BoltSpec reference



The BoltSpec helper library includes several functions to help write unit tests for plans. For more information about writing unit tests for plans, and how to use these functions, see Testing plans.

Execution modes

Plans often execute sub-plans with the run_plan function to build complex workflows. When testing a plan with sub-plans, it might be helpful to execute the sub-plans without needing to separately stub or mock each one. To support this, BoltSpec offers two different execution modes:


Default mode. When running in this mode, BoltSpec runs any plan invoked with therun_plan function as long as that plan is not stubbed or mocked. If a plan is stubbed or mocked while running in this mode, BoltSpec honors the stub or mock and does not execute the plan.

it 'executes a task' do

  # Test code . . .


If a test is run in execute_no_plan mode, BoltSpec does not run any plan that is invoked with the run_plan function. If BoltSpec encounters a run_plan function and it is not stubbed or mocked, the test fails. This mode is useful for ensuring that your plan is not running any unexpected sub-plans. Test authors should stub or mock all sub-plans that might be invoked during a test.

it 'executes a task' do

  # Test code . . .


Mocks serve two purposes when you are writing tests for your plans: they allow assertions about plan functions invoked during a plan run and also allow you to set their return values. For example, you might use a mock to make an assertion that the run_task function is invoked exactly one time during a test and have the mocked function return { 'stdout' => 'Task was successful!' }.


The expect_command function mocks the run_command function. It accepts a single parameter: a command.


The expect_command function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the command is not run exactly number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the command is run.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the command must be run on. The test fails if the command is not run on the list of targets.

    expect_command('whoami').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that must be passed to the run_command function. The test fails if the command is not run with the set of options.

    expect_command('whoami').with_params({ '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the command is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object. Only accepts stderr and stdout keys.

    expect_command('whoami').always_return({ 'stdout' => 'BoltyMcBoltface' })Copied!
  • return_for_targets(targets_to_values)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the command is run. Accepts a hash of key-value pairs where each key is a target and the value is the value for that target's Result. Values can only have stderr and stdout keys.

      'target1' => { 'stdout' => 'BoltyMcBoltFace' },
      'target2' => { 'stdout' => 'Robert' },
      'target3' => { 'stdout' => 'Bobert' }
  • return(&block) { |targets, command, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the run_command function.

    expect_command('whoami').return do |targets, command, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'stdout' => 'BoltyMcBoltface' })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the command is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    expect_command('whoami').error_with('msg' => 'sh: command not found: whoami')Copied!


The expect_download function mocks the download_file function. It accepts a single parameter: the path to a remote file to download.


The expect_download function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the file is not downloaded exactly number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the file is downloaded.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the file must be downloaded from. The test fails if the file is not downloaded from the list of targets.

    expect_download('/var/log/kern.log').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that must be passed to the download_file function. The test fails if the file is not downloaded with the set of options.

    expect_download('/var/log/kern.log').with_params({ '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • with_destination(destination)

    The destination path that the file is downloaded to. The test fails if the file is not downloaded to the location.

  • return(&block) { |targets, source, destination, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the download_file function.

    expect_download('/var/log/kern.log').return do |targets, source, destination, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'path' => File.join(destination, source) })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the file is downloaded. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    expect_download('/var/log/kern.log').error_with('msg' => 'File not found')Copied!


The expect_out_message function mocks the out::message function. It does not accept parameters.


The expect_out_message function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if out::message is not invoked exactly number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if out::message is invoked.

  • with_params(params)

    The message that must be passed to the out::message function. The test fails if the function is not invoked with the message.

    expect_out_message.with_params('This is not the example you are looking for.')Copied!


The expect_out_verbose function mocks the out::verbose function. It does not accept parameters.


The expect_out_verbose function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if out::verbose is not invoked exactly number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if out::verbose is invoked.

  • with_params(params)

    The message that must be passed to the out::verbose function. The test fails if the function is not invoked with the message.

    expect_out_verbose.with_params('This is not the example you are looking for.')Copied!


The expect_plan function mocks the run_plan function. It accepts a single parameter: the name of a plan.


The expect_plan function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the plan is not run exactly number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the plan is run.

  • with_params(parameters)

    The parameters and options that must be passed to the run_plan function. The test fails if the plan is not run with the set of parameters and options.

    expect_plan('count').with_params({ 'fruit' => 'apple', '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for the PlanResult object returned by the plan. The PlanResult object returned by this modifier always has a success status.

  • return(&block) { |plan, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the PlanResult returned by the run_plan function.

    expect_plan('count').return do |plan, params|, 'success')
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the value for the PlanResult object returned by the plan. The PlanResult object returned by this modifier always has a failure status.

    expect_plan('count').error_with('Too many apples, buffer overflow!')Copied!


The expect_script function mocks the run_script function. It accepts a single parameter: the path to a script.


The expect_script function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the script is not run exactly number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the script is run.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the script must be run on. The test fails if the script is not run on the list of targets.

    expect_script('').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that must be passed to the run_script function. The test fails if the script is not run with the set of options.

    expect_script('').with_params({ 'arguments' => ['/u', 'Administrator'] })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the script is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object. Values only accept stderr and stdout keys.

    expect_script('').always_return({ 'stdout' => 'success' })Copied!
  • return_for_targets(targets_to_values)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the script is run. Accepts a hash of key-value pairs where each key is a target and the value is the value for that target's Result. Values only accept stderr and stdout keys.

      'target1' => { 'stdout' => 'success' },
      'target2' => { 'stdout' => 'failure' }
  • return(&block) { |targets, script, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the run_script function.

    expect_script('').return do |targets, script, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'stdout' => 'success' })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the script is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    expect_script('').error_with('msg' => 'sh: command not found: apt-get')Copied!


The expect_task functions mocks the run_task function. It accepts a single parameter: the name of a task.


The expect_task function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the task is not run exactly number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the task is run.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the task must be run on. The test fails if the task is not run on the list of targets.

    expect_task('pet_dog').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The parameters and options that must be passed to the run_task function. The test fails if the task is not run with the set of parameters and options.

    expect_task('pet_dog').with_params({ 'breed' => 'german shepherd' })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the task is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    expect_task('pet_dog').always_return({ 'happy' => true })Copied!
  • return_for_targets(targets_to_values)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the task is run. Accepts a hash of key-value pairs where each key is a target and the value is the value for that target's Result.

      'target1' => { 'happy' => true },
      'target2' => { 'happy' => false }
  • return(&block) { |targets, task, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the run_task function.

    expect_task('pet_dog').return do |targets, task, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'happy' => true })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the task is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    expect_task('pet_dog').error_with('msg' => 'There are no German Shepherds to pet.')Copied!


The expect_upload function mocks the upload_file function. It accepts a single parameter: the path to a local file to upload.


The expect_upload function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the file is not uploaded exactly number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the file is uploaded.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the file must be uploaded to. The test fails if the file is not uploaded to the list of targets.

    expect_upload('sshd_config').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that must be passed to the upload_file function. The test fails if the file is not uploaded with the set of options.

    expect_upload('sshd_config').with_params({ '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • with_destination(destination)

    The destination path that the file must be uploaded to. The test fails if the file is not uploaded to the location.

  • return(&block) { |targets, source, destination, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the upload_file function.

    expect_upload('sshd_config').return do |targets, source, destination, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'path' => File.join(destination, source) })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the file is uploaded. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    expect_upload('sshd_config').error_with('msg' => 'Not authorized')Copied!


Stubs serve two purposes when you are writing tests for your plans: they allow plan functions to be invoked during a plan run and also allow you to set their return values. For example, you might use a stub to allow the run_task function to be invoked any number of times during a test.


The allow_apply function stubs the apply function. It does not accept parameters or modifiers. Using the allow_apply stub only allows you to invoke the apply function in a plan.


The allow_apply_prep function stubs the apply_prep function. It does not accept parameters or modifiers. Using the allow_apply_prep stub only allows you to invoke the apply_prep function in a plan.


The allow_command function stubs the run_command function. It accepts a single parameter: a command.


The allow_command function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the command is run more than number of times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the command is run.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the command can be run on. The test fails if the command is run on a different list of targets.

    allow_command('whoami').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that can be passed to the run_command function. The test fails if the command is run with a different set of options.

    allow_command('whoami').with_params({ '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the command is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object. Only accepts stderr and stdout keys.

    allow_command('whoami').always_return({ 'stdout' => 'BoltyMcBoltface' })Copied!
  • return_for_targets(targets_to_values)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the command is run. Accepts a hash of key-value pairs where each key is a target and the value is the value for that target's Result. Values can only have stderr and stdout keys.

      'target1' => { 'stdout' => 'BoltyMcBoltFace' },
      'target2' => { 'stdout' => 'Robert' },
      'target3' => { 'stdout' => 'Bobert' }
  • return(&block) { |targets, command, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the run_command function.

    allow_command('whoami').return do |targets, command, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'stdout' => 'BoltyMcBoltface' })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the command is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_command('whoami').error_with('msg' => 'sh: command not found: whoami')Copied!


The allow_download function stubs the download_file function. It accepts a single parameter: the path to a remote file to download.


The allow_download function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the file is downloaded more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the file is downloaded.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the file can be downloaded from. The test fails if the file is downloaded from a different list of targets.

    allow_download('/var/log/kern.log').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that can be passed to the download_file function. The test fails if the file is downloaded with a different set of options.

    allow_download('/var/log/kern.log').with_params({ '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • with_destination(destination)

    The destination path that the file is downloaded to. The test fails if the file is downloaded to a different location.

  • return(&block) { |targets, source, destination, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the download_file function.

    allow_download('/var/log/kern.log').return do |targets, source, destination, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'path' => File.join(destination, source) })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the file is downloaded. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_download('/var/log/kern.log').error_with('msg' => 'File not found')Copied!


The allow_out_message function stubs the out::message function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_out_message function accepts the following stub modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if out::message is invoked more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if out::message is invoked.

  • with_params(params)

    The message that can be passed to the out::message function. The test fails if the function is invoked with a different message.

    allow_out_message.with_params('This is not the example you are looking for.')Copied!


The allow_out_verbose function stubs the out::verbose function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_out_verbose function accepts the following stub modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if out::verbose is invoked more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if out::verbose is invoked.

  • with_params(params)

    The message that can be passed to the out::verbose function. The test fails if the function is invoked with a different message.

    allow_out_verbose.with_params('This is not the example you are looking for.')Copied!


The allow_plan function stubs the run_plan function. It accepts a single parameter: the name of a plan.


The allow_plan function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the plan is run more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the plan is run.

  • with_params(parameters)

    The parameters and options that can be passed to the run_plan function. The test fails if the plan is run with a different set of parameters and options.

    allow_plan('count').with_params({ 'fruit' => 'apple', '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for the PlanResult object returned by the plan. The PlanResult object returned by this modifier always has a success status.

  • return(&block) { |plan, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the PlanResult returned by the run_plan function.

    allow_plan('count').return do |plan, params|, 'success')
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the value for the PlanResult object returned by the plan. The PlanResult object returned by this modifier always has a failure status.

    allow_plan('count').error_with('Too many apples, buffer overflow!')Copied!


The allow_script function stubs the run_script function. It accepts a single parameter: the path to a script.


The allow_script function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the script is run more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the script is run.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the script can be run on. The test fails if the script is run on a different list of targets.

    allow_script('').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that can be passed to the run_script function. The test fails if the script is run with a different set of options.

    allow_script('').with_params({ 'arguments' => ['/u', 'Administrator'] })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the script is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object. Values only accept stderr and stdout keys.

    allow_script('').always_return({ 'stdout' => 'success' })Copied!
  • return_for_targets(targets_to_values)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the script is run. Accepts a hash of key-value pairs where each key is a target and the value is the value for that target's Result. Values only accept stderr and stdout keys.

      'target1' => { 'stdout' => 'success' },
      'target2' => { 'stdout' => 'failure' }
  • return(&block) { |targets, script, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the run_script function.

    allow_script('').return do |targets, script, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'stdout' => 'success' })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the script is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_script('').error_with('msg' => 'sh: command not found: apt-get')Copied!


The allow_task function stubs the run_task function. It accepts a single parameter: the name of a task.


The allow_task function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the task is run more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the task is run.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the task can be run on. The test fails if the task is run on a different list of targets.

    allow_task('pet_dog').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The parameters and options that can be passed to the run_task function. The test fails if the task is run with a different set of parameters and options.

    allow_task('pet_dog').with_params({ 'breed' => 'german shepherd' })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the task is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_task('pet_dog').always_return({ 'happy' => true })Copied!
  • return_for_targets(targets_to_values)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when the task is run. Accepts a hash of key-value pairs where each key is a target and the value is the value for that target's Result.

      'target1' => { 'happy' => true },
      'target2' => { 'happy' => false }
  • return(&block) { |targets, task, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the run_task function.

    allow_task('pet_dog').return do |targets, task, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'happy' => true })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the task is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_task('pet_dog').error_with('msg' => 'There are no German Shepherds to pet.')Copied!


The allow_upload function stubs the upload_file function. It accepts a single parameter: the path to a local file to upload.


The allow_upload function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the file is uploaded more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if the file is uploaded.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the file can be uploaded to. The test fails if the file is uploaded to a different list of targets.

    allow_upload('sshd_config').with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that can be passed to the upload_file function. The test fails if the file is uploaded with a different set of options.

    allow_upload('sshd_config').with_params({ '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • with_destination(destination)

    The destination path that the file is uploaded to. The test fails if the file is uploaded to a different location.

  • return(&block) { |targets, source, destination, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the upload_file function.

    allow_upload('sshd_config').return do |targets, source, destination, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'path' => File.join(destination, source) })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the file is uploaded. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_upload('sshd_config').error_with('msg' => 'Not authorized')Copied!

Global stubs

Global stubs allow you to stub all related function invocations. This can be useful in larger plans. For example, allow_any_task can be used in place of invoking allow_task for each individual task. All global stub functions follow the allow_any_* naming scheme.


The allow_any_command function stubs all invocations of the run_command function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_any_command function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if any one command is run more than number of times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if any command is run.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that a command can be run on. The test fails if any command is run on a different list of targets.

    allow_any_command.with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that can be passed to the run_command function. The test fails if any command is run with a different set of options.

    allow_any_command.with_params({ '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when any command is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object. Only accepts stderr and stdout keys.

    allow_any_command.always_return({ 'stdout' => 'BoltyMcBoltface' })Copied!
  • return_for_targets(targets_to_values)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when any command is run. Accepts a hash of key-value pairs where each key is a target and the value is the value for that target's Result. Values can only have stderr and stdout keys.

      'target1' => { 'stdout' => 'BoltyMcBoltFace' },
      'target2' => { 'stdout' => 'Robert' },
      'target3' => { 'stdout' => 'Bobert' }
  • return(&block) { |targets, command, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the run_command function.

    allow_any_command.return do |targets, command, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'stdout' => 'BoltyMcBoltface' })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result for any command that is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_any_command.error_with('msg' => 'sh: command not found: whoami')Copied!


The allow_any_download function stubs all invocations of the download_file function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_any_download function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if any one file is downloaded more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if any file is downloaded.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that the file can be downloaded from. The test fails if any file is downloaded from a different list of targets.

    allow_any_download.with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that can be passed to the download_file function. The test fails if any file is downloaded with a different set of options.

    allow_any_download.with_params({ '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • with_destination(destination)

    The destination path that the file is downloaded to. The test fails if any file is downloaded to a different location.

  • return(&block) { |targets, source, destination, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the download_file function.

    allow_any_download.return do |targets, source, destination, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'path' => File.join(destination, source) })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when the file is downloaded. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_any_download.error_with('msg' => 'File not found')Copied!


The allow_any_out_message function stubs all invocations of the out::message function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_any_out_message function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if out::message is run more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if out::message is called.

  • with_params(parameters)

    The parameters that can be passed to the out::message function. The test fails if out::mesage is called with a different set of parameters.

    allow_any_out_message.with_params("hello world")Copied!


The allow_any_out_verbose function stubs all invocations of the out::verbose function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_any_out_verbose function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if out::verbose is run more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if out::verbose is called.

  • with_params(parameters)

    The parameters that can be passed to the out::verbose function. The test fails if out::verbose is called with a different set of parameters.

    allow_any_out_verbose.with_params("hello world")Copied!


The allow_any_plan function stubs all invocations of the run_plan function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_any_plan function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if any plan is run more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if any plan is run.

  • with_params(parameters)

    The parameters and options that can be passed to the run_plan function. The test fails if any plan is run with a different set of parameters and options.

    allow_any_plan.with_params({ 'fruit' => 'apple', '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for the PlanResult object returned by every plan. The PlanResult object returned by this modifier always has a success status.

  • return(&block) { |plan, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the PlanResult returned by the run_plan function.

    allow_any_plan.return do |plan, params|, 'success')
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the value for the PlanResult object returned by each plan. The PlanResult object returned by this modifier always has a failure status.

    allow_any_plan.error_with('Too many apples, buffer overflow!')Copied!


The allow_script function stubs all invocations of the run_script function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_any_script function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if any one script is run more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if any script is run.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that a script can be run on. The test fails if any script is run on a different list of targets.

    allow_any_script.with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that can be passed to the run_script function. The test fails if any script is run with a different set of options.

    allow_any_script.with_params({ 'arguments' => ['/u', 'Administrator'] })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when any script is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object. Values only accept stderr and stdout keys.

    allow_any_script.always_return({ 'stdout' => 'success' })Copied!
  • return_for_targets(targets_to_values)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when any script is run. Accepts a hash of key-value pairs where each key is a target and the value is the value for that target's Result. Values only accept stderr and stdout keys.

      'target1' => { 'stdout' => 'success' },
      'target2' => { 'stdout' => 'failure' }
  • return(&block) { |targets, script, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the run_script function.

    allow_any_script.return do |targets, script, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'stdout' => 'success' })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when any script is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_any_script.error_with('msg' => 'sh: command not found: apt-get')Copied!


The allow_any_task function stubs the run_task function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_any_task function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if the any one task is run more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if any task is run.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that a task can be run on. The test fails if any task is run on a different list of targets.

    allow_any_task.with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The parameters and options that can be passed to the run_task function. The test fails if any task is run with a different set of parameters and options.

    allow_any_task.with_params({ 'breed' => 'german shepherd' })Copied!
  • always_return(value)

    Sets the value for each target's Result for any task that is run. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_any_task.always_return({ 'happy' => true })Copied!
  • return_for_targets(targets_to_values)

    Sets the value for each target's Result when any task is run. Accepts a hash of key-value pairs where each key is a target and the value is the value for that target's Result.

      'target1' => { 'happy' => true },
      'target2' => { 'happy' => false }
  • return(&block) { |targets, task, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the run_task function.

    allow_any_task.return do |targets, task, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'happy' => true })


The allow_any_upload function stubs any invocation of the upload_file function. It does not accept parameters.


The allow_any_upload function accepts the following modifiers:

  • be_called_times(number)

    The test fails if any one file is uploaded more than number times.

  • not_be_called

    The test fails if any file is uploaded.

  • with_targets(targets)

    The target or list of targets that a file can be uploaded to. The test fails if any file is uploaded to a different list of targets.

    allow_any_upload.with_targets(['target1', 'target2', 'target3'])Copied!
  • with_params(parameters)

    The options that can be passed to the upload_file function. The test fails if any file is uploaded with a different set of options.

    allow_any_upload.with_params({ '_run_as' => 'root' })Copied!
  • with_destination(destination)

    The destination path that a file is uploaded to. The test fails if any file is uploaded to a different location.

  • return(&block) { |targets, source, destination, params| ... }

    Invokes a block to construct the ResultSet returned by the upload_file function.

    allow_any_upload.return do |targets, source, destination, params|
      results = do |target|, value: { 'path' => File.join(destination, source) })
  • error_with(error)

    Sets the error hash for each target's Result when any file is uploaded. Returns a Bolt::ResultSet object.

    allow_any_upload.error_with('msg' => 'Not authorized')Copied!

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