Upgrading to Bolt 3.0


Welcome to Bolt 3.0! This page contains a list of the most important things you need to know if you're upgrading from an earlier version of Bolt.

For an exhaustive list of the things we've changed, see:

If you're not ready to make the leap to Bolt 3.0, you can still download the last release in the Bolt 2 series by specifying the version (2.44.0) in your package manager. For Homebrew, use brew install --cask puppet-bolt@2. You can also download the relevant macOS and Windows installers.

Migrating configuration files

Bolt 3.0 introduces changes to Bolt's configuration file layout and content, including removing bolt.yaml and renaming several configuration options. Here's how to transition to the new world order.

Automated migration

The migration command updates your project-level configuration files to use the latest Bolt best practices:

*nix shell command

bolt project migrateCopied!

PowerShell cmdlet


For a more detailed explanation of what the migrate command does, see Migrate a Bolt project.

Manual migration

If you need user- or system-level configuration, use the following manual migration steps to migrate the relevant configuration files. You can also follow these steps for your project-level configuration files if you're not comfortable having Bolt rewrite your files.

User- and system-level configuration

To migrate your system- or user-level Bolt configuration, make the following changes to the relevant bolt.yaml file:

  1. Move any transport configuration to be under an inventory-config key, like so:

          password: hunter2!
          user: bolt
          password: hunter2!
          user: boltCopied!

    Transport configuration keys are ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote, and transport.

  2. Rename the following configuration options:

    • plugin_hooks to plugin-hooks

  3. Rename apply_settings to apply-settings and move the apply-settings configuration to your project directory at <PROJECT DIRECTORY>/bolt-project.yaml. If you'd rather use the default Bolt project directory, place the file in ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/.

  4. Rename the file to bolt-defaults.yaml.

Project-level configuration

  1. Move any transport configuration to the top-level config key of the inventory file. This should be at <PROJECT DIRECTORY>/inventory.yaml.

       - my target
          password: hunter2!
          user: bolt
          password: hunter2!
          user: boltCopied!

    Transport configuration keys are ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote, and transport.

  2. Rename the following configuration options:

    • apply_settings to apply-settings

    • plugin_hooks to plugin-hooks

  3. Rename the file to bolt-project.yaml.

Upgrading the puppet-agent package on targets

Starting in Bolt 3.0, Bolt no longer supports puppet-agent versions earlier than 6.0.0. While applying Puppet code to targets with an earlier version of the puppet-agent package might still succeed, Bolt does not guarantee compatibility.

To upgrade the puppet-agent package version installed on a target, you can run the puppet_agent::install task, which is included in Bolt packages.

  • To update to the latest version of the puppet-agent package:

    *nix shell command

    bolt task run puppet_agent::install --targets <TARGETS> version=latestCopied!

    PowerShell cmdlet

    Invoke-BoltTask -Task puppet_agent::install -Targets <TARGETS> version=latestCopied!
  • To update to a specific version of the puppet-agent package:

    bolt task run puppet_agent::install --targets <TARGETS> version=<VERSION> collection=<COLLECTION>Copied!

    PowerShell cmdlet

    Invoke-BoltTask -Task puppet_agent::install -Targets <TARGETS> version=<VERSION> collection=<COLLECTION>Copied!

    For task documentation, including a list of available collections, run bolt task show puppet_agent::install or Get-BoltTask -Name puppet_agent::install in PowerShell.

Suppress unsupported Puppet agent version warnings

When Bolt detects a puppet-agent version earlier than 6.0.0 on a target, it logs a warning like this:

Detected unsupported Puppet agent version 5.22.0 on target my_target. Bolt supports
Puppet agent 6.0.0 and higher. [ID: unsupported_puppet]Copied!

If you do not want to upgrade the puppet-agent package to a supported version and would like to stop seeing these warnings, you can configure your project to suppress them. To suppress these warnings, configure the disable-warnings option in your project configuration:

name: my_project
  - unsupported_puppetCopied!

Module installation and management

Bolt 2.30 introduced module dependency management and new bolt module * commands and *-BoltModule PowerShell cmdlets, as well as a new and simplified modulepath. Bolt 3.0 removes the deprecated bolt puppetfile * commands and *-BoltPuppetfile PowerShell cmdlets.

To read more about the new module management workflow and the updated modulepath, see the Modules overview. For information on installing your modules, see Installing modules.