🧪 Experimental features



Most larger Bolt features are released initially in an experimental or unstable state. This allows the Bolt team to gather feedback from real users quickly while iterating on new functionality. Almost all experimental features are eventually stabilized in future releases. While a feature is experimental, its API might change, requiring the user to update their code or configuration. The Bolt team attempts to make these changes painless by providing useful warnings around breaking behavior where possible.

Configuration policies and the policy command

This feature was introduced in Bolt 3.21.0.

What are policies?

Configuration policies are public Puppet classes stored in the manifests/ directory of modules on the modulepath. Just like other Puppet code, you can apply policies directly to one or more targets.

Policies in a Bolt project's configuration file

The project configuration file, bolt-project.yaml, supports a policies key which lists the policies available to a project. A Puppet class becomes a policy when you list it under the policies key. If you do not configure the policies key, no policies will be available for Bolt to apply.

You can manually add policies to the policies key in bolt-project.yaml, or manage policies using the Bolt command line. The policies key supports glob patterns for easily listing multiple policies. For example, myproject::* includes both the myproject::admin and myproject::sshkeys policies.

The following configuration file makes the myproject::admin and myproject::sshkeys policies available to the project:

# bolt-project.yaml
name: myproject
- myproject::admin
- myproject::sshkeysCopied!

Creating new policies

You can use Bolt to create a new policy in your project and add it to the policies key in your project configuration. For example, to create a new project-level policy named myproject::user, run:

  • *nix shell command

    bolt policy new myproject::userCopied!
  • PowerShell cmdlet

    New-BoltPolicy -Name myproject::userCopied!

Bolt creates an empty class in the project's manifests/ directory that you can populate with code. Policy names must follow class naming conventions.

Example output:

Created policy 'myproject::user' at '/Users/puppet.user/myproject/manifests/user.pp'Copied!

Create policies manually by:

  1. Adding the file to a module's or project's manifests/ directory.

  2. Modifying the project's bolt-project.yaml to include the policy in the policies key.

Listing available policies

You can list available policies for the project:

  • *nix shell command

    bolt policy show Copied!
  • PowerShell cmdlet

    Get-BoltPolicy Copied!

Example output:



Applying policies to targets

Applying policies is similar to applying Puppet code, with the addition that you can apply one or more policies at a time. The Bolt commands for applying policies accept a single policy name or a comma-separated list of policy names to apply to a list of one or more targets.

For example, to apply both myproject::admin and myproject::sshkeys policies to a target:

  • *nix shell command

    bolt policy apply myproject::admin,myproject::sshkeys -t mytarget                                Copied!
  • PowerShell cmdlet

    Invoke-BoltPolicy -Name myproject::admin,myproject::sshkeys -Targets mytargetCopied!

Example output:

Starting: install puppet and gather facts on mytarget
Finished: install puppet and gather facts with 0 failures in 6.51 sec
Starting: apply catalog on mytarget
Started on mytarget...
Finished on mytarget:
  changed: 1, failed: 0, unchanged: 0 skipped: 0, noop: 0
Finished: apply catalog with 0 failures in 8.59 sec
Successful on 1 target: mytarget
Ran on 1 target in 15.2 secCopied!

Before applying policies, Bolt uses the apply_prep function to collect facts and ensure that the puppet-agent package is available on each target. For more information on how Bolt uses apply_prep, see Applying manifest blocks. Bolt creates a single line of Puppet code to compile and apply to the provided targets. This line of code includes the syntax include <POLICIES> and Bolt logs the line at the debug level.

run_container plan step

This feature was introduced in Bolt 3.5.0.

Currently available as a Puppet plan function, run_container() runs a provided image and returns the stdout, stderr, and exit_code for that image. The function supports several options, including cmd to specify a command to run in the container, volumes to mount volumes to the container, and ports to publish ports from the container on the host. You can see all the supported options in the plan function documentation.

The function runs the container on the Bolt controller, not on remote targets. This function is supported on both *nix and Windows systems.

This plan clones the Relay repository, builds the Go binary in a container that has all the dependencies in it, and installs the binary to a local path.

plan bolt (
  TargetSpec $targets = 'localhost'
) {
  $relay_path = '/tmp/relay'
  run_command("git clone git@github.com:puppetlabs/relay.git ${$relay_path}", 'localhost')
  run_container('golang', 'volumes' => { $relay_path => '/relay' },
                'workdir' => '/relay',
                'rm' => true,
                'cmd' => "/bin/sh -c \"./scripts/generate && ./scripts/build\"")
  run_command("mv ${$relay_path}/bin/* /usr/bin", 'localhost')

Podman support

Bolt now has experimental support for Podman, a daemonless container engine. The Podman transport supports connecting to containers managed by Podman on the local system. The Podman transport accepts many of the same configuration options as the Docker transport. You can see the full list of supported configuration options on the transport reference page. The Podman transport doesn't support the service-url configuration options as the transport doesn't support remote connections. If this is a feature you're interested in, let us know in Slack or submit a Github issue.

The example inventory file below demonstrates connecting to a Podman container target named postgres_db.

  - uri: podman://postgres_db
        tmpdir: /root/tmpCopied!

FreeBSD jails support

Bolt now has experimental support for FreeBSD jails, a lightweight virtualization solution that allow for the creation of isolated environments within a single FreeBSD system. The jail transport supports connecting to jails running on the local system. The jail transport accepts many of the same configuration options as the Docker transport. You can see the full list of supported configuration options on the transport reference page. The jail transport doesn't support the service-url configuration options as the transport doesn't support remote connections. If this is a feature you're interested in, let us know in Slack or submit a Github issue.

The example inventory file below demonstrates connecting to a jail container target named postgres_db.

  - uri: jail://postgres_db
        user: postgresCopied!

Streaming output

This feature was introduced in Bolt 3.2.0.

You can set the new stream output option in bolt-project.yaml or bolt-defaults.yaml, or specify the option on the command line as --stream. Bolt streams results back to the console as they are received, with the target's safe name (the URI without the password included) and the stream (either 'out' or 'err') appended to the message, like so:

Started on docker://puppet_6_node...
Started on docker://puppet_7_node...
[docker://puppet_7_node] out: Hello!
[docker://puppet_6_node] out: Hello!
Finished on docker://puppet_7_node:
Finished on docker://puppet_6_node:

As you can see, when you configure output to stream, Bolt may print to the console twice: once as the actions are running, and again after Bolt prints the results. You can prevent Bolt from printing the results once the action has completed by specifying the --no-verbose command-line option.

LXD Transport

This feature was introduced in Bolt 3.2.0.

The LXD transport supports connecting to Linux containers on the local system. Similar to the Docker transport, the LXD transport accepts the name of the container as the URI, and connects to the container by shelling out to the lxc command. The example inventory file below demonstrates connecting to a Linux container target named ubuntuone.

  - uri: lxd://ubuntuone
        tmpdir: /root/tmpCopied!

Plugin caching

This feature was introduced in Bolt 2.37.0.

Bolt supports the use of plugins to dynamically load information during a Bolt run and change how Bolt executes certain actions. Bolt also loads all configuration plugins for most Bolt commands, and all inventory plugins for any action that requires the inventory, even if the action only uses a subset of targets from the inventory. Plugins can sometimes take a long time to execute, and several plugin invocations can add quite a bit of start up time to any Bolt command regardless of whether it uses the plugin results.

To mitigate the time it takes for Bolt to load plugins, we've introduced plugin caching. Plugin caching is enabled by configuring a Time to Live (TTL) for the cache, either by setting a default TTL for all plugins with the plugin-cache project configuration option or by setting ttl under the _cache option for an individual plugin invocation. The TTL is always in seconds. Bolt caches plugin results inside the Bolt project, and removes all expired cache entries whenever it uses a cache result. This prevents cache entries from getting orphaned and never removed. Bolt identifies a cache result based on a hash (delightfully named 'bubblebabble') of the entire plugin invocation, minus the _cache key. If any element of the plugin invocation changes, Bolt reloads the plugin and updates the cache.

You can set ttl to 0 to disable caching for a particular plugin. Caching is disabled by default, so this is mostly useful if you have a default cache ttl configured under plugin-cache in your bolt-project.yaml or bolt-defaults.yaml and want to disable caching for individual plugin invocations.

NOTE: Plugin results are currently cached in plaintext. Encrypted caching is planned for a future release.

Users can clear all cache entries using the --clear-cache or -ClearCache command-line option with any Bolt command.

This inventory sets a TTL of 1 hour, or 3600 seconds, for the PuppetDB plugin:

  - _plugin: puppetdb
      ttl: 3600
    query: "inventory[certname] { facts.osfamily = 'RedHat' }"
      name: certnameCopied!

This config file sets a default TTL of 30 minutes, or 1800 seconds, for all plugins:

  ttl: 1800Copied!

NOTE: The same cache and cache configuration is used for the resolve_reference() plan function.

Parallelism in Bolt plans

The parallelize() plan function was introduced in Bolt 2.35.0. The background() and wait() plan functions were introduced in Bolt 3.9.0.

For context, Bolt plan functions have always run concurrently across targets - that is, if a function takes a list of targets and operates on them, the function runs that step on each target in parallel. For example, the following plan runs hostname on all targets at the same time, waits for all targets to finish, and then runs whoami on all targets at the same time.

# $targets = target1,target2,target3
plan myplan(TargetSpec $targets) {
  run_command('hostname', $targets)
  run_command('whoami', $targets)

In the example above, target3 has to wait for hostname to finish on target1 and target2 before it can run whoami.

While useful, this form of parallelism is limited. Bolt plans have a few methods that allow a block of plan steps to execute in the background while other parts of the plan execute in parallel:

  • The background plan function begins executing a block of code in parellel with the main plan and other backgrounded code blocks. This is great for use cases where you want to start a process and don't care about the results, or don't need the results until much later in the plan. This function returns a Future object so that the result can be accessed later in the plan.

  • The wait function is a sister to background. It accepts a Future or array of Futures and blocks until they are finished, optionally with a timeout, then returns the results.

  • The parallelize function accepts an array and a block of plan steps, and then creates a Future for each block in the array. It blocks until all the Futures have finished.

These two function invocations are equivalent:

parallelize(['./file1', './file2']) |$file| {
  file_upload($file, '/home/user/', $targets)

# Is equivalent to
['./file1', './file2'].map |$file| {
  background() || {

background() and wait() plan functions

The background() plan function creates a new Future object, and begins running the code block in the background in parallel with the main plan and other backgrounded code blocks. The function accepts an optional name for the Future to make log messages easier to follow.

The code block has access to all existing variables when it's created, and has its own scope, so any new variables are not accessible outside the code block.

Plans will return normally even when they have Futures running in the background, and those Futures will continue to execute in parallel. However, Bolt itself will not exit until all Futures have completed in order to ensure that all work is finished. Any errors raised after the calling plan has finished will be logged at warn level for visibility.

The wait() plan function accepts either a single Future object, an array of Futures, or no Futures. If not provided any Futures, the function implicitly waits for all Futures created up to that point in the calling plan. The wait() function does not wait on any Futures created in subplans, even if the subplan is called inside a background() block. If you want a plan to wait on a Future object created in a subplan then you must call wait() in the subplan directly, or return Future objects to the calling plan to be explicitly passed to wait().

For example, the following plan runs the code block with three run_command() calls on the provided targets in the background, then executes a task in parallel. Once the task has finished, the commands may still be running in the background. Another task is kicked off in the background. Then the backgrounded commands and tasks are waited on before continuing.

# $targets = target1,target2,target3
plan myplan(TargetSpec $targets) {
  $binary_future = background("Run mycoolbinary") || {
    # These commands execute sequentially per target. Bolt connects to the targets in 
    # parallel, but waits for the cp command to finish before running chmod
    run_command("cp /home/user/Downloads/mycoolbinary /home/user/bin", $targets)
    run_command("chmod +x /home/user/bin/mycoolbinary", $targets)
    run_command("mycoolbinary", $targets)

  # This task runs while the commands above are running
  run_task("mytask", $targets)
  # Once the task 'mytask' has finished, start more commands in the background
  $status_future = background("Check service status") || {
    $r = run_command("systemctl status myservice", $targets)

  # This is equivalent to wait() in this plan
  wait([$binary_future, $status_future])

The function blocks until the Futures finish, with an optional timeout. If provided a timeout, unfinished Futures raise a timeout error if they have not completed within the timeout. You can return errors instead of raising them by passing _catch_errors => true to wait(). The wait() function returns the results from the Future blocks once they've all finished. If a Future errors, Bolt only raises the error after all other Futures finish executing and return to wait().

parallelize() plan function

The experimental parallelize() function accepts an array and a block, and runs the entire block on each array element in parallel. Inside a parallelize block, targets can run subsequent plan functions before all targets have finished each step. For example, this plan runs the block to execute two commands on each target in parallel, regardless of how long it takes the block to run on any one target:

# $targets = target1,target2,target3
plan myplan(TargetSpec $targets) {
  # Convert the input into an array of targets
  $ts = get_targets($targets)

  parallelize($ts) |$target| {
    run_command('hostname', $target)
    run_command('whoami', $target)

Here, if target3 completes running hostname before target1 or target2, it can continue directly to running whoami.

This functionality is particularly useful for plan functions that may take a long time on certain targets but not on others, or for plans where some long running process may fail on a target but the plan author wants the plan to be able to continue quickly on successful targets.

How plan functions run in parallel

Within a backgrounded code block, only the following functions can run in parallel:

  • run_command

  • run_task

  • run_task_with

  • run_script

  • upload_file

  • download_file. You can run other functions from a parallelize or background block, but those functions will block execution on other targets until they complete. For example, in the following plan, Bolt can start running task2 and task3 while task1 is still executing. However, it cannot start task4 while out::message is executing on any of the targets.

# $targets = target1,target2,target3
plan myplan(TargetSpec $targets) {
  # Convert the input into an array of targets
  $ts = get_targets($targets)

  parallelize($ts) |$target| {
    run_task('task1', $target)
    run_task('task2', $target)
    $result = run_task('task3', $target)
    run_task('task4', $target)

Getting results from parallel blocks

The parallelize() and wait() functions return an array that contains the results of executing the block in the same order as the input array. You can think of them as map functions that run in parallel. The result of the block for a particular input is either a value passed to a return statement, the result of the last function in the block, or an error.

For example, consider the following plan:

$ts = get_targets($targets)
$result = parallelize($ts) |$target| {
    if $target.name == 'target1' {
      return "Don't run the task on this target"
    run_task('task1', $target)
    run_command('hostname', $target)

# This will print ["Don't run the task on this target", "target2", "target3"]

Similarly, using wait():

$ts = get_targets($targets)
$futures = $ts.map |$target| {
  background() || {
    if $target.name == 'target1' {
      return "Don't run the task on this target"
    run_task('task1', $target)
    run_command('hostname', $target)
$result = wait($futures)

# This will print ["Don't run the task on this target", "target2", "target3"]

If any step of the block errors, Bolt stops executing the block for that target, but continues executing for all other targets from the input array. When the block finishes, if there is an error in the result array, the plan throws a PlanFailure and includes the entire result array in the details key of the failure. If the block is wrapped in a catch_errors() block, Bolt catches the PlanFailure and continues to execute the plan. If you've provided _catch_errors => true to wait(), Bolt returns any errors raised and the plan continues to execute.

Viewing failing results in parallel blocks

When an action fails in a parallel block, such as a task returning an error, Bolt does not print the error result to the console. For example, the following plan runs a non-existent command on targets in parallel:

plan example (
  TargetSpec $targets
) {
  $_targets = get_targets($targets)

  $results = parallelize($_targets) |$target| {
    run_command('badcommand', $target)

  return $results

Bolt does not print the error result from the targets the command is run on, making it difficult to know why the command failed:

$ bolt plan run example -t target1,target2

Starting: plan example
Starting: command 'badcommand' on target1
Starting: command 'badcommand' on target2
Finished: command 'badcommand' with 1 failure in 0.01 sec
Finished: command 'badcommand' with 1 failure in 0.02 sec
Error in future '2': run_command 'badcommand' failed on 1 target [ID: errored_futures]
Error in future '3': run_command 'badcommand' failed on 1 target [ID: errored_futures]
Finished: plan example in 1.53 sec
parallel block failed on 2 targets
  (file: /Users/bolt/.puppetlabs/bolt/plans/init.pp, line: 4, column: 14)Copied!

To view error results from parallel blocks, you can run the plan in verbose mode. To run in verbose mode, use the verbose flag:

*nix shell command

bolt plan run <PLAN NAME> --verboseCopied!

PowerShell cmdlet

Invoke-BoltPlan -Name <PLAN NAME> -VerboseCopied!

Running the same plan in verbose mode shows the error results for each target:

$ bolt plan run example -t target1,target2

Starting: plan example
Starting: command 'badcommand' on target1
Starting: command 'badcommand' on target2
Started on target1...
Failed on target1:
  No such file or directory - badcommand
Started on target2...
Failed on target2:
  No such file or directory - badcommand
Finished: command 'badcommand' with 1 failure in 0.01 sec
Finished: command 'badcommand' with 1 failure in 0.02 sec
Error in future '2': run_command 'badcommand' failed on 1 target [ID: errored_futures]
Error in future '3': run_command 'badcommand' failed on 1 target [ID: errored_futures]
Finished: plan example in 1.53 sec
parallel block failed on 2 targets
  (file: /Users/bolt/.puppetlabs/bolt/plans/init.pp, line: 4, column: 14)Copied!

ResourceInstance data type

This feature was introduced in Bolt 2.10.0.

Bolt has had a limited ability to interact with Puppet's Resource Abstraction Layer. You could use the apply function to generate catalogs and return events, and the get_resources plan function can be used to query resources on a target. The ResourceInstance data type is the first step in enabling plan authors to build resource-based logic into their plans to enable a discover-inspect-execute workflow for interacting with resources on remote systems.

Use the ResourceInstance data type is used to store information about a single resource on a target, including its observed state, desired state, and any related events.

Note:: The ResourceInstance data type does not interact with or modify resources in any way. It is only used to store information about a resource.

Creating ResourceInstance objects


The recommended way to create ResourceInstance objects is by setting them directly on a Target object using the Target.set_resources function. Use the function to set one or more resources on a target at a time. You can read more about this function in Bolt plan functions.

The Target.set_resources function can set existing ResourceInstance objects on a target, or take hashes of parameters to create new ResourceInstance objects and automatically set them on a target.

When setting resources using a hash of parameters, you can pass either a single hash or an array of hashes:

$init_hash = {
  'target'        => Optional[Target],
  'type'          => Variant[String[1], Type[Resource]],
  'title'         => String[1],
  'state'         => Optional[Hash[String[1], Data]],
  'desired_state' => Optional[Hash[String[1], Data]],
  'events'        => Optional[Array[Hash[String[1], Data]]]

  Variant[Hash[String[1], Any], Array[Hash[String[1], Any]]] init_hash

Note: When passing a data hash to Target.set_resources, the target parameter is optional. If the target parameter is not specified, the function automatically sets the target to the target the function is called on.

Note: If the target parameter is any target other than the one you are setting the resource on, Bolt will raise an error.

When setting resources using existing ResourceInstance objects, you can pass either a single ResourceInstance or an array of ResourceInstance objects.

$resource = ResourceInstance.new(...)

  Variant[ResourceInstance, Array[ResourceInstance]] resource

Note: If the target for a ResourceInstance does not match the target it is being set on, Bolt will raise an error.

A target can only have a single instance of a given resource. If you set a duplicate resource on a target, Bolt shallow merges the state and desired_state of the duplicate resource with the state and desired_state of the existing resource and adds any events for the duplicate resource to the existing resource.


You can also create standalone ResourceInstance objects without setting them directly on a target using the new function.

The new function accepts either positional arguments:

  Target                                 target,
  Variant[String[1], Type[Resource]]     type,
  String[1]                              title,
  Optional[Hash[String[1], Data]]        state,
  Optional[Hash[String[1], Data]]        desired_state,
  Optional[Array[Hash[String[1], Data]]] events

or a hash of arguments:

$init_hash = {
  'target'        => Target,
  'type'          => Variant[String[1], Type[Resource]],
  'title'         => String[1],
  'state'         => Optional[Hash[String[1], Data]],
  'desired_state' => Optional[Hash[String[1], Data]],
  'events'        => Optional[Array[Hash[String[1], Data]]]

  Hash[String[1], Any] init_hash

Accessing ResourceInstance object on a Target

You can retrieve a specific ResourceInstance object stored on a Target in a plan using the resource() function:

$packages = $target.get_resources(Package).first['resources']
$resource = $target.resource(Package, 'openssl')


Each ResourceInstance has the following attributes:

Parameter Type Description
target The target that the resource is for. Target
type The type of the resource. This can be either the stringified name of the resource type or the actual type itself. For example, both "file" and File are acceptable. Variant[String[1], Type[Resource]]
title The title, or namevar, of the resource. String[1]
state The observed state of the resource. This is the point-in-time state of the resource when it is queried. Hash[String[1], Data]
desired_state The desired state of the resource. This is the state that you want the resource to be in. Hash[String[1], Data]
events Resource events that are generated from reports. Array[Hash[String[1], Data]]

A ResourceInstance is identified by its target, type, and title. As such, these three parameters must be specified when creating a new ResourceInstance and are immutable. Since Target.set_resources will automatically set the target when passing a hash of parameters, the target parameter can be ommitted.

The state, desired_state, and events parameters are optional when creating a ResourceInstance. If you do not specify state and desired_state, they default to empty hashes, while events defaults to an empty array. You can modify each of these attributes during the lifetime of the ResourceInstance using the data type's functions.


The ResourceInstance data type has several built-in functions. These range from accessing the object's attributes to modifying and overwriting state. For a full list of the available functions, see Bolt data types.

Example usage

You can easily set a resource on a set of targets. For example, if you want to ensure that a file is present on each target:

$resource = {
  'type'  => File,
  'title' => '/etc/puppetlabs/bolt/bolt-defaults.yaml',
  'desired_state' => {
    'ensure'  => 'present',
    'content' => "..."

$targets.each |$target| {

You can also combine the get_resources plan function with Target.set_resources to query resources on a target and set them on the corresponding Target objects:

$results = $targets.get_resources([Package, User])

$results.each |$result| {

The set_resources function will return an array of ResourceInstance objects, which can be used to easily examine attributes for multiple resources and perform actions based on those attributes. For example, you can iterate over an array of resources to determine which users need to have their maxium password age modified:

$results = $target.get_resources(User)

$results.each |$result| {
  $resources = $result.target.set_resources($result['resources'])

  $users = $resources.filter |$resource| { $resource.state['password_max_age'] > 90 }
                     .map |$resource| { $resource.title }

  run_task('update_password_max_age', $result.target, 'users' => $users)

Apply blocks will also return results with reports. These reports have resource data hashes that can be used to set resources on a target:

$apply_results = apply($targets) {
  File { '/etc/puppetlabs':
    ensure => present
  Package { 'openssl':
    ensure => installed

$apply_results.each |$result| {

Native SSH transport

This feature was introduced in Bolt 2.10.0.

Bolt's SSH transport uses the ruby library net-ssh, which is a pure ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. While robust, the library lacks support for some features and algorithms that are available in native SSH. When you use the native SSH transport, Bolt uses the SSH executable you've specified instead of using net-ssh. Essentially, using the native SSH transport is the same as running SSH on your command line, but with Bolt managing the connections.

To use the native SSH transport, under the config option in your inventory file, set native-ssh: true and ssh-command: <SSH COMMAND>, where <SSH COMMAND> is your native SSH executable.

For example:

  native-ssh: true
  ssh-command: 'ssh' Copied!

The value of ssh-command can be either a string or an array, and you can provide any command-line options to the command. Bolt appends Bolt-configuration settings to the command, as well as the specified target, when connecting. Not all Bolt configuration options are supported using the native SSH transport, but you can configure most options in your OpenSSH Config. See Transport configuration options for a list of supported Bolt SSH options.

Bolt transports have two main functions: executing remotely, and copying files to the remote targets. ssh-command is what configures the remote execution, and copy-command configures the copy command. The default is scp -r, and rsync is not supported at this time.

For example:

  ssh-command: 'ssh'
  copy-command: ['scp', '-r', '-F', '~/ssh-config/myconf']Copied!

Connecting with SSH configuration not supported by net-ssh

You can use the native SSH transport to connect to targets using configuration that isn't supported by the Ruby net-ssh library. Configure the settings for the transport in your inventory file, or use your local SSH config.

Using an inventory file to specify SSH configuration

To encrypt SSH connections using the unsupported algorithm chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com, add the SSH command and cypher option to your inventory file:

# inventory.yaml
      - 'ssh'
      - '-o Ciphers=chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com'Copied!

Using ~/.ssh/config to specify SSH configuration

To encrypt SSH connections using the unsupported algorithm chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com:

  1. Store the following config in your SSH config at ~/.ssh/config as:

  2. In your inventory file, configure Bolt to use the SSH shell command:

    # inventory.yaml
        ssh-command: 'ssh'Copied!

Note: While some OpenSSH config options are supported in net-ssh, such as Ciphers, the specific algorithms you want to use might not be supported and you will still need to use the ssh-command option to shell out to SSH. See the net-ssh README for a list of supported algorithms.