_targets takes an array of URIs, gets or creates each target, and returns an array of target objects. Some transport options can be configured in the URI string, but if this isn't sufficient you can use set_config to set configuration options on the targets.

Use Target.new() to create a target that clobbers an existing target with the same name. Target.new() takes a data hash with the same keys as inventory target definitions. You can use this to configure more options for the target than are available in the URI alone, but it is a destructive action: if you try to create a target with the same name as a target that already exists in the inventory (either from in-memory or from the file), the old target will be completely destroyed and replaced with the new target.

All new targets are added to the all inventory group, and no other groups. See modifying target objects for information on modifying group membership.

plan create_targets(
  TargetSpec $targetspecs
) {
  # Create a single Target object
  $target1 = get_target('ssh://user:password@myhostname.com:8022')
  $target2 = get_target('2hostname2handle')

  # Create an array of Target objects
  $target_list = get_targets(['host1', 'host2', 'hostred', 'hostblue'])
  # This also accepts TargetSpec objects
  $listy_list = get_targets($targetspecs)
  # And inventory group names
  $listerine = get_targets('all')

  # Create a Target object with options
  $opts_hash = {'uri' => 'myuri',
                'name' => 'nodename',
                'config' => {
                  'transport' => 'ssh',
                  'ssh' => {
                    'host-key-check' => false
  $with_opts = Target.new($opts_hash)

  # All of these target vars can be operated on
  run_command('hostname', $target1)

Modifying target objects

There are a handful of functions available to modify existing target objects inside a plan:

These can be used to add facts, transport specific configuration options, features, and variables to target objects, as well as add or remove objects from existing inventory groups. Targets are modified in-memory for the life cycle of the plan and are not saved between plan runs.

Temporarily modifying target objects

Target objects can be temporarily modified during a plan run. For example, you can store a target's configuration in a temporary variable, modify the target's configuration using the set_config function, and then restore the target's original configuration.

Temporarily modify a target's configuration:

plan test(String $host) {
  $target = get_target($host)

  # Store the target's original configuration
  $original_config = $target.config['ssh']

  # Modify the target's configuration
  $config =  {
    'user'     => 'bolt',
    'password' => 'secret'

  set_config($target, 'ssh', $config)


  # Restore the target's original configuration
  set_config($target, 'ssh', $original_config)


Variables and facts on targets

When Bolt runs, it loads transport configuration values, variables, and facts from the inventory. These can be accessed with the $target.facts() and $target.vars() functions. During the course of a plan, you can update the facts or variables for any target. Facts usually come from running facter or another fact collection application on the target, or from a fact store like PuppetDB. Variables are computed externally or assigned directly.

Using the facts plan function does not automatically collect facts for a target, and will only return facts that are currently set in the inventory. To collect facts from a target and set them in the inventory, run the facts plan or puppetdb_fact plan.

Set variables in a plan using $target.set_var:

plan vars(String $host) {
  $target = get_targets($host)[0]
  $target.set_var('newly_provisioned', true)
  $targetvars = $target.vars
  run_command("echo 'Vars for ${host}: ${$targetvars}'", $host)

Or set variables in the inventory file using the vars key at the group level.

  - name: my_targets
      - localhost
      operatingsystem: windows
      transport: sshCopied!

Collect facts from the targets

The facts plan connects to the target and discovers facts. It stores these facts on the targets in the inventory for later use.

The methods used to collect facts:

  • On ssh targets, it runs a Bash script.

  • On winrm targets, it runs a PowerShell script.

  • On pcp or targets where the Puppet agent is present, it runs Facter.

This example collects facts with the facts plan and uses those facts to decide which task to run on the targets.

plan run_with_facts(TargetSpec $targets) {
  # This collects facts on targets and updates the inventory
  run_plan('facts', 'targets' => $targets)

  $centos_targets = get_targets($targets).filter |$n| { $n.facts['os']['name'] == 'CentOS' }
  $ubuntu_targets = get_targets($targets).filter |$n| { $n.facts['os']['name'] == 'Ubuntu' }
  run_task('centos_task', $centos_targets)
  run_task('ubuntu_task', $ubuntu_targets)

Collect facts from PuppetDB

When targets are running a Puppet agent and sending facts to PuppetDB, you can use the puppetdb_fact plan to collect facts for them. This example collects facts with the puppetdb_fact plan, and uses those facts to decide which task to run on the targets. You must configure the PuppetDB client before you run it.

plan run_with_facts(TargetSpec $targets) {
  # This collects facts on targets and update the inventory
  run_plan('puppetdb_fact', 'targets' => $targets)

  $centos_targets = get_targets($targets).filter |$n| { $n.facts['os']['name'] == 'CentOS' }
  $ubuntu_targets = get_targets($targets).filter |$n| { $n.facts['os']['name'] == 'Ubuntu' }
  run_task('centos_task', $centos_targets)
  run_task('ubuntu_task', $ubuntu_targets)

Collect general data from PuppetDB

You can use the puppetdb_query function in plans to make direct queries to PuppetDB. For example, you can discover targets from PuppetDB and run tasks on them. You'll have to configure the PuppetDB client before running it. You can learn how to structure Puppet Query Language (PQL) queries using the PQL tutorial. For information, see the PQL reference guide.

plan pdb_discover {
  $result = puppetdb_query("inventory[certname] { app_role == 'web_server' }")
  # extract the certnames into an array
  $names = $result.map |$r| { $r["certname"] }
  # wrap in url. You can skip this if the default transport is pcp
  $targets = $names.map |$n| { "pcp://${n}" }
  run_task('my_task', $targets)

📖 Related information

Documenting plans

When writing plans, it's helpful to document what the plan does and the parameters that it accepts. This information can be used in bolt plan show output or in the Puppet Enterprise console to provide users with context on how to run the plan.

Unlike tasks, plans do not have a corresponding metadata.json file. Instead, Bolt pulls documentation directly from the plan using Puppet Types and Puppet Strings.

Plan description

You can add a description for a plan by adding a comment to the top of the plan file. Each line of a comment begins with a # symbol.

# This plan prints 'hello world' to the console.
plan hello_world () {
  out::message('hello world')

Running bolt plan show hello_world will display the plan's documentation, which includes the plan's description:

$ bolt plan show hello_world

hello_world - This plan prints 'hello world' to the console.

bolt plan run hello_world


Parameter names, types, and defaults

When a plan accepts parameters, the parameter's name and type are automatically included in the plan's documentation. If a parameter has a default value, that value will also be displayed in the documentation.

For example, the following plan accepts two parameters, one of which has a default value:

# This plan runs a single command on a group of targets.
plan single_command (
  TargetSpec $targets,
  String     $command = 'uptime'
) {
  $results = run_command($command, $targets)
  return $results

Running bolt plan show single_command will display the plan's documentation, which includes the parameter names and types:

$ bolt plan show single_command

single_command - This plan runs a single command on a group of targets.

bolt plan run single_command targets=<value> [command=<value>]

- targets: TargetSpec
- command: String
    Default: 'uptime'


Parameter descriptions

You can add a description for a parameter using the @param Puppet Strings tag in a comment at the top of the plan file. To add a description, begin the comment with @param, followed by the name of the parameter and the parameter's description.

# This plan runs a single command on a group of targets.
# @param targets The list of targets to run the command on.
# @param command The command to run on the targets.
plan single_command (
  TargetSpec $targets,
  String     $command = 'uptime'
) {
  $results = run_command($command, $targets)
  return $results

Running bolt plan show single_command will display the plan's documentation, which includes the parameter descriptions:

$ bolt plan show single_command

single_command - This plan runs a single command on a group of targets.

bolt plan run single_command targets=<value> [command=<value>]

- targets: TargetSpec
    The list of targets to run the command on.
- command: String
    Default: 'uptime'
    The command to run on the targets.


Making plans private

As a plan author, you might not want users to run your plan directly or know it exists. This is useful for plans that are used by other plans 'under the hood', but aren't designed to be run by a human. You can hide plans from bolt plan show and Get-BoltPlan output by specifying the # @api private Puppet strings tag. Private plans are still viewable with bolt plan show <PLAN NAME> and Get-BoltPlan -Name <PLAN NAME>, and can still be run with Bolt.

# This plan isn't shown in plan list output
# @api private
# @param targets The list of targets to run the command on.
plan single_command (
  TargetSpec $targets,
) {
  run_command("echo 'Strawberry rhubarb pie sounds so good right now'", $targets)

The private metadata is cached in your Bolt project. Bolt updates the cache:

  • When you update plans in the current Bolt project.

  • When you update modules in the <PROJECT DIRECTORY>/modules/ directory.

  • When you install modules using a Bolt command that installs modules.

  • When you generate Puppet types using a generate command.

If you manually edit a plan that is located outside of the <PROJECT DIRECTORY>/plans/ directory or <PROJECT DIRECTORY>/modules/ path, Bolt might not pick up manual edits to metadata. If your plan still appears in the output of bolt plan show and Get-BoltPlan, clear the metadata cache by running with the --clear-cache flag.

Example plans

Check out some examples for inspiration on writing your own plans.

Beginner plans

These resources show simple use cases such as running a task and manipulating the results.

  • facts module: Contains tasks and plans to discover facts about target systems.

  • facts plan: Gathers facts using the facts task and sets the facts in inventory.

  • facts::info plan: Uses the facts task to discover facts and map relevant fact values to targets.

Intermediate plans

These resources show more advanced features in the plan language.

  • reboot module: Contains tasks and plans for managing system reboots.

  • reboot plan: Restarts a target system and waits for it to become available again.

Advanced plans

These resources show more complex use cases such as applying puppet code blocks and using external modules.